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The Great Dark Beyond Cards List & Guide
If my opponent is playing basic cards I concede. No fun in slaughtering New players .
Just be aware Ancient of War won't be resummoned. Decks like this will slow aggro down. Not sure how well it will go against control though.
Control Hunter closer with psuedo card draw and a "better" hero power, but midrange will be a beast. :p
Also getaway kodo
Use them shield slams early boys. This is a "run one of" card isn't it?
My second thought also. Two of my most hated decks to play against have been terminated.
Card is not good enough. Too many cards needed for a decent buff.
This is what I want to know also.
Does this card count as casting a spell on your minions?
If it can't attack after being revived then it is terrible. Although if it could attack after being revived it would be busted.
Incorrect. MSOG will rotate out 12 months before Un'goro.
Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound pulls a card after your turn ends so it doesn't work.
I like the way Snrub thinks though.
I think you could swap 3 or 4 taunts for more C'Thun buffs or maybe 2 x armoursmiths. Elise and King Mosh I would swap for card draw. You will need to get the quest or C'thun out quick.
Had a mess around with this deck just getting some gold together for fun, and I had more success playing Renounce Darkness early instead of late.
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If my opponent is playing basic cards I concede. No fun in slaughtering New players .
Just be aware Ancient of War won't be resummoned. Decks like this will slow aggro down. Not sure how well it will go against control though.
Control Hunter closer with psuedo card draw and a "better" hero power, but midrange will be a beast. :p
Also getaway kodo
Use them shield slams early boys. This is a "run one of" card isn't it?
My second thought also. Two of my most hated decks to play against have been terminated.
Card is not good enough. Too many cards needed for a decent buff.
This is what I want to know also.
Does this card count as casting a spell on your minions?
If it can't attack after being revived then it is terrible. Although if it could attack after being revived it would be busted.
Incorrect. MSOG will rotate out 12 months before Un'goro.
Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound pulls a card after your turn ends so it doesn't work.
I like the way Snrub thinks though.
I think you could swap 3 or 4 taunts for more C'Thun buffs or maybe 2 x armoursmiths. Elise and King Mosh I would swap for card draw. You will need to get the quest or C'thun out quick.
Had a mess around with this deck just getting some gold together for fun, and I had more success playing Renounce Darkness early instead of late.