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    posted a message on Blizzard intends to tweak Basic and Classic cards yearly

    Design wise, I can assume Blizzard might be looking at:   

    Savage Roar (It's actually the problem card of the combo, also they won't have to give people full Epic Dust refunds this way)

    Master of DIsguise (Prevents any card like Animated Armor / Malganis from being Neutral

    Archmage Antonitas (Limits design space of cheap mage spells, similar to Gadgetzan Auctioneer of the past.  On a lesser scale, maybe they look at Gadgetzan again, and perhaps even consider Sorcerer's Apprentice for these reasons)

    Charge (Limits what type of minions warrior can get their hands on.  Things like Gorehowl + Alex/Charge of the past for example)

    Tundra Rhino (Same situation as Charge/Warsong.  I mean, look at all of the silly things you can do in those Discounted Tavern brawls thanks to this card)

    Alexstrasza (Always have enabled quite uninteractive decks where you Pyroblast or Grom+Task to 2-Turn kill with the help of her.  Besides, Blizzard is definitely doing something to nerf Freeze Mage, so it's either the freeze cards, Ice Block, or Alex)

    Big Game Hunter (Makes 7+ Attack minions require an immediate board effect, or it'll go completely ignored)



    Although it doesn't quite limit much design space, I wouldn't be surprised if Knife Juggler gets hit by the nerf bat because of all of the havoc and tournament defeats he has caused all by himself.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Fossilized Devilsaur

    Warsong Commander says hi to Dire Wolf Alpha and Raid Leader.

    Posted in: Fossilized Devilsaur
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    posted a message on New Rogue Card - Unearthed Raptor

    Won't fit into the current meta rogues, that's for sure.

    But it'll probably find a home in a new rogue type.  This card also scales well into later development of Hearthstone as more deathrattles are added.

    T2 Creeper/Nerubian/Thalnos > T3 Raptor

    T4 Shredder > T5 Raptor + Evisc

    Then of course the dream of tagging Sylvannas with this card.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on New Card - Entomb

    Seems this card is best for countering strong plays at turn 6.  Sylvannas / Highmane are two minions that come to mind here.  

    You can use this to seal off all value the opponent would have gotten for these, so if you have board you wind up ahead at this point.  It costs a little bit more than an Owl + SW:Death, but it only takes 1 card slot.  You also can possibly use those cards later to help seal out a game.  The downside is that that high cost minion you Entomb could end up being a dead draw as you look for answers later.

    It also works well for a powerful card like Tirion, or a Ysera that's immune to your Shadow words.  But those are so close to Mind Control turn, so I'd rather use that on them.  Entomb does provide redundancy in case you don't draw Mind Control by then, or it costs less so you can still play other stuff on the same turn.

    Not a bad card; I'd think that people are going to experiment with at least 1 in their priest decks to see if it fits in.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Warrior Legendary - Varian Wrynn

    While this card is strong, I think people are overhyping it.  I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and call that this card will be the Troggzor of the expansion.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on New Card - Icehowl
    Quote from AveryPhoenix jump

    I might try to make this work in mill or ramp druid. Then again, it can be BGH'd and I HATE BGH. Ultimately, probably better to still play around BGH by using 5 attack minions instead. Maybe if they gave him Windfury and Charge that would be pretty good. It wouldn't be like he'd be able to smorc until next turn silence (removing the windfury) anyway.

    Lol; Shaman plays this turn 9 to take board back from Ragnaros.  If it lives turn 10, you can Earthshock it and give it windfury to hit face for 20!

    Although I don't think Shaman normally has that much board control by turn 9, and they don't normally run the Windfury granting cards...

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Icehowl

    Off the top of my head, this could be used to counter Naked Grommash

    Otherwise, we have the Aviana synergy others have mentioned, as well as the Conceal/Shadowstep or Turn2 Silence plays that were mentioned in the reveal...

    I'll be pretty sad if I pull this card from one of my packs...

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Warlock Card - Dreadsteed

    This thing is a permanent dude slayer.  It can help stave off a threat of Quartermaster midgame or completely negate a paladin hero power in a fatigue war.  It also always threatens divine shield, so you don't have to waste spells/silences/other creatures just to pop these.

    It's also anti-freeze mage stall.  It'll respawn after Doomsayer, Blizzard or Flamestrike.  Leaving yourself ready to buff it to push for the Ice Block proc.

    It's fairly likely that this card will never see play on turn 4 (or 3 with coin); as it's way too low impact.  But there may be situations later in the game that could warrant the use of this card.  (As long as you aren't completely losing on board when you decide to play it)

    Edit:  Not saying this card is particularly good... but it might be experimented on a bit before being deemed playable or crap.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Druid Card - Astral Communion
    Quote from Valemorah jump
    Quote from musicmf jump


    thanks for coming onboard with your wonderful insights captain obvious

    If my comments are captain obvious worthy, I wonder what the "T1 Coin, Innervate, Astral Communion!", "T2 Loot Hoarder, T3 Acolyte of Pain, T4 Astral Communion", or "If you don't draw this on curve, you auto concede" comments count as...

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on New Druid Card - Astral Communion

    I'll preface my opinion with;  This card is likely going to be very fun, in decks specifically tailored around it.  But I don't think it's competitively viable.

    Obviously, we want cycle in this deck.  Novice Engineer, Loot Hoarder, Wrath, Acolyte of Pain, Coldlight Oracle, and Gnomish Inventor are all some early game cards that can be used to fight off aggro, and dig for Astral.

    But we can also make later use of Azure Drake, Nourish and Ancient of Lore for late game (Post-Astral) card draw to replenish our hand size.  We can furthermore use cards like Grand Crusader and Nefarian to generate more cards.

    With all of the excess mana, it would be quite good to make use of the Inspire cards.  Kodorider, Nexus-Champion Saraad, and Savage Combatant to be specific.  (Maybe Tournament Medic to help stave off Aggro).

    Innervates and Wild Growths can be used early to help ramp up in case we don't draw Astral; or can be used post astral for other plays.  (Innervate = 7+5 mana cards, Wild Growth =  Card Draw)

    We can use Gadgetzan for some post-Astral Card draw.  (Wrath or Wild Growth with Gadgetzan up means 2 cards drawn)

    We can use Chrommagus for Astral combo-draw.  For example; if Loothoarder is on the board we can do Chromaggus, Innervate, Astral Communion (Back at 10 mana) run loothoarder in; draw any draw card (twice), play them both to draw 2 more cards (again, twice each).

    I would love to try out the deck, but there's no way I'm wasting 800 dust crafting these because I doubt it'll actually work out in practice.  It'll need a lot of refining to see what ideas actually work with the card, and which fall flat.... but that's the fun about deck building right?

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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