• 1

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 8.14 - Submission Thread


    It allows you to use your board as a way to make giant mechs to revive with Kangor's Endless Army . It also acts as a psuedo-windfury buff on your board (provided that you have a Mech), allowing you to deal huge amounts of burst damage.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 8.08 - Discussion Topic


    Would something like this be allowed? I was thinking the sequence would go [return to hand] -> [upgrade], which fits the rules since the upgrade takes place in hand, but I wanted to be sure.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 5

    posted a message on New Rogue Card Reveal - Academic Espionage

    I feel like people are overrating this. I'll craft 2 copies regardless but still

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 8.04 - Discussion Topic

    All right, lemme toss some ideas here (art is temporary, balance is probably weird AF):


    The Burning Legion might be changed to summon less Infernals but give them Rush. Note that the Shadow Reflections are permanent and won't change to Dance of Shadows, since they're added after its played (I think).

    I'll try my best to return feedback.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 2

    posted a message on New Druid Legendary - Duskfallen Aviana


    Quote from Schmaehgol >>

    Before I dust this, what about this (admittedly rare) scenario?: My opponent has an empty hand and I have a heavy one, so he'll be able to play whatever he draws anyway (except Mountain Giant, etc. which this would then let him play of course), then I'll be able to play two big cards in one turn. I know it's a stretch since good players try to keep card advantage, but just asking...

     Generally, if you're in that kind of position and have the freedom to drop this without dying, then you're probably already going to win anyway. I wouldn't dust it immediately unless you already have something you want to craft, but there really isn't a scenario in which this is good that also occurs commonly enough to make running her worth it.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on New Druid Legendary - Duskfallen Aviana

    I mean, if it's real, well... at least the artwork's nice (like seriously, we need more Harpies and Nagas in the game). The effect is probably never gonna work and will most likely either be detrimental to you or lead directly to your death.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Paladin Card Reveal - Cathedral Gargoyle

    Holy shit, this card is amazing.

    Posted in: News
  • 4

    posted a message on New Priest Legendary Card Reveal - Lady in White

    I think people might be overrating this a little.

    Still a more interesting legendary than Crowley though.

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on New Warrior Legendary Card Reveal - Darius Crowley

    I am disappointed.

    It could potentially be decent, since unlike The Boogeymonster you can instantly kill something with it and start growing him, but I have doubts.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Strange interaction between Counterspell and Emerald Spellstone

    Yeah, I think that's how it works. A countered spell is still considered 'played', it just has its effects nullified. So it triggers stuff like Flamewaker and Gadgetzan Auctioneer, as well as Rogue Combos and the like.

    Edit: Flamewaker doesn't cast because it says 'After'. I'm stupid and forgot. Stuff like Mana Wyrms do trigger though.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on 8 Of 9 DK's Failed Miserably?


    Quote from hillandder >>

    Well, a lot of deny or not solid points but what I said is absolutely confirmed, days and days of playing and I don't see any other DK than warlock...

    While the Warlock DK is the only one currently dominating the meta, it doesn't mean the mechanic failed as a whole. Unlike Quests, which are pretty much useless right now, Death Knights are powerful cards that are seen in lots of decks that CAN viably climb ladder, or otherwise have their own meaningful niche. Just because a mechanic isn't everywhere and isn't seen every other game doesn't mean it failed - in fact, if they're still powerful and useable (like DKs are), that's probably a sign that they're well designed.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Echo & Jungle Giants

    I remember seeing a dev (Mike Donais I think) say that handbuffs will not carry over from the original when Echoing. If that's true, then I'd think the same would apply for Barny's cost reduction.

    I could be remembering wrong, though.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on DEATHWING NEEDS A FRIENDWING (Class Creation Competition #4) - Phase VI [Challenges Poll]


    Quote from nurgling13 >>


    Quote from Sinti >>


    Quote from Viridian >>


    Quote from Demonxz95 >>

    Question. Am I allowed to post my class thread now, or should I wait until the competition is over and the finalists have already done theirs?

    I think you're safe. It'll be like 2 weeks before the submissions end (or something, I don't know, I don't keep track of time too well), and I've put up a thread with my class. It's not too popular but there you have it! I think it would be interesting to hold a 'losers bracket' in the competition and then put up the final winner vs the winner of the loser's bracket, if only unofficially
    Double elimination, eh?:D That could be a fun format for future comp :)
     The problem is Phase 2 would still have everyone, so it would be hell for the mods.
     I mean, theoretically, you could open the loser's bracket only to people who made it past round 1 and lost at round 2 (i.e. two brackets only start at round 3). That'd be more practical and probably a better idea anyway.
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on DEATHWING NEEDS A FRIENDWING (Class Creation Competition #4) - Phase VI [Challenges Poll]

    Congrats to all the finalists!

    I like all the challenges this time, so I didn't vote :P


    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 6

    posted a message on Thoughts on Witchwood

    Honestly, I'm incredibly excited for this set - mainly because of RushRush is something that I think people are under-appreciating, and it's great that they're finally adding this mechanic to the game, and will hopefully keep using it in later sets.

    Charge was fundamentally broken, because it has to be balanced around the fact that you can hit face immediately - which inherently forces the minion to be bad for trading. That's why we never really got any Charge minion that was used for anything other than hitting face.

    Being able to attack and trade with a minion immediately after you play it is actually a great thing. You have far more chances to proactively try to take the board back from the opponent, making a favourable trade and leaving a body behind, instead of just dropping a minion and letting your opponent kill it on their terms. It makes the fight for the board seem much more dynamic and gives it that sense of back-and-forth. We never really get a chance to do that much in HS, beyond having Battlecries.

    I play Shadowverse a lot, and one of the things I love most about it is that you have constant access to Rush in the earlier stages of the game. It stops things from feeling like 'oh hey my opponent has the board and now he gets to dictate all the trades, guess I lose' - which is a feeling I get a lot more often playing board-centric decks in HS.

    Basically, Rush makes the game more fun, and I love it.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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