I don't know the deck but looking at the list I'd assume replace him with a random threat. Not a tempo loss snowball card like addled. Like another savage roar would replace one side of Cenarius pretty well.
Have you seen the meta these days!? Doomsayer consistenly dies going first on turn 2 to agro. That piece of shit even dies playing it on turn 1 with coin.
Doomsayer these days, against agro, is usually 7 health unless you get lucky or play after board clear for tempo. If there's going to be any sort of control lock this card should fight for a spot.
I've always liked maly hunter and the draw was inconsistent or super low tempo in those decks. If there's anyway to do maly with a few spells in the next standard season I'd love to try it. Or maybe maly hunter goes wild?
I could see an interesting mill deck forming with this card. A taunt which draws you coldlight oracle, Mukla, or late game dragon of your choice or Azure Drake.
Turn 7: The Curator. Turn 8: King Mukla + Coldlight + Gang up
Turn 9: Late game dragon of your choice (maybe nef or Yzera because...)
Turn 10: Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale + Lorewalker + Bananas and cheap spells/coins.
Maybe some cheap spells from Etheral Peddler. We honestly could have a new mill rogue on our hands. Not saying a good one mind you...
You think "The Beast" is the best beast in the current set.... How about Stampeding Kodo which actually already sees quite a bit of play in Midrange/Ctrl Paladin. Honestly either Mukla would be a better choice.
Yeah. This may seem a little agro but its really more midrange. Make the valuable trades every time. Mimirons could work. You could always throw in a bloodmage (deathrattle, card draw, and spellpower always good), a flamestrike or blizzard.
P.S. Blizzard and flamestrike are amazing against shamans.
I don't know the deck but looking at the list I'd assume replace him with a random threat. Not a tempo loss snowball card like addled. Like another savage roar would replace one side of Cenarius pretty well.
Unless of course, before this card rotates out, the control meta becomes a reality!
Push da button is already great against control. This would make it a real threat.
Have you seen the meta these days!? Doomsayer consistenly dies going first on turn 2 to agro. That piece of shit even dies playing it on turn 1 with coin.
Doomsayer these days, against agro, is usually 7 health unless you get lucky or play after board clear for tempo. If there's going to be any sort of control lock this card should fight for a spot.
I think this will be the best tech 1 drop in arena.
I've always liked maly hunter and the draw was inconsistent or super low tempo in those decks. If there's anyway to do maly with a few spells in the next standard season I'd love to try it. Or maybe maly hunter goes wild?
I could see an interesting mill deck forming with this card. A taunt which draws you coldlight oracle, Mukla, or late game dragon of your choice or Azure Drake.
Turn 7: The Curator.
Turn 8: King Mukla + Coldlight + Gang up
Turn 9: Late game dragon of your choice (maybe nef or Yzera because...)
Turn 10: Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale + Lorewalker + Bananas and cheap spells/coins.
Maybe some cheap spells from Etheral Peddler. We honestly could have a new mill rogue on our hands. Not saying a good one mind you...
You think "The Beast" is the best beast in the current set.... How about Stampeding Kodo which actually already sees quite a bit of play in Midrange/Ctrl Paladin. Honestly either Mukla would be a better choice.
Sorry ! First 12-0!111111
all thats left is !2 win rouges
Can't you just buy individual wings in any order?
4Head they were knife jugglers.
FailFIsh the mad scientists were loot hoarders.
Do you offer coaching? I'll pay you whatever you want.
Yeah. This may seem a little agro but its really more midrange. Make the valuable trades every time. Mimirons could work. You could always throw in a bloodmage (deathrattle, card draw, and spellpower always good), a flamestrike or blizzard.
P.S. Blizzard and flamestrike are amazing against shamans.
I'm thinking about throwing in haunted creeper for leper gnome. I might try that.