The Basic Totems
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Allahu-Kir is comming for ya boyz!
Oh, come on! This might be one of the best cards revealed. Everybody who says "just play thalnos instead" doesn't take into account that this makes 2 bodies in shaman, which can be used to trade with 3 and 2 damage next turn. It also makes totem (for totem synergy). And have very good flexibility for just 2 mana.
Voting Very Good.
Every animation with a Kobold in it is instant WIN. This might be my favorite expansion so far for the illustrations.
This card is nuts in early, it gives you a good option and more cheaper than using hp i really like this idea for a cheap card.
I like how Blizzard made two cards that are "power creeps" of the Hero Powers. Difference is, I would reserve a deck slot for Kobold Librarian than I would for Kobold Hermit any day. It's still an interesting card. I welcome anybody to pull off this wild and crazy idea that Windshear Stormcaller has to offer.
Best of the three reveals for Shaman today.
Anyone whose spent a bit of time with Shaman has run into a couple of situations where you NEED that ONE totem in order to win; healing to get your guys out of AOE, Spell Power to kill things, Taunt to survive, or..... just not getting the 1/1.
The ability to not only choose which totem you get, but also directly set up FLametongue totem is very, very good. This isn't the card that'll win you a game in a flashy manner. This is the card that ensures you have what you need to do that with something else.
So it's a 2 mana Searing Totem that may also summon a Searing Totem...
You realise you get to choose the totem, right? So it's basically a 2 mana 1/3 that has Taunt, or Spell Damage, or heal your minions depending on what you need at that point in time. We know from Druid Choose One effects that flexibility is very, very powerful in this game.
Convinced this should have been a 2/1.
This is very bad. It's almost like playing a hero power in your deck.
it's paladin and justikar shaman HP in one card. People already played spellpower kobold, and this is better imho.
Tuskarr totemic is crying
Yes and no.
I actually like this little guy; 2 mana for a 1/1 and a basic totem isn't spectacular (post nerf Tuskarr Totemic is dead after all) but the ability to choose is where the power lies; it is a 1/3 with either Taunt, Spell damage +1 or "At the end of your turn, restore 1 health to all friendly minions" depending on what the situation calls for; with no concerns for variance, AND it also gets the full buff from Flametongue Totem.
Now all we need is for it to spawn kobold-made candle totems. DON'T RUIN THIS BLIZZARD.
I was so hyped that I accidentally rated it very good
Well, you could just play Bloodmage Thalnos or Tainted Zealot
If it spawns copies, that might be pretty funny in some kind of spell burst shaman, niche card though.
a better turn 2 than using your hero power. also combos well with spirit claw.
Your hero power doesn't waste a card from your deck.