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The best use of Waterboy is when you'd like to have your Hero Power to become a "Card Played", "Minion Summoned" effect trigger.
Waterboy effectively makes a rogue add their hero power to a card they would play for 2 mana before a combo card. Let's say there's a 3 health minion you want to remove quick, Waterboy + SI:7 Agent + Dagger hit does the trick.
Depending on the class this card is can be:
As you can see, most of its possible effects are worse versions of already mediocre cards. And in the cases where the base card is good, it's because it costs one mana instead of two (Librarian and First Mate). That's without considering that all these cards let you use your Hero Power on top of their effect.
So yeah, this card is pretty bad. Should've been a 2/2 to be fair, IMO.
This will be a pretty cool card in zoolock.
When Keleseth rotates, this is just Kobold Librarian 3 and 4.
u/WaterGuy12 would love this.
Shudderwater meta incoming.
They'd just switch to Hagatha.
Momma said "Hearthstone is the Devil".
What was they saying about it on stream? Good to sneak a hero power, free 2/1.... All I know it will be another zoolock minion...
i hope the voice actor has a Bostonian accent
I'm just straight up picturing Adam Sandler voicing this little dude... XD
Fencing Coach didn't see play when inspire was sort of a thing. This new card is costed better, but the effect is actually significantly worse, as front loading mana actually allows for more combos.
Why would you build your deck around a 2 drop that isn't Keleseth?
momma says that alligators are ornery because they got all them teeth
and no toothbrush
i feel like we're still missing some context here, otherwise this is just kinda of pointless.
Shadowreaper Anduin says hi
This is basically a free* 2/1 with nice synergy possibilities!
*well, 1 mana 2/1 if you're running Genn Greymane.
it doesn't refresh hero power bro
When you use your hero power once it's cost goes back to 2 mana, so I think this combo wouldn't work. Because the text reads as in only your next hero power not next hero powers.