Coilskar Commander
Card Text
Taunt. Battlecry: If you've
cast three spells while
holding this, summon two
copies of this.@ ({0} left!)@ (Ready!)
Flavor Text
Then thou shalt count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out.
Mistermath's Card Ratings for Voyage to the Sunken City:
It's become very apparent in the first few days of the new set that casting multiple spells is just not really a requirement outside of anything but the most low-to-the-ground of aggro decks. Thus, this is really just three Stegodons for 6 mana, which is great. The only thing that can bar this from seeing play is if the rest of the midrange/combo demon hunter cards are bad - which, at time of posting, seems to be the case.
stat line sucks
6mana 6/18 notbad
This seems like a natural fit into Fel DH.
Absolutly not this card is more for an based board minions i will say,witch Fel DH doesn't care what Fel FH make him strong is cause of cheap removal like felscream blast and immolation aura with talented arcanist and even more on Jace after,this card is good but won't achieve anything and need to many set up cause most of fel spells are kept for using it on Aldrachi blades to lifesteal your not wasting them like that,it just will be in a naga sort DH deck to me,Fel DH after expansion gonna be hurt a lot cause Jace will not clean anymore while giving a huge swing attack on hero,like after it would be only Chaos Nova on clearing aoe fell spell but most of 5 drop are 5 hp's not 4 hp ,paying 5 mana deal 4 to all is bad... they need to buff Chaos Nova or DH gonna be crushed on wilds board especially after maghteridon gone too...
But consider how having this in hand while playing a bunch of Fel spells would benefit the deck. Most of which are pretty cheap and can make for an easy play on turn 5-6.
Yeah for sure i aggree cheap fel spell are a good way too but it's just too bad that theyr have not out like a cheap spell for DH who give like +2/+2 to a naga in your hand having 3 2/6 is good but will be even more good if you can buff them them before,cause it's a copy summon ,even more stronger, they come like pretty much late,turn 6 is a little bit slow for are actual meta but we will see if the meta will become slower or even more faster...