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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    I've been playing since about the second month post release (I think it was the Black Temple card back, and was around the time of the Hearthsteed promotion in WoW), and gotta say, the metagame - wild at least - is just so freaking horrible right now. At least at low levels (I basically just do my 5 wins a month, or weekly wins if I haven't completed a battlepass yet).

    3 opponents en route to doing my 3 quests (made the foolish mistake of thinking dragon priest might be able to do *anything* with the game in its current state - funny to think that even about 2 or so years ago it could do something in wild):

    1. Quest hunter. Basically did the bare minimum it needed to against my board and just tried to machine gun to the quest. After that, cheap draw and pseudo-draw like tracking makes a quest that basically gives Raza + Shadowreaper in a single package a good deal.

    2. Flamewaker mage. Just hope your opponent isn't very aggressive and draw until you can go off. Doesn't matter if you make the occasional misplay (Runed Orb to face instead of a 2/2 minion, in a game where opponent very nearly died).

    3. Raza + Shadowreaper + 28 random cards. Basically the first deck all over again. So annoying that literally all my opponent did was play Raza, Shadowreaper, and a bunch of largely underwhelming card geneartion cards. You too can win games when you play the two cards that formed the backbone of a top tier deck, plus 28 other random cards! :-P

    It's just so uninteractive, and for the most part it seems that if you aren't abusing something powerful from Hearthstone's history, you don't have much of a hope - even in freaking bronze and silver (though it doesn't help that Blizz decided to make actual rank meaningless).

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Cornelius Roame

    So at worst it's a better neutral Ancient of Wisdom if your opponent destroys it straight away; otherwise it's along the lines of 6 mana 4/5 draw 6+ (unless of course you kill it on your next turn - which you may have to if you're drawing too much).

    Probably best as a top end of pretty aggressive decks, given how many card you'll potentially have to play each turn to stop wastage. Honestly reminds me a lot of Aluneth; anyone that's played that card knows how quickly your hand can become overfilled if you play it in the wrong deck and/or draw the wrong cards with it.

    Edit: can be good/great in any other deck too, but you're going to want to play something to either transform it or destroy it yourself, hopefully for a benefit.

    Posted in: Cornelius Roame
  • 2

    posted a message on Elwynn Boar

    Obviously huge gimmick, but so much fun.

    Posted in: Elwynn Boar
  • 4

    posted a message on Varian, King of Stormwind

    Significantly better card than Siamat... if the deck is built to consistently give Varian divine shield and rush. That's a pretty significant caveat.

    Posted in: Varian, King of Stormwind
  • 1

    posted a message on Peasant

    1 mana 2/1s that demand an immediate answer are pretty good, just saying.

    Posted in: Peasant
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    I'm once again reminded about how fucking stupid Blizzard are. The decision to essentially make rank irrelevant when matchmaking (compared to MMR) is just stupid.

    Essentially, outside of your own carefully curated games against people on your friend's list, you can't reliably have casual games anymore. Unless you have a garbage MMR you have every chance of coming up against a high quality, if not tier level deck, regardless of what you're piloting or what rank you're at.

    I know the whole "that's why I'm playing X other game" instead is overused, but quite seriously, MTGA is much more fun for me at the moment because you can reliably get casual games without having to manually find and connect with other people.

    Also, Raza + Andiun continues to be garbage in wild. It's not just at high tiers; at any level, a priest can have a pretty garbage highlander deck, and if you just so happen to be playing any sort of control deck, lol, GG, who cares if the other 28 cards are pretty garbage. So much fun getting it at bronze 6 while playing a non-tier archetype. Fucking stupid Blizzard dumbass grunts.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • -2

    posted a message on Wailing Caverns Mini Set - New Cards

    I like the idea of the 2 mana 2/3s - giving them extra stats/value to try and push them into competitive territory. I mean, 3 mana 2/3 draw a specific card is probably about the right costing (keeping in mind that 2 mana card draw usually has limitiations, like Prize Vendor having mirror draw).

    So we essentially have a 3 mana 2/3 draw 2 (so Arcane Intellect in shaman with an extra body), 3 mana 4/5 in stats draw a card, and pseudo-1 mana 2/3 draw a card. Also keep in mind that these are all specific draws - while that can occasionally result in downside (if it's so late that you've drawn all the relevant cards), often it's more likely to be upside (drawing something specific that you may need).

    Competitive play has made me wary of overvaluing cards, and they don't strike me as OP enough for competitive play - but they're good cards in a vacuum.

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    Man, Blizz are such grunts for making ranked matches based on MMR instead of, I don't know, fucking rank. XD Ended up getting to gold last season - not much at all, of course, but high for me because I pretty much always play jank in silver. Now I'm getting matched up with good deck after good deck in bronze, because hey, rank doesn't fucking matter at all anymore. >.>

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    Oooooook, that was a fucking bullshit game.

    Priest running... god, not even a cohesive strategy. Some sort of greedy, value build. What's bullshit is the randomness involved. They're playing some Elekk cuteness or whatever. They drop it on turn 3 - I kill it. Do the 0 mana get 2 creatures back card on turn 4, play it again, kill it. Play their second on turn 5, can't kill this one. Grave Rune - annoying, but ultimately manageable.

    Over the course of the next 10 turns, they draw 3 Grave Runes (cast on subsequent Elekks thanks to Seance) without a single bit of card draw being played. Not only that, but I can't draw Doctor Boom or Jepetto (for my own draw/value) to save my life, despite actually having some relatively decent card draw.

    They ultimately got out Lyra, Grave Rune, that 4 mana summon a 7 mana corrupt card - and when that gave them Beast Seller, I was fucking done. Can't fight against that much good luck, no matter how hodge-podge their decklist actually is.

    Oh, and let's not forget the Kel'thuzad off the 2-creature Resurrect Stone, despite a myriad of junk creatures being played aswell.

    Edit: most annoying part is not accepting the friend request. I might be able to sleep at night if they at least told me they knew how lucky their draws were. :-P

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on New Rogue Rare Card Revealed - Shadow Clone

    Coming soon to a rogue near you: Secret: Talk (no jutsu) - when an opponent would deal lethal damage, instead they are forced to concede.

    Posted in: News
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