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    posted a message on Master Jouster

    If this gets SWD'd though, that's actually wonderful for the player playing this because they've probably got far bigger threats in their deck like Ragnaros and Dr. Boom, and this getting SWD'd means those guys won't be.

    Posted in: Master Jouster
  • 2

    posted a message on Tuskarr Jouster

    Actually, while you're partly right, the chance to fail is also not as high as you think. Remember, only minions from each deck are revealed, so things like Holy Light, Seal of Light, etc. won't hurt it. And the extra stats on the body means that this can probably stick around long enough to help take out an extra minion or two, which the healbot usually can't do.

    Posted in: Tuskarr Jouster
  • 5

    posted a message on Popular Decks of the Week, Tavern Brawl Blue Tweets, Gfinity Summer Masters I

    A buddy of mine is actually going to be photographing the Summer Masters tournament for Gfinity! =D

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on BALLAdin Counters Current Meta Decks

    Good god. I don't have the cards to actually build this but this has to be the most fun I've had reading about a deck on this site so far. SO MANY REFERENCES. You, sir, are a [Truesilver] Champion.

    Posted in: BALLAdin Counters Current Meta Decks
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    posted a message on Banana Brawl: thoughts?

    I'm really enjoying the Banana Brawl so far! I made my own Mage deck that's a little bit different from the current build that most people seem to be running, and I've only lost one game with it so far. Putting it below if you guys want to have a look. I do have one Violet Teacher in there, but primarily my deck revolves around having a lot of minions die so that the ones that can REALLY benefit from the Bananas get to shine. I incorporated Duplicate and it works extremely well with almost every minion in the deck, because almost all of them can get good value out of Bananas. I will admit it's not the most amazing and obviously not super original, but I do think it has a bit of a twist compared to the Mage deck most people seem to be running in this Brawl, and I've actually done reasonably well against that Mage deck myself with this one.

    As for the Brawl itself, I really do like it quite a lot. It's clear at this point that Tavern Brawl is kind of a "go nuts" mode, where players are given the opportunity to pull off stuff that makes even the most broken of Constructed decks look tame by comparison. And the coolest thing is that even new players who don't have that many cards in their collection are able to do reasonably well provided that they construct their decks carefully and / or are reasonably good players. I really dig that and I've had a lot more fun with this mode than both Constructed and Arena lately. I also love that you can do your daily quests in there as well as the free pack, as it's really helping build out my card collection which is very lacking at the moment. I really, really hope they keep the free pack thing going, although I know they said they'd only do it for the first few weeks. It's just so helpful and I'm having more fun playing Hearthstone these days than I have in months.

    Banana Value
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    Minion (16) Ability (14)
    Loading Collection

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on Auto-concedes as Ragnaros?

    I think Nefarian has a clear advantage overall, as it's easier to win with him than it is with Rag. However, I really do enjoy playing as Rag as well, as long as you get a decent draw in the early game. Again, the requirement that you do have to get that decent early draw is what makes me still consider Nefarian better in the matchup, but if you do have a good start as Rag, you can make it a lot more even.

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
  • -1

    posted a message on Majordomo Executus


    Posted in: Majordomo Executus
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    posted a message on Dr. Boom

    Perfectly Balanced

    Posted in: Dr. Boom
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    posted a message on Dr. Boom

    You know, I don't actually play enough to really warrant me doing this, but if I start playing more at any point, I'd be happy to collaborate with you and come up with some hard statistics. I would currently hazard a guess that the only decks that don't run him are either ones where the player doesn't own him or the deck is EXTREMELY specialized (like a freeze mage or something), and even then most of them still do it. Hell, FACE HUNTERS run this guy sometimes. WAT.

    Posted in: Dr. Boom
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