S35 Savjz's Legend #1
- Last updated Jan 20, 2017 (Gadgetzan)
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- 22 Minions
- 8 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Reno Priest
- Crafting Cost: 14060
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/4/2016 (Gadgetzan)

- Savjz
- Pro Player
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I miss those times
Dörty Rat :333
10% win rate - horrid in this meta.
Replace Kabal Chemist with Second-Rate Bruiser? The chemist just seems too RNG reliant.
Too slow to beat Jade Druid? I've only encountered a few, but I haven't even come close to beating them.
Not too slow but unfavored for sure. If you don't control the board early (which is difficult with this deck) and push sufficient damage he wins.
Me too. Same issue! And I run into Jade druid nearly every 3rd game....so close...so very close
Sup guys! I have tried this deck, check it out!
I fucking hate Dirty Rat. It is only good against aggro decks. If you want to play it against control decks you need to have a Shadow Word: Death handy, making it a 5-drop...
Tricky to use but can really ruin your opponents game if played correctly. Like when you pull your opponents Ragnaros after he has played a doomsayer, his Reno in an attrition match or his faceless manipulator against Renolock. Also fun to combine with Brann and/or Mind control tech.
Any Kazakus replacement?
There is not really any replacement for Kazakus because in some cases he either helps you gain board control or win games.
0-7 atm. nice deck
How about replacing holy nova with power word: horror since pint sized potion is in the deck. Think it would be a better clear vs all the pirate dudes out there and also vs miracle rouge if he stealths.
How on earth are you meant to beat agro with this deck? removal is 5+ and you're more often than not dead by then or so close that clearing doesn't help because they just have a spell/charge/weapon for the next turn
Doomsayer, Dirty rat & Twilight guardian.
Have you played this meta? Dirty Rat is more likely to pull something that will kill you even quicker than it is to help and doomsayer+ one of those taunts means either turn 4 or even worse turn 6 at which point it's no different than having dragonfire potion because by that point you're still dead next turn. There is very few minions in this deck that cost less than 5 - there's about 6 of them excluding the tech cards like ooze or mind control tech and another 2 of those 6 require dragon activators. You can realistically, and quite often will, wind up with a dead hand until turn 5+ which is far too late against pirate warrior, miracle rogue, aggro shaman, jade shaman, jade druid, jade rogue, hell even hunter.
Extensively. If you learn how to play dirty rat it's one of the best defensive cards against aggro played early. Pirate warrior will mulligan for 1 mana minions, which means you have a good chance to pull one of those (learn to to read your opponents plays, how many cards he swaps, etc). If you pull a 1 mana minion (or no minion) it's almost gg already in round 2, as he will need to invest a lot to kill it. Similarly doomsayer will either buy you 7 hp or kill 2 minions and give you tempo. I would also keep Kazakus and go for a 1 or 5 mana spell with aoe damage and armor. If you kan survive past round 5 odds are you'll stabilize and win. Sure Reno decks are inconsistent and if you get a poor draw you'll loose 100% against aggro, but the art of learning to adapt is a great part of the fun with these decks.
Dragonfire potion and shadow word: death! are your friends in that matchup.