I was worried the nerfs would reduce warlocks playrate in wild. Fortunately they didn't so I can keep farming them
You're farming them with what?
From D5 to legend, besides mirror losses. I just lost to 1 Shadow priest and 2 Quest Hunter.
Man, I really want to one day see proof of this. Everyone on this forum claims they're high legend with 94% winrate constantly. But no one ever posts game records.
Did I claim high legend or 94%wr? Nope! And I'm just a casual that enjoy wild.
Just asked the guy a legit question, because the only real counter to questlock it's actually the mirror or the clunky tax DH
I farmed them with Shadow aggro Priest and just reached legend beating 3 warlocks in row. The decks I faced in diamond 1 and 2 was changed bit though and I lost to a few warlocks because they teched in defile which I didn't face at all climbing from bronze 10 to diamond 3.
I don't keep track of my games, so I can't post any winrate against warlock but I won the far majority of my games against them.
I like how this thread is a "I hate mage" post but ends up being a love post for deck of lunacy. LowsodiumMage I guess
Well, in the title of the thread he's asking if people hate mage. That's an open invitation for people to, you know, answer the question. Given that Deck of Lunacy is the most random card mage has, it's obviously relevant.
Currently, spell mage is only somewhat random: Primordial Studies and Font of Power are only quasi-random, given their limited card pool. The only truly random cards are Netherwind Portal and Apexis Blast. So you're really only talking about 3-4 cards out of a deck of 30.
As for Deck of Lunacy, it is a complete random-fest. I play that deck periodically, usually when I just feel like seeing what craziness it'll give me. Some games I utterly wipe the floor with my opponent, but many more are a bloodbath the other direction: I get a bunch of garbage spells that are utterly unusable but which clog my hand. In my view, it's not a serious ladder deck: it's just goofy.
I think you misunderstood me.. I genuinely liked that it wasn't a salt thread but instead people praised a crazy card.
My god you guys are so toxic.. The op is being respectful and reasonable, says things like "it SEEMS problematic TO ME", can't you just tell him why you think he's wrong ?
It is indeed rather bemusing how many people seem to be losing their collective minds over the fact that I am personally concerned about a particular card and its interactions and that this was merely my opinion and certainly not written as being "hard fact". Lol I didn't realise people valued my opinions so highly around here! ;-) I'm probably flattered. Or something! Ahem! One person even raged about why I thought the card was "broken", even though it explicitly states I didn't think that, in the OP. I mean, the guy could at least read the post before randomly spitting his dummy out? Lol!
Ah well! :-D
Welcome to the internet!
OT: This will hardly be problematic. Hearthstone has had single cards that does the same but better (e.g. Dirty Rat and Gnomeferatu) and they did not break the game. Besides, Hearthstone has seen a lot of aggro decks lately and this would be a horrible combo to use against such decks.
Maybe if very specific combo decks becomes a thing but then you would probably just use Ticktatus instead. One mana less and he destroys 5 cards.
Agreed. Let me just reiterate though :- (for the sake of other people who may choose to misinterpret what I am saying once more) 1. I do not think this breaks the game. 2. I do not think this card is "broken". 3. I do not think this card will break / kill the meta, or anything to that effect. 4. I do not think this card is any use against aggro decks (seriously, why do people keep getting hung up on aggro decks here? Aggro decks have their own big counters to deal with). Not to mention that this can be a HUGEbenefit to a good tempo deck that stalls your opponent's ability to keep up. 5. There is really nothing wrong with speculation on new cards and mechanics. I mean, people laughed at cards like Tickatus and Carnival Clown etc and look what happened there! ;-)
I do, however, think - in my humble opinion - that this card is likely to cause problems for any decks which rely on specific minions to achieve their win condition. Mozaki, Yogg, Mallygoose, etc etc. It doesn't even require the Brewmaster to be that problem. If you can stall a combo deck by even one turn, it can be enough to win. Tickatus is also a problem for these decks. As are any cards that allow removal from hand / deck. Once again, though - I don't believe any of these cards are broken or ruin the game or anything to that effect.
Is Tickatus better at removing cards from your opponent's deck? Yes, of course. Is he better at forcing the opponent to discard a card he had been holding onto to complete his OTK kill? Definitely not. In fact, he's useless at that point.
It was not my intention to say you think the combo breaks the game - though I can see I frased it that way. It is still very RNG dependent and not a reliable way to remove a specific card. Say you want to target Malygos and the opponent has 8 cards in his hand. You are spending 7 mana for a 1/8 chance to disrupt his win condition. Otherwise you might just remove a random survivel tool or a burn spell that might not save you. Combo decks usually draw a lot of cards and have big hands. The only deck I can think that consistenly would be fucked by this combo is mechathun priest.
And not all combo decks keep their finishers in their opening hand. If I were to survive an aggressive meta I would keep Malygos and other high end finishers out of my hand because they are a terrible draw in the early game - I'd rather draw cards or keep removal to survive. Thus, a card like Ticktatus moves between 5 and 15 cards from your opponents deck. That is a lot better and a lot more consistent. Because you might not remove Malygos but removing 3 or 4 burst spells? That sucks.
Just a minor correction: in the situation you laid out, you do not have a 1/8 chance of discarding Malygos. Felsoul Jailer targets minions, not cards. So if your opponent only has a bunch of damage spells plus Malygos in hand, this card will hit its intended target.
That doesn't mean the card or combo will be a problem or even a particularly good play, but it would be more effective/ useful than if it merely discarded random cards rather than minions.
Cheers! I read the card as "discard a card" :-) I does make it better though but not consistent.
My god you guys are so toxic.. The op is being respectful and reasonable, says things like "it SEEMS problematic TO ME", can't you just tell him why you think he's wrong ?
It is indeed rather bemusing how many people seem to be losing their collective minds over the fact that I am personally concerned about a particular card and its interactions and that this was merely my opinion and certainly not written as being "hard fact". Lol I didn't realise people valued my opinions so highly around here! ;-) I'm probably flattered. Or something! Ahem! One person even raged about why I thought the card was "broken", even though it explicitly states I didn't think that, in the OP. I mean, the guy could at least read the post before randomly spitting his dummy out? Lol!
Ah well! :-D
Welcome to the internet!
OT: This will hardly be problematic. Hearthstone has had single cards that does the same but better (e.g. Dirty Rat and Gnomeferatu) and they did not break the game. Besides, Hearthstone has seen a lot of aggro decks lately and this would be a horrible combo to use against such decks.
Maybe if very specific combo decks becomes a thing but then you would probably just use Ticktatus instead. One mana less and he destroys 5 cards.
Agreed. Let me just reiterate though :- (for the sake of other people who may choose to misinterpret what I am saying once more) 1. I do not think this breaks the game. 2. I do not think this card is "broken". 3. I do not think this card will break / kill the meta, or anything to that effect. 4. I do not think this card is any use against aggro decks (seriously, why do people keep getting hung up on aggro decks here? Aggro decks have their own big counters to deal with). Not to mention that this can be a HUGEbenefit to a good tempo deck that stalls your opponent's ability to keep up. 5. There is really nothing wrong with speculation on new cards and mechanics. I mean, people laughed at cards like Tickatus and Carnival Clown etc and look what happened there! ;-)
I do, however, think - in my humble opinion - that this card is likely to cause problems for any decks which rely on specific minions to achieve their win condition. Mozaki, Yogg, Mallygoose, etc etc. It doesn't even require the Brewmaster to be that problem. If you can stall a combo deck by even one turn, it can be enough to win. Tickatus is also a problem for these decks. As are any cards that allow removal from hand / deck. Once again, though - I don't believe any of these cards are broken or ruin the game or anything to that effect.
Is Tickatus better at removing cards from your opponent's deck? Yes, of course. Is he better at forcing the opponent to discard a card he had been holding onto to complete his OTK kill? Definitely not. In fact, he's useless at that point.
It was not my intention to say you think the combo breaks the game - though I can see I frased it that way. It is still very RNG dependent and not a reliable way to remove a specific card. Say you want to target Malygos and the opponent has 8 cards in his hand. You are spending 7 mana for a 1/8 chance to disrupt his win condition. Otherwise you might just remove a random survivel tool or a burn spell that might not save you. Combo decks usually draw a lot of cards and have big hands. The only deck I can think that consistenly would be fucked by this combo is mechathun priest.
And not all combo decks keep their finishers in their opening hand. If I were to survive an aggressive meta I would keep Malygos and other high end finishers out of my hand because they are a terrible draw in the early game - I'd rather draw cards or keep removal to survive. Thus, a card like Ticktatus moves between 5 and 15 cards from your opponents deck. That is a lot better and a lot more consistent. Because you might not remove Malygos but removing 3 or 4 burst spells? That sucks.
My god you guys are so toxic.. The op is being respectful and reasonable, says things like "it SEEMS problematic TO ME", can't you just tell him why you think he's wrong ?
It is indeed rather bemusing how many people seem to be losing their collective minds over the fact that I am personally concerned about a particular card and its interactions and that this was merely my opinion and certainly not written as being "hard fact". Lol I didn't realise people valued my opinions so highly around here! ;-) I'm probably flattered. Or something! Ahem! One person even raged about why I thought the card was "broken", even though it explicitly states I didn't think that, in the OP. I mean, the guy could at least read the post before randomly spitting his dummy out? Lol!
Ah well! :-D
Welcome to the internet!
OT: This will hardly be problematic. Hearthstone has had single cards that does the same but better (e.g. Dirty Rat and Gnomeferatu) and they did not break the game. Besides, Hearthstone has seen a lot of aggro decks lately and this would be a horrible combo to use against such decks.
Maybe if very specific combo decks becomes a thing but then you would probably just use Ticktatus instead. One mana less and he destroys 5 cards.
lol bli$$ard just recycling old cinematics now with voiceovers! they don't put in any effort anymore and instead they release demon hunter. Í want more packs.
I hope they increase the animation speed of Wretched Tiller. Climbing takes way too long because of the slow animation, and I have to watch him deal negative 30 damage as well. Come on Blizzard!
OP is a toxic player. Good for you.
I farmed them with Shadow aggro Priest and just reached legend beating 3 warlocks in row. The decks I faced in diamond 1 and 2 was changed bit though and I lost to a few warlocks because they teched in defile which I didn't face at all climbing from bronze 10 to diamond 3.
I don't keep track of my games, so I can't post any winrate against warlock but I won the far majority of my games against them.
You have the same rights as some who spent 0 € on HS
I was worried the nerfs would reduce warlocks playrate in wild. Fortunately they didn't so I can keep farming them
I have played a lot of wild lately and climbed from bronze 10 to diamond 3 and have not experienced long queue times at all.
Aggro shadow Priest is nuts btw. I don't track my games but I am pretty sure I have at least 80-85 % WR during my climb.
Your opponent was probably being a dick to get a free win.
I think you misunderstood me.. I genuinely liked that it wasn't a salt thread but instead people praised a crazy card.
I like how this thread is a "I hate mage" post but ends up being a love post for deck of lunacy. LowsodiumMage I guess
I don't understand your comment about flare. It's a spell regardless of the text. Counterspell resolves before flare as it does with all other spells.
Cheers! I read the card as "discard a card" :-) I does make it better though but not consistent.
It was not my intention to say you think the combo breaks the game - though I can see I frased it that way. It is still very RNG dependent and not a reliable way to remove a specific card. Say you want to target Malygos and the opponent has 8 cards in his hand. You are spending 7 mana for a 1/8 chance to disrupt his win condition. Otherwise you might just remove a random survivel tool or a burn spell that might not save you. Combo decks usually draw a lot of cards and have big hands. The only deck I can think that consistenly would be fucked by this combo is mechathun priest.
And not all combo decks keep their finishers in their opening hand. If I were to survive an aggressive meta I would keep Malygos and other high end finishers out of my hand because they are a terrible draw in the early game - I'd rather draw cards or keep removal to survive. Thus, a card like Ticktatus moves between 5 and 15 cards from your opponents deck. That is a lot better and a lot more consistent. Because you might not remove Malygos but removing 3 or 4 burst spells? That sucks.
Welcome to the internet!
This will hardly be problematic. Hearthstone has had single cards that does the same but better (e.g. Dirty Rat and Gnomeferatu) and they did not break the game. Besides, Hearthstone has seen a lot of aggro decks lately and this would be a horrible combo to use against such decks.
Maybe if very specific combo decks becomes a thing but then you would probably just use Ticktatus instead. One mana less and he destroys 5 cards.
lol bli$$ard just recycling old cinematics now with voiceovers! they don't put in any effort anymore and instead they release demon hunter. Í want more packs.
... am I doing it right?
Fixed that for you buddy!
I hope they increase the animation speed of Wretched Tiller. Climbing takes way too long because of the slow animation, and I have to watch him deal negative 30 damage as well. Come on Blizzard!