Am I the only one who is kinda done with the cards that have 'flip a coin to see if you get either the worst or the best x-mana minion, which will decide if you win or lose the game'
- up_dog69
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user-22965245 posted a message on Oakheart Armor/Control WarriorPosted in: Oakheart Armor/Control WarriorYou guys are unbelievable - 4chan were right. If you make a fake deck, slap some fake winrates on it and a streamers name - everyone on here will netdeck it and waste their dust. That is exactly what is going on here. Some people are even making vods on it with titles like KOLENTOS GEOSCULPTOR WARRIOR. so naive
TacoCabana posted a message on Kobolds Oaken ControlPosted in: Kobolds Oaken ControlWhy include Master Oakheart if you don't have a 3-cost minion?
sonicthenanobot posted a message on New Card Revealed: Skulking GeistPosted in: NewsMeanwhile in wild.... Rip Mysterious Challenger
NemeSisWiberg posted a message on The Last KaleidosaurPosted in: The Last KaleidosaurDoes Smuggler's Run count as a buff for this quest?
HungryWolf posted a message on Servant of Yogg-SaronPosted in: Servant of Yogg-SaronYes because it says casts a spell
Fluxflashor posted a message on Can't filter chargePosted in: Site Feedback & SupportI do see it working on Chimera's link. If there's a certain filter setup you're using and it isn't working, please link us the url so we can check it out. Remember that if you want to search card text, you have to enable the checkbox for it.
Chimera posted a message on Can't filter chargePosted in: Site Feedback & SupportWhat do you mean? Try this -
Crackpie posted a message on Standard Casino MagePosted in: Standard Casino Magewho cares, if you have ghost, you have everything ;)
KlusaSan posted a message on GOLDEN MIST-RENO SHAMANPosted in: GOLDEN MIST-RENO SHAMANnice to hear, after 100 changes this seems to be a pretty good version now. I actually never lose vs. any Aggro Decks, the biggest challenges so far were the Control Priests and Tempo Mages, when they have a perfect draw :)
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If my opponent is playing basic cards I concede. No fun in slaughtering New players .
Just be aware Ancient of War won't be resummoned. Decks like this will slow aggro down. Not sure how well it will go against control though.
Use them shield slams early boys. This is a "run one of" card isn't it?
My second thought also. Two of my most hated decks to play against have been terminated.
Don't forget shaman "evolving" your minions. Little bit random.
Card is not good enough. Too many cards needed for a decent buff.
Incorrect. MSOG will rotate out 12 months before Un'goro.
Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound pulls a card after your turn ends so it doesn't work.
I like the way Snrub thinks though.
Just asked this question on the Servant of Yogg-Saron page.