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    posted a message on Some Classic Cards Moving to Wild, Three Expansions this Year, New Rogue Hero - Year of the Mammoth
    Quote from Komorebi3 >>

    some strong tempo spells

    Not for as long as Ben "I hate combo decks" lives. Any low cost spell can be comboed with Gadgetzan Auctioneer ; Any high cost spell does not fit rogue because it makes enabling combo extremely hard ( On top of rogue not being a control class in the slightest since, you know, no heal or AOE ).

    Yet Gadgetzan Auctioneer never gets the nerf chopping block because hell if they're gonna sacrifice a neutral card used by, pfft, at least 1 deck that isn't rogue, just to stop the combo train from pigeon holing the class into an archetype Team 5 doesn't want to be viable anyway.

     Hwat? Were you not around when they nerfed it from 5 to 6 mana?
    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Seriously Guys? lol

    People are complaining because aggro decks are back in the meta... Again. We're SICK of this shit. So many people just want a new type of deck to be dominant and every single expansion we pray the game slows down which it never does. 

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on New Warlock Legendary Card - Krul the Unshackled
    Quote from MightyGorgon >>

    The most important question:

    Which one is Krul, the small guy or the huge Demon? Kappa

     Obviously the small guy. That big  guy in the back is CLEARLY a demon yet this card isn't tagged as one. 
    >.> seriously though, why is it not a demon? IT'S CLEARLY A DEMON LOL
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on For the life of me, I can't win in arena.

    NA Hctaz#1638


    I'd love to watch a run for you sometime. 

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on New Priest Card - Purify

    Are you kidding me? How is Power Word: Shield 1 mana draw a card and do something good for your board (OR AT LEAST YOU CAN CYCLE IT ON AN OPPONENT'S MINION LOL) and this is 2 mana do nothing or make your minion worse and then draw a card? This is restrictive and way over cost. Are they going to release a 1 mana 30/30 that says "Can't attack. Can only be silenced by effects that also draw you a card"? Shit even that might not be good enough for this card to see play. Blood to Ichor coin Execute says hi.  

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on When will The Golden Monkey bug finally be fixed?

    The Entomb thing I've seen happen in a N'Zoth Control mirror where we copied like 4 entombs each from the deathrattle shade lol. It was pretty funny knowing that we could see each other's cards we had stolen and then drawn. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Just Played the Most AMAZING Game

    Probably because I was drunk lol whoops. I should stay away from the computer when I'm drinking. 


    Whoops forgot to quote. This was in response to henomar.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Just Played the Most AMAZING Game

    I just had the most insane priest mirror match. He was playing some kind of N'zoth Yogg deck and I was playing a standard N'Zoth control. The most nail-biting part was the Yogg drop but I'll leave a summary of the CRAZY RNG that played out in the early, mid, and mid to late game.


    The game starts out with me getting a bunch of draws by taking out his board with some clears and keeping a cleric on board. Pretty standard. Then the RNG hits. He plays a shifting shade and it dies. His shade steals a shade from my deck and then he plays a Museum curator which gets him another shade. Then he plays one of the shades and it dies and steals a museum curator from my deck. Pretty much was a cluster fuck of him stealing shades and museum curators from my deck back to back. He ended up with extreme card advantage as I had not drawn either of those two cards yet. I think my hand was something like auchenai, double flash heal, Sylvanas, forbidden shaping. So turn 8 comes along and I'm like... "Eh yolo shaping" and it nets me a Tirion. He doesn't have entomb yet LUCKILY and so he ends up clearing it a couple turns later and using a Harrison one of his shades stole from my deck to deal with Ashbringer. So I clear his stuff with some Auchenai play and end up dropping a tempo Harrison a little later to which he drops a Sylvanas he got from one of his curators (seriously he played 4 shades and 4 or 5 curators this game -_-) and then death's it to which I return the favor next turn. I had drawn N'Zoth that turn before this but I wanted to get the board state into a more favorable position.  I'm prepping myself for my N'Zoth turn with my Auchenai still in play when low and behold he plays his N'zoth. It ended up bringing back 4 shades and a Sylvanas. I'm thinking I'm preeeeetty fucked but I end up dropping my own N'Zoth and trading in my auchenai for some reason onto one of his shades. My N'Zoth brings back a shade, Sylvanas, Tirion, loot hoarder, and a Thalnos. He manages my board with excavated evil and then clears it in such a way that his Sylvanas steal mine and he's left with my Sylvanas and his N'Zoth. I entomb his N'Zoth thinking I have an alternative win condition since I figured he was out of ways to beat me (Lol Yogg Saron). So I clear his board with whatever shenanigans (doesn't really matter at this point. It's pretty standard control shit) and end up Cabal'ing a doomsayer he played (which one of his four shades from his N'Zoth stole from my deck) and then playing my own doomsayer (he had an ooze and a Darkshire Alchemist on board so I needed two of them in order to guarantee an empty board for my second N'Zoth I had drawn). It works and so I play it and get back a whole bunch of shit. Two shades, Syvlanas, Tirion, Loot hoarder, and Thalnos. He ends up entombing my Tirion first and then double excavated evils the board the next turn (since I guess one of his 4 N'Zoth shades stole the one he put in my deck earlier. I dunno man this shit was getting out of hand. He also thoughtstole twice in there somewhere so he had a good 12 cards from my deck or something like that). Both my shades steal the Tirion he stole from me. So I play that on back to back turns and I still had my N'Zoth so I was looking pretty good to win.


    Then the Tl;dr RNG fest that is Yogg gets dropped. He is at 5 health and I am at 18. This "God of Death" starts off by summoning a bunch of shit. Blood to ichor on one of my Tirion, Force of Nature, Call of the Wild, 1 mana summon a mastiff hunter card, he arcane shots his Yogg, does some damage to other stuff, plays upgrade... and then he starfire's my face. I'm thinking... "Eh... 13 life. Not thaaaat scary..." Then he plays hellfire which ends up clearing EVERYTHING. I'm a little worried now because I'm at 10 life although he is at 2. So he plays a bunch of useless spells like preparation etc. before getting to the big one. Pyroblast. The card text pops up right in my face and I let out an immediate sigh. I had come this far only to have the entire game decided based on a coin flip. The screen grows darker and more red with the intensity of the fire growing. I see the large fireball come right out of the enemy priest's face. I actually facepalm'd myself at this point because I guess the nature of the game had finally sunk in. I bite my tongue a little as I expect the fireball to be hurled at my face. Instead, it stays right on top of that cute golden portrait of Anduin and blows him up for a GG. 


    I doubt anybody wants to take the time to write this detailed of a post but are there any really crazy games anybody else has had lately? I'm really enjoying this expansion so far when it comes to control versus control matches. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Yogg-Saron secrets "bug"?

    Nah I'm pretty sure it's fine. Yogg is casting them from whatever side of the board he's on. If he switches sides mid battlecry then the sides of the spells also switch. If he dies then he stays on whatever side he was on until the battlecry ends and then he's dead. I don't see any issues with this. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Too Many Crazy Decks

    Maybe I've just been getting really really bad variance here but let me explain what I've experienced this season in standard:

    I've seen some crazy zoo lock decks with an even greater ability to flood the board than before combined with the new 3 mana 1/5 Darkshire Councilman

    I've seen face shaman play a 4 mana 7/7 on curve and kill me by turn 6

    I've seen freeze mage burst me down from full life with nothing but an Emperor tick on his hand (the last game I just played was freeze mage vs dragon priest. I would have lost had he had either one more spell in hand OR Thalnos)

    I've seen divine shield 1 health spammy zoo paladin draw 5 cards on me when I FINALLY have cleared their board which gave them the exact two damage they needed to win

    What I don't understand is why the meta has become even more aggro oriented than before (freeze mage being the exception but I don't think most freeze mages would survive until turn 10 against the rest of those decks like they usually do against my slower midrange/control decks). Everybody claimed the meta was going to slow down. I guess the last couple of cards they released really pushed the aggro meta game? I'll go into specific detail for things I don't quite understand.

    Against Paladin: I cannot for the life of me figure out why divine favor wasn't touched in the nerfs. That just screams blatant aggro auto include. Blizzard's statement on the matter was that "It's okay for there to be cards in the game that punish being ahead like Mind Control Tech" What? Are you crazy? If aggro paladin has played divine favor and drawn 3-5 cards then it most likely means they have already vomited their entire hand onto the board, dealt you shit tons of face damage, and are possibly still ahead since it's really difficult to clear divine shield creatures. Divine Favor doesn't punish you for hoarding cards, it rewards aggro for playing too fast to keep a hand. I mean it can be used as a comeback mechanic also but it's very different than MCT. MCT your opponent physically has to have already met a certain requirement by flooding their board full of minions. Divine favor is nothing like MCT. Sure your opponent can play around it but even if you're trying to empty your hand as fast as possible it's very likely that paladin can still draw more than 2 cards from it. I don't particularly have an issue with any other card in the aggro decklist as the rest seem okay to me. It can be annoying to get rallying blade-ed but I mean you probably didn't clear their Darkshire whatever it's called

    Zoo lock: What even in the world were they thinking printing a card like Darkshire councilman? It has its weaknesses sure like Cabal and whatnot but if played on curve with a forbidden ritual next turn it can be absolutely devastating. Zoo lock already has the capability to flood the board with sticky minions and it feels really really bad when they have something like turn 5 darkshire into double possessed villager (or any two one cost creatures). That stops cabal from working and killing a 5 health creature is no easy task.

    Face Shaman: 4 mana 7/7. I think that's really all that needs to be said BUT I'll go into detail before people scream "JUST REMOVE IT MAN!". The 4 mana 7/7 by itself is not overpowered. What is OP is that usually against face shaman they spend the first three turns playing some aggressive minions that take complete board control. Tunnel Trog is an INSANE card. Absolutely insane card. It usually trades up against anything you can play in the early game. The thing about the 4 mana 7/7 is that usually by turn 4 you don't have board control. Control decks will have spent the early turns trying to clear the board as much as possible and will usually find themselves unable to develop many minions. Playing minions can sometimes get you punished anyway if they have something like turn 1 tunnel trog into turn 2 coin feral spirits. Usually will kill your 1 drop outright and sets them up with complete board control. Then when they drop the 4 mana 7/7, you have to waste another turn with removing it and sacrificing even more health and board control. Turn 5 feels bad when you're forced into playing SW:D into some mediocre two drop that will get effectively countered by whatever they have on the board.

    The control situation: It feels like Blizzard really shafted control decks this expansion. We had a lot of our key cards like sludge belcher and healbot removed with no cards to really compensate. It seems like they made the control decks less powerful but still gave aggro new tools to play with. A big factor into control's struggle against aggro is the fact that a lot of the powerful aggro cards have high health. Tunnel Trogg and Darkshire councilman are pretty good examples. I think if Blizzard had printed a 1 mana 3/4 "Your opponent is immune" creature, control decks would be okay with the early game. The immune factor also leads into aggro not being able to use it since a control deck could just leave it on the board and be immune until they can get a huge board swing.

    Any thoughts? 

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on New Favorite Audio?

    Honestly Huckster is 11/10. BUY ONE!!!

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Is aggro dead?
    Quote from hlary >>
     because obviously the game would be so much more fun  and balanced if aggro was unplayable right ?
     Yes. Yes it would be. I dislike dying on turn 6 because aggro shaman got the perfect curve.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on C'Thun is a Fundamentally Boring Concept

    Don't worry about the C'thun decks. I'm maining a C'thun priest right now but I expect other things to pop up. I've been testing out some N'Zoth deathrattle rogue and priest as well as dragon priest. C'thun is just the easiest deck to build right now is all. It's REALLY obvious. Took me like 4 minutes to make the deck whereas I'm still working on Deathrattle rogue. Made the deck and tested it for about an hour then adjusted it and played that for about an hour. I THINK I have a pretty good decklist but I'm not 100% certain yet. It has an amazing curve though. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on C'thun priest (easy rank five anti meta)

    I dig this deck. I'm running something similar except I decided to keep circle combos with auchenai and injured and I included the 2 mana 1/4 taunt that gives C'thun taunt as well. 

    Posted in: C'thun priest (easy rank five anti meta)
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    posted a message on Priest of the Dragonlord - Now 100% Less Theoretical!

    That was my assumption. I would say probably drop it for another dragon like Chrom. I don't think Dragon Priest needs to have any deathrattle synergy. I would also consider swapping out ancient harbinger as well since you only have one ten drop and the body without the effect isn't all that scary. 


    Well there's actually a couple changes I'd make to the deck as well but I'll test those out myself. The only big ones imo are N'zoth and ancient harbinger. MAYBE drop one of the curator's as well for something else. Maybe just a second entomb? Or depending on the meta a pain could be really really good. This is definitely a foundation I will be looking at when I build my dragon priest this format though :)

    Posted in: Priest of the Dragonlord - Now 100% Less Theoretical!
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