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    posted a message on TOKEN MALY DRUID 200 LEGEND

    I don't know the deck but looking at the list I'd assume replace him with a random threat.  Not a tempo loss snowball card like addled.  Like another savage roar would replace one side of Cenarius pretty well.

    Posted in: TOKEN MALY DRUID 200 LEGEND
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    posted a message on Corrupting Mist

    Have you seen the meta these days!?  Doomsayer consistenly dies going first on turn 2 to agro.  That piece of shit even dies playing it on turn 1 with coin.

    Doomsayer these days, against agro, is usually 7 health unless you get lucky or play after board clear for tempo.  If there's going to be any sort of control lock this card should fight for a spot.

    Posted in: Corrupting Mist
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    posted a message on Glacial Shard

    I think this will be the best tech 1 drop in arena.

    Posted in: Glacial Shard
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    posted a message on The Curator

    I could see an interesting mill deck forming with this card.  A taunt which draws you coldlight oracle, Mukla, or late game dragon of your choice or Azure Drake.

    Turn 7: The Curator.
    Turn 8: King Mukla + Coldlight + Gang up

    Turn 9:  Late game dragon of your choice (maybe nef or Yzera because...)

    Turn 10:  Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale + Lorewalker + Bananas and cheap spells/coins.

    Maybe some cheap spells from Etheral Peddler.  We honestly could have a new mill rogue on our hands.  Not saying a good one mind you...

    Posted in: The Curator
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    posted a message on The Curator

    You think "The Beast" is the best beast in the current set....  How about Stampeding Kodo which actually already sees quite a bit of play in Midrange/Ctrl Paladin.  Honestly either Mukla would be a better choice.


    Posted in: The Curator
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    posted a message on LEGENDARY Twisted Warlock

    Do you offer coaching?  I'll pay you whatever you want.

    Posted in: LEGENDARY Twisted Warlock
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    posted a message on Handmage GvG [Explosive sheep+Giant]

    There's much cheaper versions of this deck.  Take out alex and anto, ice lances.  Put in sunfury, and argus.  It's key you land duplicate on 1 giant so you take out belchers as well and put in mad scientists.

    Posted in: Handmage GvG [Explosive sheep+Giant]
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    posted a message on Giant Mischief

    I think Kirin Tor or Water Ele would be better then Yeti in this deck.

    Posted in: Giant Mischief
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    posted a message on SEATSTORYCUP Secret Mage

    I don't think wyrm is very good anymore.  Not sure if that would be a good change though.

    Posted in: SEATSTORYCUP Secret Mage
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    posted a message on Budget InYoFace Mage

    I like this deck.  I wonder if it would be better with nax cards?  Did you avoid them because it's technically even "cheaper" that way?

    Posted in: Budget InYoFace Mage
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