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    posted a message on Sequinox's Horror Priest (65-31) Season 39

    Love the idea of this deck but not having much success with it at all at rank 5. 29% win rate so far, losing to pretty much everything. quest rogue, miracle rogue, evolve shaman, quest warrior (in fatigue), warlock even. 

    Posted in: Sequinox's Horror Priest (65-31) Season 39
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    posted a message on Help with Control Shaman

    Thanks for the great feedback Ggjeed! 

    Thought that went into some of the 1-of and 2-of choices. I think I chose 2 Volcano as a replacement for elemental destruction specifically. It's roughly the same cost so I thought it would make a good replacement. Unfortunately I'm finding it's not nearly as good though if you're using it on a board with your own minions because that 15 damage doesn't go as long of a way as I had hoped. It just doesn't seem to be the "board clear" I was thinking it was going to be. +1 lightning storm does seem like a much better option.  

    Tidal surge was a replacement again, for healing wave, it's not as much healing but the added damage component seemed like a good trade. I was thinking of things like berserker in warrior decks, some of the 5 health minions with a spell power totem like tar creeper, the new priest legendary Lyria (sp) and things of that nature. Even quest rogue minions once they're 5/5's with the spell power totem. 

    I agree about the Tol'vir Stoneshaper, it's not living up to what I expected and the breaking of elemental chains is proving troublesome at times if you play it on curve otherwise you're sitting on it until you can play it with like a fire fly so keep further elementals proc'd. 

    I wanted to put devolve in, with taunt warrior and quest rogue and murloc paladin it seemed like it could come in handy but I didn't have room for it. Taking out a Tidal Surge could make room or one of the spots from removing Stoneshaper. I'll have to look at what other cards I could replace Stoneshaper with as well. 

    Someone also questioned about the Igneous Elemental and if it was worth it. I had just put it in there for the little elemental triggers for later turns but I don't know there would be something better, maybe Volatile Elemental or Thunder Lizard instead. 

    So if I -1 Volcano, -2 Stoneshaper, -1 Igneous Elemental I can +1 Lightning Storm, +1 Devolve +1 Lava Burst and have 1 card slot left over to add, possibly 2 if I -1 Tidal Surge as well, but I don't want to run too low on healing and direct damage spells. I could add another Blazecaller for more late game. Without Elemental Destruction I'm questioning Hallazeal as well since Volcano will top out at +15-16 health and potentially not even clear the board.

    Posted in: Shaman
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    posted a message on S35 Savjz's Legend #1

     How on earth are you meant to beat agro with this deck? removal is 5+ and you're more often than not dead by then or so close that clearing doesn't help because they just have a spell/charge/weapon for the next turn

    Posted in: S35 Savjz's Legend #1
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    posted a message on Help with a Dragon Shaman deck

    Thank you for the input Revenant, I'm taking a look at both the decks you linked right now to see where I can improve mine. I do like the more control style deck than a face/midrange one so the first deck you linked is sounding like a good option. I don't mind too much if it's slow to rank up with, just more that a deck can hold it's own in many situations, even if not winning against a ton of deck types at least having a fighting chance.

    Posted in: Shaman
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    posted a message on Help with a Dragon Shaman deck

    Hi all, I was hoping to get some help with a dragon shaman deck. I was running something similar to this pre-the latest round of nerfs. I removed 2x tuskar totemic and added another healing wave and brann but it still doesn't feel like it's doing well. Any suggestions would be really appreciated. I am not a high ranked player and often struggle making my own decks. It feels like maybe there's not enough dragons? or finishing cards, sometimes I get late game and it feels like there's nothing left I can do, other times with bad card draw I don't really feel like I have anything to play until turn 6. 

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    Posted in: Shaman
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