Damn, this card sucks so much that even when your opponent plays Servant of Yogg-Saron and its battlecry casts this, it doesnt give u the mana crystal, if it didnt buff a demon first, hahaha, wording at its finest :P
The difference is, those are unusable for you, while this is unusable only for your opponent. 2 mana +3/+3 is totally nuts and very relevant even in mid-late game, while the drawback only matters when played in early game.
I'm not saying that this is a good card though, just that your point is inaccurate. The drawback is pretty big in the early game.
i woudldn't play this all day :) and how come Sacrificial Pact which says " destory a demon" works on lord jaraxxus , while this card's +3/+3 doesn't work?
Damn, this card sucks so much that even when your opponent plays Servant of Yogg-Saron and its battlecry casts this, it doesnt give u the mana crystal, if it didnt buff a demon first, hahaha, wording at its finest :P
Oh thanks I needed 1 mana to smorc you with leeroy next turn
This is how we make this card better.
Well, that makes it great at climbing from rank 1 to 20 quite fast. :)
Fun card.
Early game you can scare your opponent, late game there is no down side.
Yesterday I was fighting a priest. I kept Demonfuse in my hand and he used Mind Vision :)
Demonfuse can not be used against you like Demonfire and Demonheart (both state 'friendly' Demon).
Anyway, later in this game the priest did cast Demonfuse and also Shadow Word: Death so he found a way :)
The difference is, those are unusable for you, while this is unusable only for your opponent. 2 mana +3/+3 is totally nuts and very relevant even in mid-late game, while the drawback only matters when played in early game.
I'm not saying that this is a good card though, just that your point is inaccurate. The drawback is pretty big in the early game.
i like golden animation
Are you pensaer's son?
this card is actually really good
if you get turn one flame imp and turn 2 this card you just win the game
It is even better when you opponent plays a turn 3 Polymorph. That is the best part.
apparently you can draw Demonfuse via Sense Demons

i think this card is going to shine the most when tgt is out
lol did u say smth?
Surprise! It sucks!
In a world where Demonfire is not used,I can't see how this card should work. Maybe i'm wrong...
You were not wrong.
"This cannot buff Lord Jaraxxus the Hero"
i woudldn't play this all day :) and how come Sacrificial Pact which says " destory a demon" works on lord jaraxxus , while this card's +3/+3 doesn't work?
Sacrificial Pact's interaction with Lord Jaraxxus is causing confusion in that way; the devs are considering removing the Sacrificial Pact interaction for the sake of consistency. Source
Please, check your facts, thanks.