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    posted a message on Blizzard This must stop! please vote!


    Quote from FranckN >>


    Quote from BootyLuong >>

    Taunt Druid can be countered hard... It's a strong deck, but has quite a few polarizing matchups... If you can't figure out how to counter it then I'm afraid that's your problem, not the design of the game (hint - there's at least one NEUTRAL card that hard counters the entire gameplan)... Also shudderwock shaman gets wrecked by aggro... so... yes.. that deck also can be countered

     My mind when with Cornered Sentry, what card are you talking about?
     Well, to get max value they need to Naturalize their own Spider on 10.
    Skulking Geist is stil our boy. On a bonus side, it also screws:
    - Cubelock
    - OTK Rogue
    - OTK Priest
    - Secret Paladin
    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 0

    posted a message on Good winrate Baku/Quest Warrior

    At first I started with double bot and pixies. They are really nice against mid-range / control but they lose you games against most of the field (aggro / spitefull / cubelock). They are often "win-more".

    With this list I would remove Gorehowl Blackwald Pixie for Abomination x2 and Baron Geddon

    Posted in: Good winrate Baku/Quest Warrior
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    posted a message on Good winrate Baku/Quest Warrior

    Nice deck. Lacking a bit of aoe for my taste though. Abomination  Baron Geddon helps there.

    They clean tokens for HP effectiveness against Baku Paladin.

    Posted in: Good winrate Baku/Quest Warrior
  • 2

    posted a message on we gotta improve guys.

    More like

    Pre-Witchwood: Cubelock dominate the meta.

    Day 1: Shudderwock destroys Cubelocks and any other mid range / slower deck

    Day 2: Shudder haters turn to cancer hyper aggro decks. Mostly Baku Hunter and Baku Paladin. Shudderwock is destroyed by both, Cubelock is destroyed by the hunter.

    Day 3: Paladin happens to win against hunter. All the huntard reroll retardin.

    Day 4: Paladin: The game

    Later: full aoe decks will emerge to prey on paladudes and hopefully the meta will settle down / slow down a bit.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Baku Paladin is disgusting


    Quote from Skyi101 >>

    Greymane pali is actually stronger, especially in mirrors. The even cards for pali have a way higher power level.

     Stronger in mirror but way less consistent and putting less pressure (no marsh drake / jungle). Baku Paladin is mostly immune to bad draw. and have Divine Favor. Genn version can crash and burn and lack card draw for any come back. What card draw do you play?
    Ps: i do play both. In my experience Even is winning vs Baku if you get good draws. Against the rest Baku seems stronger. Genn is way more fun to play though. This is not a robot swarm at least.
    Anyhow, those are the 2 best T1 decks I think. The third place to Tempo rogue i think. Going under the radar but beating pallys, shaman and Cubelocks. I saw some really good lists out there.
    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on Stop Complaining About the Meta!


    Quote from EquinoxHS >>
    Quote from CookieFamous >>

    Once again the community here is acting like a bunch of children about a new card or new meta or whatever. I especially detest the complaints about Shudderwock.

    Look, Shudderwock is a great card. The value is great and the combo potential is literally endless. Similarly to Exodia Mage. All you need to do is be patient, hold out and draw Shudderwock.

    • Here's just some statistics for you all. I know it won't shut you up, but at least I put some effort in my post.
      Decks that include Shudderwock have a win:loss ratio of 44,9%. That's below decks with Jungle Giants, Sindragosa and Rhok'Delar.
    • When Shudderwock is played in a game, that game has a 82,3% chance of being won by that player. These two statistics drift so far apart that it only means one thing: It's a very good card when pulled off, but it's inconsistent to the point of having an overall negative effect on your win:loss ratio.
    • Currently, Shudderwock Shaman ranks as a T4 deck on HSreplay having the third-worst statistic just above Pick Pocket Rogue and Quest Hunter.

    People should stop complaining for everyone's sake.

    I know it feels unrewarding and a waste of time to lose against a combo. That's why I absolutely detest playing against Quest Mage. But besides that deck, this deck won't freeze your board every turn until the Exodia is complete and there is some interactivity.
    I've won 80% against this deck myself with the decks I play. If you're consistently losing against that deck, you're doing something wrong.

    I love you.  And, in fact, after about 14 games, I -still- haven't encountered Shudderwock Shaman - seems like there's a bit of overreaction.
     From what I have seen, every single aggro deck are preying on it, so the combo deck do not stand a chance. Tempo rogue play heavy burst with cold blood to close the game before combo, paladin tends to kill it 2 turn at least before combo, Baku Hunter finish the game in 5 turns, spiteful pest with lady in white is also pretty hard on it.
    Those nowhere to be seen: warrior / mage / warlock (som Cubelocks left but Zoo is gone it seems) / Druid.
    Playing as a Baku Warrior in the middle of this and still getting wins is pretty satisfying though. Preying on Dudadins.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Stop Complaining About the Meta!

    It didn't take even one day to get one of the most cancerous meta yet. It's even more aggro than previous meta (hello face hunter / paladin), and slower decks have even less of a chance against TTK Shaman than they did against Cubelock featuring N'Zoth.

    It is more oppressive than it was a week ago. I managed to ramp up being forced into playing Baku Paladin which is the most consistent deck out there atm it seems.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Already sick of Shudderwock

    Went 14-3 with it before getting bored to death. My thoughts go to players crying againt Cubelock being THE meta deck 10 hours ago, just to be steamrolled withing one hour to release by this OTK abomination. 

    I found the place, i found the Face. That's where the meta has to be. My hopes for a slower meta are crushed.

    On the positive side: Gennlock is solid, Baku Dudadin is insane.

    On the negative side: Tank-up! Quest failed and is still weak (+autoloss to the OTK)  but Tank up! Face with full weapons, removals and face damage  works like crazy.

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 1

    posted a message on Genn Greymane: broken and useless

    Yeah I was suprised by that as well.

    Played it in new handlock before i realised 22 games later that they made the OTK shaman just too easy and good. I did theorycraft on it as well but i never expected it to blow Cubelock so hard on power level. Broken AF.

    So no point playing anything than super aggro / or Shudderlol. And as I love control, well my hype for the expac died a bit xD

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Is cube lock to powerful?

    Well to each their own, but I prefer playing with or against a Cubelock than a braindead Dudadin or Spitefull Pest (pun intented).

    Get what those 3 decks have in common: they cheat stuff early and have ton of free mana. The only bad thing about Cubelock for me is that it makes most other controls unplayable because they lack value late game. Pushing the whole meta to pure aggro / OTK combo. But I am confident the loss of N'Zoth makes it much weaker against controls and the lack of Mistresses much weaker against aggro in the first 3 turns.

    Finally, I have a feeling (BBH) Baku Balista Hunter will roll all over it. HP for 3 / 6 to face every single turn through the taunt wall will be terrible pressure. Probably way worse than what Secret Mage is now, And god knows it is cancer.

    Another deck that will wreck Cubelock is Baku Quest Warrior. 

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 0

    posted a message on My version of Witchwood burgle rogue with Spectral Cutlass

    Nice deck. I would switch Face Collector [/card] with [card]Captain Greenskin though.

    The collector would be really nice if you manage to steal other classes minions for Tess but Greenskin is instant value for the Cutglass.


    Posted in: Rogue
  • 0

    posted a message on How many Witchwood packs do you plan to buy?

    I already did the pre-purchase (which is absolutely not a pre-order) so 70.

    The rest will be purchased with gold. 44 packs for now. I am just planing on getting a few key cards for my Baku decks, Gennlock and Cubelock. Should be enough. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on New Warlock Spell - Dark Possession

    Oh no Possessed Lackey, you died so young :(

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Neutral Minion - Lifedrinker

    This is pobably the ultimate swing battlecry for the new Shudderwockinfinite loop.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Warlock Minion - Witchwood Imp

    Crafting 2 golden ones day one.

    For Zoo it is better than Blood Imp mostly because BI loses 2 of its buffers. Playing both would't be bad even if you play other buffers.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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