Ini Stormcoil
Card Text
Battlecry: Choose a friendly
Mech. Summon a copy of it
with Rush, Windfury, and
Divine Shield.
Flavor Text
Before setting her sights on exploration, Ini was known for many inventions, such as the airborne breadmaking dirigible, the hypersprocket 200X zoom binoculars, and jobes (jean robes).
Hi. How do I get this card?
Mistermath's Card Ratings for Voyage to the Sunken City:
Faceless Manipulator with upside - serious upside - in a mech deck. This is also comparable to Faceless Corruptor, which was extremely good even after the nerf. The card is simply very strong, albeit conditionally, but strong nonethless.
Ahhh, yea! I'm inventing already..
This Card Looks insane. Pala will Love IT.