• -12

    posted a message on Spellslinger

    OF COURSE THEY MAKE HIM A 3 4 FOR 3. Blizzard's design philosophy: "We want games to be more fun and have different outcomes!". So instead of balancing the game so that there would be a variety of decks played and games would actually be different instead of people just playing 1 deck over and over again, they decide to make a card with stupid amounts of RNG that completely snowball and your opponents can literally do nothing to play around it. Then they give the card above average stats so that the stupid RNG card is played in every 1 of said net decks.

    Holy shit Blizzard, do you guys know that literally NO ONE likes RNG? Look at all the fan-made cards on the site, less than 1% of the fan-made cards have ANY RNG attached to them. People want to play a card game, not craps. RNG is only good if it's on cards that are bad on their own like mind games. If you want RNG in your games, then make a deck that's bad and inconsistent and every like 1 in 5 games you get "the dream". So sick of seeing this crap in every game like unstable portal. Every single time my opponent unstable portals me, I immediately open up the menu and put my cursor on the concede button, and like 1/4 times, my opponent will get something that's literally impossible for me to deal with.

    Posted in: Spellslinger
  • 0

    posted a message on Savage Combatant

    wow, didn't even think about that! great idea!

    Posted in: Savage Combatant
  • 0

    posted a message on Clockwork Knight

    I really wish they added a "trogg devourer" which was like a 2 4 for 3 with Battlecry: destroy a mech with 3 or less attack and gain a spare part. I don't care if it's too good. So sick of going against idiots playing mech with no punishment

    Posted in: Clockwork Knight
  • -6

    posted a message on Clockwork Knight

    amen to that! Muck Fechs!

    Posted in: Clockwork Knight
  • 0

    posted a message on North Sea Kraken

    force tank max is a pretty good comparison, i forgot about that card. When i think about it, yeah it is pretty decent, but arena games have sped up a little bit. Hopefully the metagame slows down a bit. This card will actually help slow it down because it's a common and going to infect the common drafts lol. I really think they should introduce a card that was like a 4 4 taunt for 3 mana with "can't attack" i think that would really help slow down the metagame 

    Posted in: North Sea Kraken
  • 0

    posted a message on King's Defender

    there might be new weapon synergy cards, like maybe possibly something like a warrior weapon throw card, that would do something crazy like turn your weapon into a minion on the board, that'd be really cool. Because this card is kinda like assassin's blade, and it's really weak to weapon removal. I would run this in a lot of warrior decks, because I like playing stuff like mill warrior with iron juggernaught. It would fit well in a heavy fatigue game because I already run stuff like deathlord and annoy-o-tron. a 3 mana 3 4 weapon is great! and a 3 mana 3 3 weapon is also pretty good, and having 1 taunt on board is not difficult to accomplish

    Posted in: King's Defender
  • 0

    posted a message on North Sea Kraken

    This card is basically a war golem in arena. Now dont get me wrong, war golem is a decent card in arena. Boulderfist ogre is better, but war golem is only slightly worse. I would rate this card on the same power level as war golem, so you will see this is probably 1/3-1/4 arena decks. I cant wait to see what it does animation-wise though. It'd be cool if it shot a tentacle or something. If this were a battlecry deal 6 damage, we'd maybe see it in constructed, but one can dream

    Posted in: North Sea Kraken
  • 6

    posted a message on King's Defender

    exactly!!! thats why I like the card lol. Doesn't fit into any current warrior archetypes!!! Finally some variety, this is the first warrior card other than iron juggernaut that's actually mildly interesting. Every other warrior card is just auto included in either control warrior or patron/worgen warrior. Warrior is so stale and boring, thank god they're making cards that dont suck that don't fit into the 2 warrior decks

    Posted in: King's Defender
  • 2

    posted a message on King's Defender

    keep in mind guys, that this card will actually not make it into patron or control warrior. THANK GOD. One thing with warrior that youll realize when you experiment with it is that they typically will get multiple weapons in hand which will always be dead and inefficient, so you won't run many. Thats why people don't run gorehowl or arcanite reaper anymore. We may actually see more warrior decks now!!!! Warrior was one of the poorest designed classes imo, because the class synergizes way too much with itself. Half of the warrior cards are auto includes in any enrage themed deck, and the other half are auto included in every control warrior deck. The rest of the warrior cards are terrible and played in 0 decks. There isnt any room for exploration or new archetypes, but this card is good and doesn't fit into either. Hopefully there will be a bunch of cool new weapon themed warrior cards that could for instance fuse weapons or duel wield weapons, or make your weapon into a minion or something, so then you could include a lot of weapons in your deck. Then it'd be like an arms warrior like in WoW. This is the first interesting warrior card other than iron juggernaut in a long time.

    Posted in: King's Defender
  • -1

    posted a message on Draenei Totemcarver

    I actually have a totemic might deck currently, and it really isn't as bad as you'd think lol. Power word shield is a good card right? Well it's a power word shield for 1 less mana on multiple targets. To make a totemic might deck successful though, you need to be running lots of removal. That's what makes it so your totems stick. Ive seen people run totemic might in malygos shaman before and that's kind of the idea. I don't see the carver being more than a 1 include because of the competition it would have with cards like fire elemental, argus, and the other removal cards you already have to include. Card is really good though. 4 mana 5 5s are really good anyway, and the chances of having at least 1 totem on turn 4 are decent. Definately a great arena card. I love the art too, looks a lot different than most of the other card art. Kinda has a cave-painting neanderthal feel to it. I'm really glad to see shaman not has numerous archetypes to chose from. Things have gone a long way for the classes since Naxx 

    Posted in: Draenei Totemcarver
  • -6

    posted a message on Emperor Thaurissan

    Another AMAZING expansion ruined by a single card.

    Posted in: Emperor Thaurissan
  • 2

    posted a message on Dragon Egg

    I was referring to raging worgen, sorry lol. And true, it is actually pretty good with cruel taskmaster, but again that's a 2 card combo that you need in your opening hand. Dragon egg is dramatically outclassed by nerubian egg past turn 3 though. I wouldnt consider it a 2 3 either, because for the first 2 hp, it has no attack. It's still a 1 drop that needs an activator, but doesnt get that much of a pay out when it's the perfect circumstance. Cruel task turn 2 seems amazing, but when you think of it, not only is cruel task one of the most important warrior cards that you need later in the game for executing and finishing off minions, as well as buffing your enrage minions, but cruel taskmaster is already really good if you have a turn 1 war bot. getting a 4 2 for 1 mana. Yet you never see warbot ever used, even though it has mech / hobgoblin synergy.

    Posted in: Dragon Egg
  • 0

    posted a message on Most underrated card

    I use him in all my rogue decks, hes definately one of my top 3 favorite cards. Honestly the only reason why he doesnt see play is because people just play the same stupid rogue deck and it's one of the best decks so no one feels the need to even attempt to make a new deck. I made this crazy control rogue deck that has a lot of stuff no one plays like the anubar ambusher, patient assassin, ogre ninja, and a couple of 9 drop dragons and deathwing. Surprisingly I had a pretty high win-rate with it. I dont remember exactly but I think I was at rank 10, but I only stopped just because I wanted to try other decks, not because I was losing

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Most underrated card

    Yeah exactly. I mean you only want to play him when it's your only chance to win. I like playing him in classes with weapons like rogue. Rogue's actually probably the best because you can play your deadly poison or assassin's blade and all of that on turn 9 and then you get to keep it when you discard your hand. That's more for a special rogue deck that plays significantly different than the standard boring "spam a bunch of spells and card draw with the same 8 minions over and over again and win just because you out card your opponent and hit him with tinker oil" deck. It's more of like a "hey, this is literally the only card in the game that can be played against this full board of deadly minions that could actually win me the game if I'm lucky" it's like a hail mary in football. I always watch people streaming and they always joke around saying "deathwing's the only card he can play to survive" so I figured hey, why not putting him in a normal deck lol?

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Most underrated card

    I think deathwing is the most underrated card in the game. Seriously. No one uses deathwing except for me and I put him in most of my decks. If you have deathwing in your hand, you always have a contingency plan to clear the board. It's not a card you just play. You should only play deathwing if you top deck it late game and have a hand full of nothing or worthless cards, or if theres a board you will lose the game to anyway. Ive played many games where my opponent has an impossible board to clear and has lethal, and it's like "I'm dead anyway, might as well play it". And I clear the board and end up winning because he doesnt have an answer. Ive played countless games where I throw him down and he gets BGHed or something, but hey, like I said, any other card in the game and I wouldve just died. It's a twisting nether (which is an 8 mana spell) and a 12 12 dragon for just 2 more mana. THATS INSANE VALUE. Yeah yeah if you run deathwing you can draw it early and it just sits in your hand, but every single game you have at least 1 dead card in your hand half the game anyway

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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