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    posted a message on New Priest Card Reveal - Shadow Essence
    Quote from Fakerino >>

     So how is this better than Barnes? It costs 2 more and does pretty much the same thing. 

    Even stats wise barnes is 3/4+1/1 = 4/5. So you pay 2 mana for +1 attack. Wow.

     Because Barnes is a vanilla 3/4 and the 1/1 has the card text. It's really easy to ping off a 1/1 Ysera but not as easy to kill a 5/5 one. 
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Are all cards released genuine.

    Yes. The Rotface card is packaged in with the Breath of Sindragosa card on the front page. It was in a silly video the team made where Arthas got a job at Blizzard and he was criticizing a few cards. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card Revealed: Forge of Souls
    Quote from Lordinaryus >>

    According to Trump's accidental warrior DK leak, your passive will be dual weapon wielding so this card is really good.

     Wait what? When did this happen?
    Posted in: News
  • 15

    posted a message on New Shaman Card Revealed: Snowfury Giant

    I mean... why is a Snowfury Elemental getting cost reduction based on Overlord and not freeze effects? Especially when one of the new theme for Shaman has been to push for freezing effects this expansion. I guess there weren't enough to make it viable? But still, this should have been a Storm Giant in that case (which definitely exist in Northrend).

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    posted a message on New Hero Card Revealed! - Uther of the Ebon Blade
    Quote from hillandder >>

    The battlecry is great, equip a 5/3 wepon + 5 life from lifesteal + 5 armor.

    The hero power is bad, if you summon 4 2/2 minions and opponent cannot do anything you win anyway.

     How is the hero power bad? It's a straight +1/+1 from the default Paladin one and has the potential of winning you the game outright if your opponent is out of answers. Seems pretty much like an upgrade over the paladin hero power to me and mages, druids, and rogues no longer counter it with their own hero power which makes it infinitely better. 
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on All priest and mage cards released.
    Quote from Tykaine >>
    Quote from Hctaz >>
    The lifesteal board clear is pretty good against aggro and with Thalnos which is a deathrattle. Maybe the quest makes a revival somehow. Also let's not forget how mega fucking OP N'zoth will be if you have multiple copies of that 4/8 priest card die. 
    Don't discredit the new dragons as well. Might benefit Dragon Priest even. There are a couple of different things going for it. The new jade idol counter card as well. You can afford to play a deck that punishes aggro and all but nearly guarantees you make it into the late game now because you don't have to worry about Jade druid infinitely jading you in the face. 
    I actually play a lot of Reno Quest Priest and Dragon Priest in Wild, so the new deathrattles and dragons do intrigue me and I think they may find their place. Funnily enough, they aren't Priest cards!
    But my hopes are lying on Shadowreaper Anduin in a Reno deck with Raza the Chained, it's all just theory at this point but it seems like it could be very fun to play. Forgotten cards like Spawn of Shadows and Nexus-Champion Saraad may have found their purpose.
     Well there are some other synergies with Deathrattle as well. The 4 mana discover rez, the 6 mana summon a 5/5 copy of a minion, and the new 9 mana 4/8 can all be used in a Deathrattle deck. Those are pretty good I'd say. That 9 mana card will be insane if you can stabilize enough (which hopefully you can with the quest possibly?) and then drop a phat N'zoth with 3 or 4 of those bad boys. 
    Also I don't play Wild, so all of this is coming strictly from standard decks. I THINK it can work but I'm not too hopeful unless the meta really slows down. I think they finally printed enough really powerful late game cards that it might give incentive to play decks that last that long as well as providing what looks to be little in terms of aggro cards and a lot in terms of life gain and defensive tools for the classes that usually have access to control archetypes. 
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on I'm sorry but.... TGT 2.0??
    Quote from KitsuneRTC >>
    Quote from Castigation >>

    Yeah, it's underwhelming and quite frankly pretty dull. Least hype expansion ever for me. Not to mention all the fucking RNG, I had some hopes we where getting beyond that shit. But nope, Blizzards idea of fun is still a clown fiesta. 

     just pulling up ungoro, every class has something good honestly. or at least something to build decks around. I feel like this set really doesn't have that. I like cards to build interesting types of decks with that are new, not just insert a few cards into the current meta which feels like this is whats happening.
     I mean this just seems to be their style. The only reason Un'goro was so crazy was because it was the start of a new rotation. But basically once a period of time has been defined by certain decks, they will always make sure to release more support for those decks even if they aren't that great. I'm sure many players would rather go back to a true Zoo or Handlock deck but they muddy the waters some trying to make discardlock work still because it was a major theme in Un'goro. They probably will print more cards next expansion that do the same as well until Un'goro rotates out. Look at Dragon priest for example: They stopped pushing Dragon Priest as an archetype now that Blackrock Mountain has rotated out. It still works, but it isn't like they're constantly releasing powerful priest only dragon archetype cards anymore.  
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on All priest and mage cards released.
    Quote from Tykaine >>

    As a Priest main, feeling rather bittersweet with these cards. Shadowreaper Anduin the potential is there, but the reality remains to be seen. Obsidian Statue seems decent, but I have a personal phobia of cards costing 9 mana, it's the no-man's land between 8-10.

    Everything else seems somewhat unimpressive. 

    But I felt the same with Un'goro, and it actually turned out to be a fairly decent period for Priests. I can admit when I am wrong.

     I think there seems to be ways you can cheese out repeated copies of that new 9 mana card without actually needing to pay full cost for it. I could see like Barnes, Onyx Bishop, the new 6 mana summon a 5/5 copy from your deck, the discover resurrect spell... We shall see. I I honestly think the card is good enough to play on turn 9 if you're stabilized enough not to die from burst from your opponent's hand. Minions are probably not going to be killing you any time soon when you drop that thing on 9. 
    I think Benedictus will be utilized in any tournament control v control deck aimed at taking down specifically greedy control decks. I think it's too niche to see play on ladder though. But could you imagine playing the greediest possible control priest deck with that card specifically to target your opponent's control deck? Seems like it'd be good then and only then. 
    The lifesteal board clear is pretty good against aggro and with Thalnos which is a deathrattle. Maybe the quest makes a revival somehow. Also let's not forget how mega fucking OP N'zoth will be if you have multiple copies of that 4/8 priest card die. 
     Don't discredit the new dragons as well. Might benefit Dragon Priest even. There are a couple of different things going for it. The new jade idol counter card as well. You can afford to play a deck that punishes aggro and all but nearly guarantees you make it into the late game now because you don't have to worry about Jade druid infinitely jading you in the face. 
    I really have hope somebody will figure something out with priest this expansion
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card Revealed: Skulking Geist
    Quote from SHWC >>

    I am not sure whether this kind of stuff is healthy to the game or not.

    If control mage and/or secret mage dominates the game, people will tech Eater of Secrets

    If pirate warrior goes crazy, people will tech Golakka Crawler and the same case goes for murloc paladin as Hungry Crab

    But the cards above are just once off, I mean you only eat a pirate, a murloc and the secrets that are on the battlefield, while this new card from KRT has whole-game impact that destroy all 1 cost spells in hands and both in decks once after it is played

    This card could be good especially for tackling down jade druid for example, but it appears to me that it is slightly unhealthy as a way to balance the game

     I mean usually on turn 6 1 cost spells aren't that great. Look at control priest for example: What do I care if my PW:S gets destroyed? The 2 health isn't a bonus really at that point in the game. The reason why it's a good card is because when the health total is not longer needed it's just a 1 mana draw a card. If somebody plays this thing then my PW:S become a zero mana draw a card with no health gain since I no longer have the possibility of top decking this thing when I really want my Ysera. PW:S is only really powerful in the early game when getting 2 extra health means the difference between losing and winning the board for many turns to come. Also as an added bonus: If you play this in your control priest deck yourself this is actually a bonus as well. Like I said, PW:S is actually a negative thing to top deck on turn 6 or later. This card is a 6 mana "Remove two useless early game cards from your deck so you can top deck better stuff". Good shit. 
    This card is literally here for Jade druid and maybe against some combos decks or purify priest (which honestly I'm glad is getting a nerf) 
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    posted a message on New Card Revealed: Skulking Geist
    Quote from Rimousqui >>

    I think Evolve Shaman will suffer more than Jade Druid from it. Even if played on curve, Jade Druid will be able to get some 6/6 and 7/7 Golems in a few turns, but turn 6 is the first turn where the Shaman can do the Doublegangster combo, and if it is not already played, he his ruined.

     Nah Jade Druid is going to get killed by this thing if there's a powerful control deck out there. Sure they will still get up to 6/6 or 7/7 but that's only crushing to midrange decks and aggro decks if they have earthen scales. Neither of those decks will be playing this card since Aggro has either won by turn 6 or the druid has and midrange has better cards to play on curve. This is for when you're playing a control deck and you've already removed their 12/12 jade golem and they're out or normal ways to summon golems... minus the billions of copies of jade idol still circulating. 
    I know playing as control priest in the last two expansions that I'm able to actually go to fatigue against Jade druid while removing every single jade golem summoned that isn't from shuffled copies of jade idol. Hell, I can even kill an extra 4 jade idol golems on top of that. It isn't that difficult to do. 
    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on Where is the jade idol counter we were supposed to see in wednesday?
    Quote from Zebrahead12 >>

    Skulking Geist

    they just revealed the counter^^

    This is absolutely devastating holy shit. Thank god man. I can't wait to play this in every control deck I make for at least a solid week until Jade realizes they should give up. 
    I don't even care if it makes me lose to midrange decks. Fuck it. Fuck Jade. 
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Mage Card Revealed: Simulacrum
    Quote from s3dralius >>

    So maybe you pay 4 mana for another mana wyrm?5 mana for another sorcerer's apprentice..?Maybe in some deck archetypes will be useful but doubt it..Let's see!I can't see this card's value right now...

     I think the value is that it allows Exodia mage to pop off faster. Basically these two cards are 3 mana "Copy a Sorcerer's Apprentice in your hand" which allows you more opportunities to finish your full combo easier. If you draw two of these and two Sorcerer's then you don't need either Molten Reflection. You can draw both Sorcerer's one of these and one molten. You can draw two molten one Sorcerer's and one of these... Basically this card allows for you to find your full combo much faster. Instead of needing 4 specific card you need 4 out of 6. 
    Posted in: News
  • 4

    posted a message on New Priest Card Revealed: Embrace Darkness

    This card is iffy. It would need to be something like "Freeze an enemy minion. At the start of your next turn, take control of it" to be playable I think. Cool concept but as is it probably won't be very good.

    I like how it can act as removal for big 4 attack minions but there's a pretty heavy flaw. The reason mind control is not really played is because you have to commit your whole turn to it. With this card, you have 4 mana leftover on turn 10 to do whatever you want with it... but what would you even want to do with 4 mana? Heal yourself? You obviously wouldn't play any minions because your opponent would just trade off his big guy so you can't take it or would use it to kill your minion and weaken the one you're getting. Big value for him. So then what's the ideal turn 10? This and the 4 mana heal 12? Seems bad. Same issues as mind control. You devote your whole turn to this and passing basically but at least mind control immediately removes the card. 

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    posted a message on New Priest Legendary - Archbishop Benedictus

    Interesting idea that will get completely lost on page twelve: Why not treat this card as a pseudo Entomb? Remember when control priest was a deck that played with no win condition against other control decks but just stole two of them off of the opponent? I could see this being something like that though I'm not sure how a control mirror would honestly go. It's obviously less reliable than entomb but also more proactive. If you're playing a control mirror and your opponent's strong minions are at the very bottom of his deck then this allows you the possibility of scooping them out of there first. With Entomb you'd just be staring at each other for 8 turns of nothing potentially. Not sure though I guess we'll have to playtest


    TL;DR theory is you build a priest deck that absolutely crushes aggro decks and play this card to make sure you don't get destroyed by midrange or other control decks who opt to include more game winning cards like Ysera in them. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Gnomish Vampire breaks a cardinal rule of competitive game design.
    Quote from SammoTD >>

    Most games it is simply a vanilla minion because you don't draw all your deck.

     This isn't a card for a mill archetype though. I will concede that this card is not that great against an aggressive deck but this card's place is not to counter aggro. I believe we'll see this used more in tournaments than we will in constructed simply due to the fact that we can't guarantee we're matching up against a deck with key cards. This could be really powerful in a control mirror or against any deck that has a gameplan. This taking out a powerful board clear could be exactly the kind of thing you need. Maybe you remove your opponent's Death Knight hero (if those decks end up being good enough) or a powerful late game minion like Ysera. What if the remaining cards in the opponent's deck are something like Death, pain, PW:S, Ysera, board clear, heal spell and you wipe out the Ysera? Or what if you take out the board clear and then flood your board with whatever minions you have in your hand since you usually will know the number of board clears a deck runs. It could be pretty good. 
    Posted in: General Discussion
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