Tiny Knight of Evil
Card Text
Whenever you discard a card, gain +2/+1.
Flavor Text
"No, no, no. I asked for a tiny JESTER of evil."
Card Sounds
Whenever you discard a card, gain +2/+1.
"No, no, no. I asked for a tiny JESTER of evil."
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Be careful who you bully in high school.
even though he's evil, he's still adorable.
I played against a discard lock today and he was out of cards on turn 10 and I still had 22 cards left in my deck, because of Prince Malchezaar. My opponent had 7 health left and some minions on the board. 1 of them was Tiny Knight of Evil.
I top decked Iron Juggernaut and when my opponent drew the Burrowing Mine, his Tiny Knight of Evil got +1/+1.
I was surprised when I found out it works with Burrowing Mine.
It's so cute :)
Astral Communion.
It's a druid card and Tiny Knight of Evil is a Warlock card...
I got this in a hunter deck today. It doesnt trigger off of "Tracking" even though it says two cards are discarded.
Tracking doesn't count as drawing either, it counts as selecting one of the three cards, so drawing synergy and discarding synergy do not work with tracking.
I like the flavor, entrance sound, art, golden animation.
I don't like that it's weak.
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So is drought warlock going to become a thing? I'd love to see a totally new and unique archetype brought into the game
Goddamnit. This one could have been a 1-drop. 1-drops have very limited design space and this effect can be tacked onto a 1-drop easily. Why make it the same cost as Succubus? To dent the synergy further? Discard warlock is just clunky.
1 drop = rip flame imp
I'm assuming he meant that to have the same effect on a 1 drop, but not necessarily 3/2. 1 mana 2/1 with this effect would be fine.
It's +2/+2, the two Discarded cards are treated separately. Doomguard will also cause two cards to be drawn if Malchezaar's Imp is on the board.
I'm assuming this does not work with Fel Reaver since it has been mentioned that Fist of Jaraxxus does not get trigger on Mill.
Not to mention that Fel Reaver's text was actually changed to say "remove" instead of "discard" so there's absolutely no reason to think there's any discarding going on there.
this was posted in 2015, Kel'thuzad was made in 2014, Kelthuzad is graveyard.