Card Text
Swap this for a card in your opponent's deck.
Flavor Text
Time to engage in some unfriendly negotiations.
Swap this for a card in your opponent's deck.
Time to engage in some unfriendly negotiations.
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"Swap this for a Mecha'thun in your opponent's deck."
one in 30 chance to make your opponent quit.
Good luck with the achievement...
Rogue has a lot of interesting ways to disrupt their opponent and copy their cards, but there isn't a lot of ways to bring it all together.
At least with burgle stuff before, you had a big payoff in Tess Greymane, though she wasn't always a good payoff depending on what you burgled and the order they are played again.
Maybe some more "if you're holding another class card" or similar stuff would make these cards more valuable for pushing some sort of win condition.
Folks worried about this card breaking combos in a meta sporting Dirty Rat, Oh My Yogg, or any of the the other cards that accomplish the same task.
This has zero chance of quest killing, so while a decent card, I doubt it will shape the meta for Rogue.
A 1 mana card that turns into something valuable is always gonna be pretty decent, and this doubles as a combo activator. So I think there's potential but is mostly just a fun card.
Actually stolen from Legends of Runeterra :D
So the card goes into their deck, for them to potentially draw and trade back to you? That's neat. It's vaguely low chance combo disruption.
Love the design. Why didn't they print some of these a lot earlier? :)
Would deck tracker be able to tell you which card was swapped out of your deck?
I haven’t seen it being played but i’m assuming the card itself will show you what gets swapped out in game.
Good point, didn't even think of that. Mischief Maker would be a good way to know for sure if they stay hidden, but got mixed results on a Google search.
The theme of the card does make more sense if you know what you are "trading" for
I'm fairly certain this is a ripoff of the theme in the first Pirates of the Caribbean, especially with the pronunciation implied by the misspelling.
this card should be for priest
Nah it fits Rogue better. Rogues are about thievery after all
Very broken!! This type of card destroys combo decks!! (Can you imagine switching to a Shudderwock or Shadowreaper Anduin)
Course it has to actually swap the key combo card, which isn't guaranteed since it's random.
Never mind... there is such a possibility then Shudderwock decks died!
Back and forth it goes.