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    posted a message on Crafting priority
    Quote from yoav420 »

    Thanks for the advice man, I think i'm gonna follow that...

    Is there real use for Alex outside control warrior?

    Plenty of uses, Druid with Alex into FoN+SR, Warrior, and maybe even a dragon pally deck. She also pairs well with Majordomo, raising your 8 health to 15.

    EDIT: Just to clarify, the 2nd Tier list just means they are more situational and class specific, not necessarily worse than tier 1.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Crafting priority

    In my opinion, of the cards you lack...

    1st Tier: Rag, Ysera, Alex (in that order)

    2nd Teir: Vol'jin, Sneeds, Grommash, Jaraxxus (depending on classes you play the most)

    3rd Tier: all the rest

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on what legendary should i craft?

    Thalnos and Troggzor seem like good neutral options.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Is Hearthstone Platform Hack-Free?

    This exact problem has been covered in numerous threads. While it is naive to say there is no way to hack/cheat, it's also very safe to say there are no known/widespread exploits that are used currently, if at all. Everything integral to the game is stored server side.

    The problem you are experiencing is the multiple layers to the client server connection, for both parties, HS isn't very tolerant for even the smallest of internet hiccups, and also very poor at communicating those problems to the users.

    It's usually very hard to tell when it's happening but generally when some connection error occurs it will cause a 'loss' for both players (showing a loss screen) but doesn't actually count as one. This isn't always the case, if it's truly a problem on your side (wether you know it or not), it will count as a loss. As I said earlier, the multiple layers can make identifying the actual problem difficult, your UI and such will act as if nothing is wrong, then you opponents side will do some weird stuff like hold a card over the board till the rope burns then you DC, etc...

    Point is, it's not a cheat or exploit, search around and you can find the numerous Blizzard threads explaining the exact issue in detail. I hope this clears some of it up for you... BTW, every ISP has issues at some point, you just notice them at certain times more than others, and to think that your are immune from that is also naive.

    EDIT: Here's one of those threads that discribes the issue well: http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/forum/topic/15083848240

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Challenge for control players!

    Sylvanas Windrunner is the epitome of control, nothing can come close. Dr. Boom is more of a power play than a 'control' option.

    But if I have to pick a different card... Loatheb, seeing as he can really mess up oil rogue and freeze mages' plays.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New to HS: Need Some guidance!

    I am a strong believer in NOT dusting cards, as if you get in the habit of doing this... You will likely never have a solid/full collection, not to mention the 300% loss in dust isn't usually worth it.

    Though golden cards are another story, purely aesthetic and DE for the full cost of another regular card of your choice. I would suggest DEing the golden Harrison for either a Dr. Boom or Sylvanas. I also HIGHLY discourage you from using the dust to make any rares/commons/epics. Use the dust to craft another legendary.

    Try your hardest to not craft anything less than a legendary, as over time you will get basic cards through opening packs, and it really suchs when you craft a card only to get it a week or two later in a pack and just wasted 300% dust.  

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on $20 budget: what is best to buy?

    Naxx will give you the most value for the least amount. It has many cards that are used in a very wide range of decks. 20$ in packs wouldn't guarantee you as many good cards, or as many that are high quality. Getting Naxx, not only are you getting 30 cards, you're getting full 2x sets of them.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Opened tirion. D/E or not?

    The real question is how have you played HS for a year and don't have any cards? My guess is you keep DE'ing everything and you're stuck in the position you are now... Very few cards total, with only just enough cards to make the decks you deem 'playable' and can't try out any new decks because you already dusted the cards from other classes. That's an awful cycle you are in.

    Dusting any legendary for 400 dust is NEVER worth it, unless it's a truly awful card... Which Tirion is not, especially if you are F2P.

    Just because you don't play a class currently, doesn't mean you never will. There are a few classes I never thought I would enjoy, but once I tried them out (one of the being Pally) I found out they can be immensely rewarding and fun to play.

    A 300% loss in dust is just not worth it if you plan to play the game long term. You will at some point want to try something new and not having the cards you need for a certain deck, when you had them at one point will take away lot of the fun when you regret your previous choice, and you will regret it at some point.

    The same thing goes for any cards really, dusting is just not worth it, over time your collection will fill out and if you get rid of everything you won't be able to try new decks out.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Molten Core Heroic Boss Guides - Garr, Baron Geddon, Majordomo
    Quote from Djagga »

    Confirmed! Although both wings were pretty easy (as far as i can remember Naxx Heroic bosses like Maexna, Grobbulus, Gluth were MUCH harder for me than any of BRM so far), the second wing seemed to be more interesting with all those dodging OTK exploding Firesworns mechanics and spend-all-mana-not-to-get-10-to-face.

    I hope that next wings will bring even more fun and entertainment. Suppose Heroic Drakkisath and Rend can hold some unexpected surprises:) 

    Thats a big part of all the complaints that BRM is too easy, it wasn't until Thaddius, Patchwork and Sapphiron that the encounters were actually hard. I do expect more out of the last couple wings in terms of difficulty. But all these people complaining bout it being to easy are just idiots, you want a challenge go do Heroic =)

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on What do you think about Gazlowe?

    I play him sometimes, hes actually not bad at all if the deck is built done right.

    I used him with great success in a Priest deck, got to rank 4 with it and had a blast. Paladins don't have too many 1 mana spells so your kinda locked into making a MechPaladin for spare parts.

    I would say hes worth keeping, or atleast try it out some, he is definitely fun to play with.

    Also, No... I would advise against dusting, the loss is just too huge (especially with a legendary that isn't awful). It's nice getting useful legendaries and if there becomes a new deck that uses him and is super fun / strong, you will be kicking yourself. Theres just no real reason to dust a legendary, the loss is too great and you may want it in the future.

    He's not a Dr. Boom for sure, but hes also not a Lorewalker Cho >.>

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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