Taunt druid really isn't that good of a matchup. I've played taunt druid from rank 8 to 3 (I know, I know, shoot me) and I feel decent against paladin. Sometimes I can quickly ramp up to primordial, swipes and wraths come in handy, tar creepers etc. The result is draw dependent though.
So what did you actually ever lose to as Taunt Druid? I've played spell hunter, odd rogue, control priest and tempo(face) mage and had little to no success.
Whilst I understand the 3 aggro decks are unlikely to work (Fair enough, taunt beats aggro) I still get crushed on control because all that armour just ruins my combo and inevitably even when I try to save all my dispells and silences, there is so many ways to get multiple hadronax plays.
I did not lose much (but I usually don't lose much on the first climb, regardless of deck) but aggro mage and aggro paladin both did seem like pretty bad matchups, and I lost a few times. I also lost a few times to control priest, because whenever I popped hadronox he screamed, and he used geist against my naturalizes. And both odd rogue and spiteful have beaten me by simply outtempoing me.
There have also been some cheesy counters. Warrior playing Cornered Sentry. Control mage playing Polymorph. Shaman playing Hex.
I'm sorry that they are thinking about changing your ''Gain 5 armor, gain a broken hero power, summon two doomguards, summon two voidlords, fill the rest of the board with voidwalkers'' button
Mybe in your deck but not all of us play cubelock ;) Why N'Zoth was good and he also summoned full board that even after boardclear had some minons/tokens??? Im sure only HP little to much not battlecry... Be aware that warlock was thrash before K&C and he had DK before it..
The powerlevel is idiotic in controllock too. You often summon atleast one voidlord, which is already a lot of value as it's a 9 mana minion, not to mention the extra voidwalkers and potential extra voidlords. Aside from that the heropower is just waaay too strong. I am 100% convinced that if the heropower became deal 2 damage with lifesteal, gul' dan would see just as much play. I'm not sure what you are referring to with the N'Zoth thing, but N'Zoth was good because there are a lot of valuable deathrattles, and because he created sticky boards.
And p.s. I will never in my life touch disgusting cubelock. I'd rather not play than play that filth.
I'm sorry that they are thinking about changing your ''Gain 5 armor, gain a broken hero power, summon two doomguards, summon two voidlords, fill the rest of the board with voidwalkers'' button
Polymorph, Cornered Sentry, Hex, Tinkmaster Overspark; these are all cards that mess with your opponent's Witching Hour. Aside from that, only warlock really suffers against taunt druid (and they definitely deserve to). If you really lose that often to taunt druid (which you don't, because it barely sees play as a tier 3 deck) queue a faster deck or play a deck with some of the above mentioned cards.
Hadronax druids are my new least favourite deck today. Meeting so many on ladder.. it's not even that I play aggro decks but damn who the fuck wants to fight through walls and walls of taunt. The concept is so fucking ********, with N'zoth it was fun because deathrattle mechanics were actually good. With this deck though it's just huge hp minions. Also branching paths can go fuck itself. That card is so dumb and annoying too. Sure play hadronax and have endless taunt.. but you fucking retards pick 12/12 armour every time. Noob trash. So as if fighting through all the taunts wasn't bad enough you guys all got like 20 armour+ on top of hp pool to get through.
on that note armour strats are so dead and boring and fuck you and your family to anyone who plays this dumb shit hadronax or baku warrior. The decks are mindless and boring to play, to play against they are so depressing it makes me want to jump out of my 4th floor window. Just stop with that ******** shit.
Mind if I ask what rank you're at hitting all these druids? :( Playing odd paladin cause I didn't have much dust to work with to afford much, and I am queueing into control priest / cube lock literally 3 out of 4 games at rank ~9. Makes me want to just slam my head against the desk and not even play ranked. There's been quite a heavy influx of control priest in the last few days. So basically in 3 out of 5 of the ranked games I play, I automatically lose.. it's just great. : ) (And can maybe beat a cube lock here and there maybe one out of 5 games or so where I luck out and they don't draw more than 1 removal spell and I can zerg them down by turn 8). But majority of the time they have 2 defiles and at least 1 hellfire drawn by that time.
Taunt druid really isn't that good of a matchup. I've played taunt druid from rank 8 to 3 (I know, I know, shoot me) and I feel decent against paladin. Sometimes I can quickly ramp up to primordial, swipes and wraths come in handy, tar creepers etc. The result is draw dependent though.
It's crazy how 80% of people don't deserve their golden hero. The majority of players manage to have it by spamming the same class indefinitely no matter if they have a good winrate or no since even with a winrate of 30% they will eventually have the 500 wins. I just beat a golden warlock just before rank 5 who was playing so bad, the guy litterally played all his heals before i play alexstraza while he was above 20 pv (and i don't talk about the other mistakes). The guy just gave me the victory in the hands
Well, I used to say the same thing about the legend cardback. People who spam paladin don't deserve that either. But then I realised that they do deserve it, it just doesn't mean anything anymore. The same thing counts for golden heroes. The ONLY thing a golden hero says is that you've won 500 games with a class. It says nothing about your actual experience with the class or your skill level.
It's just a stupid deck tbh. Not fun to queue into if you are playing a control deck at all. It's rock-paper-scissors
It pains me to see newcomers disrespect the legend of this thread
You should include some vaseline, in case you run into aggro
So many more people would be legend if it wasn't ladder anxiety
Can't wait honestly. The cards they considered un-fun would all be better off nerfed imo
No, call them Dudes
Everyone who isn't paladin does.
Well, I can't say I disagree with the potentially un-fun cards, and I can't say I'm surprised that four of them come from warlock either.
That would finally get rid of all those ''Nerf Deathstalker Rexxar!"' threads.