Wanting to see the cards is not about disrespecting alleged victims of harassment. It's about a whole group of people waiting for a long time and being excited to see cards, but having that be hijacked by streamers who want to "show support" for these allegations.
None of these people will quit the game or actually try to harm Blizzard like they have to others based on unsubstantiated allegations, so it's all just fake any way.
I hope Hearthstone does it different next time and gets rid of this whole streamer reveal. It sucks that the player base is subjected to their judgments, whether true or not, it's ridiculous to hold the player base hostage for these allegations.
Prove it in court and then the legal system will take care of it. That's why we have laws so justice isn't served by vigilantes.
I'll wait for the conclusion of the lawsuit. There are definitely 2 sides of this story, and things which are perceived as discrimination can be something else when looking at the whole picture.
I am not saying Blizzard is 100% innocent either, but I do not like how people and companies are judged by the public as soon as a lawsuit is filed and some times even as an investigation STARTS.
It's your choice to remain willfully ignorant of what the investigation was or not, but pretending like it's as reasonable to assume innocence is simply dishonest. I'm seeing this so much from this community lately and it's not surprising, but just sad. I cannot fathom why someone would rather be a corporate bootlicker than show some fucking empathy for human beings.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
If you thought you knew what you think I know, then you'd know I knew you knew I know.
This investigation was going on for two years though. These charges (from the state of California) are the result of the END of investigation not the start, due to one ex-employee. And a State won't risk filing a accusation of this magnitude on one of the biggest companies in their juistriction, if they found "questionable" evidence. This ordeal really outgrew "percieved discrimination". You may read up on it (or not), but the question isn't if the accusations are warranted, but rather on wich accusations Actiblizz can slither away bc of formal errors, deals and the like.
I know the investigation concluded in this case, but my point was that we can't possibly know the whole story.
I am familiar with several examples of ex-emplyees framing their former employers in nasty ways which do not stand up in court.
I don't know all the details but seems to me that if you want to make a stand, cut your ties. Don't wait a day to then do your goofy card reveal and continue to benefit from promotion provided by a company that you're making a stand against.
Doesn't seem like taking a stand to me. Seems like virtue signalling. Release a video explaining that because of these things, you do not wish to be associated with the company anymore, will not be streaming their games until at least some verdict has been reached and will not promote their products. I'd have full respect and support for that.
Putting a reveal off by a day just seems like you want to look to be making a stand but not actually have it get in the way of the privelages that you are receiving as a content creator. The accusations sound pretty bad, not a company I'd like to work with/for. But sure, put it off for a day, get a pat on the back for the great work you're doing to fight for fair treatment and then jump back on, make a goofy video and celebrate the same company a day later.
Seems to stink of hypocrisy to me..."oh no, no, Blizzard, you misunderstand me, I still want to do my card reveal and get the hits from the views etc, I'm just going to push it back a bit because you're awful, terrible people and I need everyone to know that I don't support all the awful things you do. I do however support your continued support in my channel please thank you very much kindlyyyyy"
Like it's sensible to be excited and disappointed about the card reveal cancellations I'd you like hearthstone. That makes sense. And being disappointed doesn't even make someone a bad person.
But if you can't understand why card reveals are being cancelled or why this is important and you think that your disappointment is more important than the situation at hand. Or you wanna come in and act superior because you don't care then I'm sorry but you're just a jackass.
I'll wait for the conclusion of the lawsuit. There are definitely 2 sides of this story, and things which are perceived as discrimination can be something else when looking at the whole picture.
I am not saying Blizzard is 100% innocent either, but I do not like how people and companies are judged by the public as soon as a lawsuit is filed and some times even as an investigation STARTS.
...but pretending like it's as reasonable to assume innocence is simply dishonest...
Everyone is innocent until prove the opposite is one of the absolute and non-negotiable foundations of modern society and free democracies together with the concept the State have the monopoly of the violence and apply her accordingly the law, don't matter how popular or not the corporations or people involved.
Here in my country a group of teachers are accused of child abuse, lose their jobs, reputation and one of them have the house burned and in the end all are innocent.
Unfortunately many people only give the real value of rights, health and freedom when lose the precious things we have at cost of many lives, don't trow this away so easily.
I think these streamers are totally nosense. Why aren't they revealing cards? What is the point? They are not revealing cards and this way all problems with Blizzard will be gone away? If so, how?
Or they are not revealing the cards, because Blizzard is a bad evil company and they don't want to become partners or support Blizzard? If so, I assume that they will not play/stream Blizzard games anymore, will they?
If they don't reveal their cards and continue to play/stream Blizzard games, so what's the point? I don't get it.
Trump said that all these lawsuit thing is bad and he will not reveal his card in his video and his next sentence was "Show must go on." and he continued to review revealed cards. Sorry but what is the point? If "show must go on", why don't you reveal your card? Lol If it is a that bad situation so you can't reveal your card, why you still continue to review/play/stream Hearthstone?
I think these streamers are totally nosense. Why aren't they revealing cards? What is the point? They are not revealing cards and this way all problems with Blizzard will be gone away? If so, how?
Or they are not revealing the cards, because Blizzard is a bad evil company and they don't want to become partners or support Blizzard? If so, I assume that they will not play/stream Blizzard games anymore, will they?
If they don't reveal their cards and continue to play/stream Blizzard games, so what's the point? I don't get it.
Trump said that all these lawsuit thing is bad and he will not reveal his card in his video and his next sentence was "Show must go on." and he continued to review revealed cards. Sorry but what is the point? If "show must go on", why don't you reveal your card? Lol If it is a that bad situation so you can't reveal your card, why you still continue to review/play/stream Hearthstone?
Watch Alliestraza's video, where she makes the case. I find it compelling, and I applaud her decision.
Why? Because reveal week gives these steamers a bigger platform than usual and, as it has been written, with great power comes great responsibility. With accusations of this level of seriousness (and let's be honest - the odds of it all being true are almost unity) it isn't the time for the usual whimsy she brings to her reveal. It isn't the time to celebrate.
It's time to tell the community that she cares, that we should care too. That some things mean more than a game.
Allie and Eddy brought reveal week to a halt, and let us have this conversation rather than ooh and ahh at the pretty new card designs. That's the right thing to have done.
Keep politic/Real life drama out of the card games. I dont care what other people did. I am here for a HS. Not for a Hong Kong, not for LBGT right not for suicide Allegations.
lets see what the things where HMMM there was AMAZ ALLEGATIONs that there was misconduct with women FALSE
There was PURPLE allegations that there was misconduct with women FALSE
There was so many ALLEGATIONS of what ever and NOTHING has PROVEN GUILTY?
YES I"M CONCERNED IF IT WAS TRUE IF IT WAS TRUE let the court system decide with PROOF
NO one HURT ME and i'm not a misogynists' and I don't hate women
i agree blizzard deserves poop for blitzchung
U realise right? i can make false accusations and send u a 1000 page class action lawsuit drawn up by a lawyer that's fabricated right? i just drop some money? please use and exercise common sense wait for a verdict before we all jump on the band wagon
Keep politic/Real life drama out of the card games. I dont care what other people did. I am here for a HS. Not for a Hong Kong, not for LBGT right not for suicide Allegations.
Some things are more important than the game, and sometimes the real world intrudes into this space.
It's also only abstract to those of us not likely to be affected; I'm a cisgender straight white middle aged man. This joke of discrimination doesn't hurt me personally, but that's all the more reason for me to listen to those who are affected.
Keep politic/Real life drama out of the card games. I dont care what other people did. I am here for a HS. Not for a Hong Kong, not for LBGT right not for suicide Allegations.
Some things are more important than the game, and sometimes the real world intrudes into this space.
It's also only abstract to those of us not likely to be affected; I'm a cisgender straight white middle aged man. This joke of discrimination doesn't hurt me personally, but that's all the more reason for me to listen to those who are affected.
As I said above, power/responsibility.
Why do i have to repeat myself old man ? I am here for the game. And i will openly despise anyone and everyone who wants to use or abuse the postion of power to insert rl stuff into my hobby.
If u really want to know what drives me to this conclusion its the past exp. Its not a rare case of so called "woke" companies being the worst place to work in but i will never rush to that sorta of conclusion as long those are just Allegations. Oh and btw based on the previous experiences with allegations in this community i am less inclined to blindly listen and believe every thing i hear.
At this point I have (a sliver) of more respect for Ben & Jerry's.
(Look it up.)
Please, let's no discuss things like that here. The only reason a thread like this is allowed here is because Blizzard is involved.
I wonder what you would do If your wife, daughter, girl or mother get harassed ?
Would you keep calling "show my cards !"
Please show some empathy for victims and respect for streamers.
Wanting to see the cards is not about disrespecting alleged victims of harassment. It's about a whole group of people waiting for a long time and being excited to see cards, but having that be hijacked by streamers who want to "show support" for these allegations.
None of these people will quit the game or actually try to harm Blizzard like they have to others based on unsubstantiated allegations, so it's all just fake any way.
I hope Hearthstone does it different next time and gets rid of this whole streamer reveal. It sucks that the player base is subjected to their judgments, whether true or not, it's ridiculous to hold the player base hostage for these allegations.
Prove it in court and then the legal system will take care of it. That's why we have laws so justice isn't served by vigilantes.
It's your choice to remain willfully ignorant of what the investigation was or not, but pretending like it's as reasonable to assume innocence is simply dishonest. I'm seeing this so much from this community lately and it's not surprising, but just sad. I cannot fathom why someone would rather be a corporate bootlicker than show some fucking empathy for human beings.
If you thought you knew what you think I know, then you'd know I knew you knew I know.
I know the investigation concluded in this case, but my point was that we can't possibly know the whole story.
I am familiar with several examples of ex-emplyees framing their former employers in nasty ways which do not stand up in court.
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
100% the truth right here folks.
Like it's sensible to be excited and disappointed about the card reveal cancellations I'd you like hearthstone. That makes sense. And being disappointed doesn't even make someone a bad person.
But if you can't understand why card reveals are being cancelled or why this is important and you think that your disappointment is more important than the situation at hand. Or you wanna come in and act superior because you don't care then I'm sorry but you're just a jackass.
Everyone is innocent until prove the opposite is one of the absolute and non-negotiable foundations of modern society and free democracies together with the concept the State have the monopoly of the violence and apply her accordingly the law, don't matter how popular or not the corporations or people involved.
Here in my country a group of teachers are accused of child abuse, lose their jobs, reputation and one of them have the house burned and in the end all are innocent.
Unfortunately many people only give the real value of rights, health and freedom when lose the precious things we have at cost of many lives, don't trow this away so easily.
But what would you do if a kitten would die every time a card isn't revealed? 🥺
Wow, there was a similar case in my country, but instead of teachers there was a couple of headmasters charged for child abuse
Even after being judged not guilty, the school was closed and they moved out
Anyway, I’ll just wait to see the proofs both will bring to the court before jumping to any conclusions
I think these streamers are totally nosense. Why aren't they revealing cards? What is the point? They are not revealing cards and this way all problems with Blizzard will be gone away? If so, how?
Or they are not revealing the cards, because Blizzard is a bad evil company and they don't want to become partners or support Blizzard? If so, I assume that they will not play/stream Blizzard games anymore, will they?
If they don't reveal their cards and continue to play/stream Blizzard games, so what's the point? I don't get it.
Trump said that all these lawsuit thing is bad and he will not reveal his card in his video and his next sentence was "Show must go on." and he continued to review revealed cards. Sorry but what is the point? If "show must go on", why don't you reveal your card? Lol If it is a that bad situation so you can't reveal your card, why you still continue to review/play/stream Hearthstone?
Watch Alliestraza's video, where she makes the case. I find it compelling, and I applaud her decision.
Why? Because reveal week gives these steamers a bigger platform than usual and, as it has been written, with great power comes great responsibility. With accusations of this level of seriousness (and let's be honest - the odds of it all being true are almost unity) it isn't the time for the usual whimsy she brings to her reveal. It isn't the time to celebrate.
It's time to tell the community that she cares, that we should care too. That some things mean more than a game.
Allie and Eddy brought reveal week to a halt, and let us have this conversation rather than ooh and ahh at the pretty new card designs. That's the right thing to have done.
Not blindy accept everything until the facts are verified is "anger towards women"?
Keep politic/Real life drama out of the card games. I dont care what other people did. I am here for a HS. Not for a Hong Kong, not for LBGT right not for suicide Allegations.
lets see what the things where HMMM there was AMAZ ALLEGATIONs that there was misconduct with women FALSE
There was PURPLE allegations that there was misconduct with women FALSE
There was so many ALLEGATIONS of what ever and NOTHING has PROVEN GUILTY?
YES I"M CONCERNED IF IT WAS TRUE IF IT WAS TRUE let the court system decide with PROOF
NO one HURT ME and i'm not a misogynists' and I don't hate women
i agree blizzard deserves poop for blitzchung
U realise right? i can make false accusations and send u a 1000 page class action lawsuit drawn up by a lawyer that's fabricated right? i just drop some money? please use and exercise common sense wait for a verdict before we all jump on the band wagon
Some things are more important than the game, and sometimes the real world intrudes into this space.
It's also only abstract to those of us not likely to be affected; I'm a cisgender straight white middle aged man. This joke of discrimination doesn't hurt me personally, but that's all the more reason for me to listen to those who are affected.
As I said above, power/responsibility.
No the many thinly veiled misogynistic responses to this topic is “anger towards women”.
Why do i have to repeat myself old man ? I am here for the game. And i will openly despise anyone and everyone who wants to use or abuse the postion of power to insert rl stuff into my hobby.
If u really want to know what drives me to this conclusion its the past exp. Its not a rare case of so called "woke" companies being the worst place to work in but i will never rush to that sorta of conclusion as long those are just Allegations. Oh and btw based on the previous experiences with allegations in this community i am less inclined to blindly listen and believe every thing i hear.
couldn't agree more can't be stuffed with this crap