Kvaldir Raider
Card Text
Inspire: Gain +2/+2.
Flavor Text
Coming soon... to a tuskarr village near you!
Card Sounds
Inspire: Gain +2/+2.
Coming soon... to a tuskarr village near you!
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I guess this card is INSPIRED by Floating Watcher
Can get some big minions on the board with this and Holy Champion for a Priest. One of the combos I like to play in that class.
so i guess this guy enjoys reading.
This and Mukla's Champion are insane in Arena. Raider grants you insane trades if not dealt with soon enough and Mukla's Champ is insanely strong with Paladin , Shaman or if you have a deck with a lot of token cards. In my last two arena runs i had these dudes , 2 of Mukla's Champ and got 12 and 8 wins!
This is literally my response to one of my Floating Watcher's being destroyed when in battle lol.
This card is actually really solid in arena.
I bet it would be pretty sick in a Shaman deck. Totem, totem totem, Kvaldir get swole!
I say this borders imbalanced. With warlock, Floating Watcher was kinda balanced due to necessity for the warlock to take damage for the Watcher to trigger his "YES!". Here, with EVERY other class, you do something useful, don't harm yourself and still get our "Watcher 2.0" to grow. And indeed, should this be unanswered in arena, it's a win condition. And a common, which makes it even stronger there.
You forget that:
1-Floating Watcher can be triggered several times per turn with card like Flame Imp or Mad Bomber.
2- Despite damaging yourself, Warlock's hero power is usually considered the best by most people and his most popular decks are heavily reliant on using it a lot (like Zoo or Hand)
Big fan of this card, hope he sees some play. He's creepy though.
You guys aren't thinking of this correctly. This card is going to be very good, and Floating Watcher is going to become better. Hero powers used to be tempo losses or inefficient uses of mana at least. That's all changing now Floating Watcher was already solid because on turn 7, you get a 6/6 and draw a card, although you take two damage. Now imagine that you also reduced the cost of that hero power, or have another minion that gets buffed by using it.
kill it before it grows!
That card will surely see some play
Strictly better Floating Watcher in Non-Warlock decks.
floating watcher is actually better for warlocks cz any damage would do. but yeah, it is like a floating watcher for non warlocks
That's debatable. I'm sure warlock players would rather have other demons thrown out most of the time than Floating Watcher by voidcaller and with this raider guy you wouldn't have to worry about that gamble.
i don't think much warlock decks might steal want to damage themselves out of the hero power with the TGT pack. a lot of demons and only 1 brings damage to yourself. floating watcher is good in warlock becasue it is a demon but as a 5 cost i see it being replaced more often than not now. this card might squeeze its way in if we see more justicar truehearts in warlock.