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    posted a message on [UPDATED] Karazhan Tier List (Speculation)
    Quote from Haussenfuss >>

    "Futile" seems a bit of a stretch. Discussing cards, how they might impact the meta, what sort of decks novel cards might spawn - these notions seem quite helpful. Presumably, everyone involved in the discussion realizes that initial impressions may be wrong - but that is hardly an insight. The discussion has value, regardless of how our consideration of cards changes over time - that's what a discussion is, after all. Feel free to take part, or not.

     Oh I'm fine with the discussion, my point was that putting them into tiers is premature. Remember how a lot of people thought Mysterious Challenger was going to be OK at best? Cards need to be tested in games before their true merit can be assessed. For example, there seems to be a ton of dispute about how good Barnes and Medhiv will be. Some say incredible, some say trash, and everything in between. Within a month, everybody will agree (wherever they fall on the spectrum) because they will all have seen them played/used. Plus there are two formats to test with. Ranking these cards right now IS futile, especially as I mentioned not all of them have been spoiled yet.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Does Dr. Boom Need to be Nerfed?
    Quote from ticandtac >>
    Quote from stormcry0 >>
    Quote from MooseAboose >>

    I really hope at least one person in this thread has realised that Dr Boom is in the GvG set, which is rotating out of standard, which also happens to be the new competitive format.

    Blizzard doesnt give a shit about wild, and rightfully so; they only care about competitive hearthstone of which standard is the new format

    What's the criteria on necroin' in this forum? I would say this is necro, and if is not, this subject is irrelevant now, 1. People that cry over OP cards are in standard crying over there, and 2. people that enjoy wild already know how to play around Dr.7 so...

    Admin? Admin? lock this pls?
     Would you rather see another thread about it ? Seriously this whole "don't necro thread or you will be punished" thing is ridiculous. If people didn't necro thread, it would be worse. Let them talk about dr boom on dr boom thread, instead of making another dr boom thread. And Dr boom is OP in Wild now that BGH isn't a good option anymore, if you have a good curve + turn 7 dr boom you simply win the game, this is how Wild works, no matter how much you know how to play around it. Just saying this thread is still 100% relevant, i don't want to discuss about dr boom.
     That's so wrong, do you even play Wild? Playing Boom on curve does NOT simply win you the game, even without BGH around. There are tons of ways for every class to comfortably play around him, he's not as scary as he was before WOTOG. If you automatically lose to a Boom on curve, then your deck needs refining. There are much worse threats out there now, plus he's not in EVERY SINGLE deck like he was before the format split.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Should I disenchant my Wild legendaries/cards for N'Zoth?

    Should be the other way around. Standard is stale, and I presume this same thing will happen every season in that the meta gets figured out quickly and it becomes boring. Wild is more fun, and likely will always be more fun. Plus, N'Zoth is better in Wild anyway, so I wouldn't dust up your wild options for a guy that will be a Wild-only card eventually.

    What I have done in extreme situations where I want a certain legendary in a bad way, is to disenchant basically every card from a certain class that I never play. In my case it was Hunter and Warrior (Priest I never play either, but seems like Priests can be used to defeat 90% of Heroic Adventure bosses). It kinda sucks doing that, but if you have a class that you know you will not be playing, I say dust it up if you really want a certain legendary especially if it's a powerhouse like N'Zoth. I did this (regrettably) for Y'Shaarj, but I haven't missed any of the cards I dusted, and I have most of them back now anyway from opening packs.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Blizzard Hate Rogues?

    I have a feeling they have a bigger plan in mind for Ethereal Peddler.

    Surely they aren't going to release that card strictly for Burgle and Undercity Huckster.

    I'm betting at least one of the other two remaining Rogue cards will have a Burgle/Huckster effect, thus making Peddler potentially playable.

    Maybe something Huckster-esque with Battlecry (hopefully it's a decent minion and not a terrible spell).

    2 out of 3 of Warlock's cards were for discard mechanics, so I'm guessing they will release something for Rogue to abuse the Burgle like effects outside of just Peddler.

    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on Blackrock Mountain rotating out

    Just play Wild.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on New Legendary Card - Medivh, the Guardian

    Wow, can everyone stop crying about Priest being bad now please?

    I can imagine this guy into Mind Control, or more likely Entomb at least. Entomb just got even more disgusting, wonderful.

    This guy seems pretty nasty in Yogg decks as well.

    Warrior might even try to run Upgrade! again just for this.

    My Druid just creamed his jeans too.

    Good thing I have those golden Acidic Swamp Ooze! Might even have to double up on them now.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on what card you disenchanted and now try get it back
    Quote from Poroner >>
    Quote from TheSaivy >>
    Quote from Poroner >>
    Quote from CrovaxTheCursed >>
    Quote from Poroner >>

    Deathwing, Troggzor the Earthinator, The Black Knight, Baron Geddon

    It was way back on blackrock days for most of these I think? They were completely useless, save for baron geddon but he was seen mostly in warrior which I didn't even touch back then. Not saying trogg is useful now but I could try some gimmicky decks. As I kept playing i realized any card can become viable one day in both standard and wild. I learned my lesson and now I don't dust ANY cards. 

     At least Troggzor is a fun play before opponent's Yogg. XD
     Really? That works? Damn. Now I want it even more
     It actually doesn't work, same as with Lorewalker Cho or Flamewaker. Sorry :"(
     rekt XD
    I actually just assumed that worked, honestly never seen from experience.
    I haven't run Troggzor in a competitive deck since probably GvG was the latest, but I'm still holding him!
    Can't bring myself to dust up one of the most hilarious cards ever printed a la Trogdor the Burninator!
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Any other viable decks except for Handlock and Zoo?


    Oh wait, you said viable...

    I'm hoping Discard gets some more love in addition to Malchezaar's Imp but I doubt it.

    Posted in: Warlock
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    posted a message on what card you disenchanted and now try get it back
    Quote from Poroner >>

    Deathwing, Troggzor the Earthinator, The Black Knight, Baron Geddon

    It was way back on blackrock days for most of these I think? They were completely useless, save for baron geddon but he was seen mostly in warrior which I didn't even touch back then. Not saying trogg is useful now but I could try some gimmicky decks. As I kept playing i realized any card can become viable one day in both standard and wild. I learned my lesson and now I don't dust ANY cards. 

     At least Troggzor is a fun play before opponent's Yogg. XD
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Changes I'd make to Basic and Classic

    Basically Mind Vision becomes "Discover a card in your opponent's deck" which is a cool idea imo.

    I definitely agree with the Ancient of Lore cost reduction. As he is since the nerf, he is just unplayable now. At least with a cost reduction you could combo him with Fandral in one turn without Thaurissan/Innervate/Coin.

    Savagery has always been a terrible card, and it makes me sad because it has a lot of potential. It's only useful with Bite and/or Feral Rage (possibly with Justicar Trueheart and Savage Roar as well, but that still kind of stinks). However, I might change the ability instead; leave it at 1 mana, but the ability also has "Gain +1 attack" along with it's current ability. That would at least make it usable as a low-cost minion removal without having to use a Wrath (looking at you Juggler/Elekk). Sucks having to use Wrath to deal 3 damage when you only need to do 2, thus not being able to utilize the draw mode. Edit: That would also make it easier to remove Flamewaker without using a Swipe.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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