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    posted a message on New Warlock Card Revealed: Gnomeferatu
    Quote from LongArmsofLaw >>

    Now I know why I stopped playing this game.  Most of the community is to dumb to understand why this card and fel rever only really matters if a game goes to fatigue.  

     I mean that's just simply not true though. For Fel Reaver, you would build your deck around the fact that it's impossible to combo cards reliably. Things would have synergy like buffs and stuff but usually it was aggro "throw things on the board and go face" decks that would use Fel Reaver. Of course in that situation it doesn't matter.
    The difference here is that warlock has the potential to absolutely destroy combos decks. Play an aggressive zoo deck with these teched in and hit your quest mage's Antonidas. They lose. Hit your opponent's second jade idol. Hit their DK hero card. This card does nothing against aggro obviously but this is giving warlock decks the ability to remove the key cards that control and combo players have in order to drastically slow them down or outright force them to concede. 
    Like if Fel Reaver was a 5 mana 3/3 that said "Every time your opponent plays a card they mill the top 2 cards of their deck" it would have been played entirely differently. 
    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Card Reveal - Corpsetaker
    Quote from tsudecimo >>

    Holy shit what? a 4 man taunt divineshield lifesteal wind fury.

    I don't see how this card isn't just broken. It's the low cost that make this looks so ridiculous strong.

     I mean it's literally wickerflame with a 1 mana 1/1 buff on it and has potential to have windfury if you put one of those godawful cards in your decks and don't also draw it. 
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Paladin Legendary Card Reveal - Bolvar, Fireblood
    Quote from RFeynman >>

    It doesn't sound like the right flavor for a Death Knight, but possibly the new DK Paladin will give divine shields? That would make this and the weapon better late game.

     I think the flavor is that they're losing their light in order to empower their stuff. This and the new weapon kinda give that theme. The "fallen paladin" theme. Alternatively, they stated it's sorta vicious like you're sending your stuff off to die sorta thing. 
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Rogue Card Revealed: Plague Scientist
    Quote from Dandav2000 >>

    Thinking about it, Baron Geddon + Plague Scientist is a busted clear for 10 mana!

     Repeated clear every turn too holy shit lol. Also you could put this on Knife Juggler and it gets instant value (unless it goes face) and if they can't clear it then you have a knife juggler with a poisonous effect. That's pretty strong. 
    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Knights of the Frozen Throne is Hearthstone's Next Expansion
    Quote from Dr_Scaphandre >>

    Never gonna happen. They said multiple times they don't wanna add new classes. This adds a new subclass archetype using the whole Deathknight theme.

     Yeah but that really blows man.. =/ I've been a DK main since Wrath so... I'm just fucked for class representation I guess. Really wanted a death knight hero. 
    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on How do you counter Taunt Quest Warrior?
    Quote from LordBlumpkin >>

    I haven't lost yet as quest priest to taunt warrior.

     What's your decklist? The only time I won was when I my N'zoth got all the "Draw from your opponent's deck" and I used his deck to win after he brawled me xD
    They usually run a Brawl and will save it specifically for your N'zoth play. I don't think quest priest really has a good way to come back from that. 
    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 13

    posted a message on Anyone else having less fun than expected?

    I dunno... I guess all of the new quests just feel stupid to play against. 

    Barnabus comes out and you're like "Kay I hope I can remove the last 13 7+ drops in his deck"

    Crystal Core comes out on turn 5 and you're like "Well I guess I lose to his boars"

    Sulfuras comes out and you're like "Well this was control v. control but now I'm just getting shit on"

    It's all just predictable and feels bad. 


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Nesting Roc does not count towards Warrior Quest

    That isn't how it works though. A minion has always been considered an "x" minion if it has that effect printed on the text only and in your hand. If the battlecry goes off that alters its effect then you've summoned "x" minion but you haven't played "x" minion. Play happens when it leaves your hand, summoned happens when it hits the board. Battlecry effects don't trigger until after the minion has left your hand and attempted to enter play already. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why didn't Thalnos go to wild Hall of Fame?
    Quote from dmhenders10 >>

    I think Sylvanas was moved to the hall of fame because of the cards that were released in this set. She would have been OP had she stuck around. Ragnaros was moved because of hose commonly he was used as well as Azure Drake. 

     I don't know man... Maybe in Rogue? MAYBE. But for the actual Deathrattle deck I mean... we have like zero strong deathrattle effects except for Cairne. 
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Will shifting shade get an elemental tag? if not why?
    Quote from Co_Ga >>
    Quote from thepetestephen>>

    Shades are definitely Undead and not Elemental

     I don't really agree, don't think we can consider them as undead. The bodies of Elementals are made of material from the element to which they belong (earth, rock, mud, air, wind, fire, magma, water, vapor...) : 
     Shades are undead though. In Warcraft, shades are the deceased human acolytes of the cult of the damned. You take them to the sacrificial pit and they commit Sudoku to become shades which are invisible scouting units. Shade of Naxx, Shifting Shade, and Ancient Shade are all 100% undead ghosts. 
    Arcane Anomaly is an arcane elemental. Those exist as well. Arcane is an elemental type just like fel, light, and void. 
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Lyra the Sunshard
    Quote from JackBauer22 >>

    Very underwhelmed about Priest legendary. I guess they couldnt give us strongest quest and best legendary. May see play in Standard but probably never in Wild, since mid game is heavily contested with so many other good minions and spells

     Priest doesn't have either though. It doesn't make any sense. You have so many quest cars that are designed to just win the game is played correctly or are unanswered like Galvadon, the druid one, and the mage one... I mean even the hunter one is absolutely insane. But the Priest one doesn't really do anything. I don't get it. Setting our health to 40 doesn't do any good. Warrior get freaking Ragnaros' hero power. Priests should have also gotten something game winning... I guess N'zoth is our win condition but you can just board clear us. And why did Warlocks get so many cards that fuel their quest including their legendary? I was really hoping our legendary creature would be OP Deathrattle.  
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Jade has shaped the aggressive, anti-control meta
    Quote from Scarthcaroth >>
    Yes, I've oversimplified what control does but I will not stop saying that Jade Druid in its current form, is what ruins other control decks.
     How do you respond to the counterargument that 90% of the decks you face aren't Jade Druid? 
     They aren't jade druid because the current best deck shits all over their face. When 70% of ladder is the one deck your deck sucks against then you aren't going to play it. That doesn't mean the card isn't broken as hell. If pirates weren't OP as fuck then you'd just have jade druid running rampant with no real counter except maybe a combo control deck like freeze mage or handlock which they're killing off next expansion anyway. Myself and plenty of other people including well respected and highly skilled hearthstone players are honestly worried that Jade idol druid might be the new OP if Pirates and combos are killed off. There will only be one control deck and it won't even really be a control deck. At least against Jarraxus you have a chance at winning.  
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Jade has shaped the aggressive, anti-control meta
    Quote from Brannrik >>

    I also feel that jade idol is super broken - no other card no even combo of a few cards has had the power before to remove whole archtyped from the meta. 

     Are you... actually comparing a 7 mana 9/7 that can be silenced off to remove it's sustain to a 1 mana unlimited x/x that you can draw multiples of in the late game with Gagetzan Auctioneer?
    Holy hell dude you must be high as fuck. 
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on New Card Revealed: Crystalline Oracle
    Quote from On3_M4n_Army >>

    'We won't release any more broken 1 drops ever again..Kappa' -Blizzard, 2017

     How is this broken? It's a 1 mana 1/1. It isn't even a 2/1. Pretty not busted if you ask me. What they mean by "broken" is cards like old undertaker, old Small-time, old flame imp (it was a 3/2 with stealth for 1 that dealt only 2 damage I believe), mana wyrm, cogmaster, tunnel trogg, etc. These are all cards that have the potential to straight up win you the game by going out of control. You ever take 5 damage from Tunnel Trogg on turn 4 or 5? Or how about a mana wyrm with 3 attack or something? Or an a 4/5 undertaker that you can't freaking kill? Those are broken one drops. Swashburgler, Babbling Book, and the like are not busted. 
    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on If you recently crafted Ragnaros, you've been had....
    Quote from hazelpwn >>

    @LordPikachu, let me put it this way.

    You and your friend both get a dollar for allowance one day.  You go to the store and trade your dollar for a candy bar.  You friend keeps his dollar.

    The next day, I poop on your candy bar and give you both another dollar.  I also offer to buy your pooped-on candy bar for 25 cents.

    I tell you, don't worry about me pooping on your candy bar...I'm giving you a dollar to pay for it...and I'm even buying it back for 25 cents.  Look, you'll have $1.25 now, when yesterday you only had $1.

    But, I'd point out your friend has $2 now...and you'd have had $2 too if you didn't buy that candy bar.  But if you think it's fine that you only have $1.25 now because I pooped on your candy bar and you think that's fair ... well, then, I guess you're entitled to your opinion....

     Uh... why would the guy who didn't buy a candy bar to get pooped on get a dollar? He wouldn't. So at the end of the day you'd have 1.25 and your friend would have a dollar. You have to buy the candy bar to get the free refund and then you can trade in the candy bar for an additional 25%.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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