Obey. When a minion or spell with Obey is summoned/played, activate the text of another targeted minion(s). So any text that is not currently active will activate, including other keywords.
exile(X): minion specific like windfury is minion specific. this minion (or target minion) is exiled for X turns. looks like the card was craved into the ground. not effected by anything, including AOE. the exiled amount of turns cant be changed when it starts,(important for the giants) and it's removed at the start of your turns. the minion returns at the exact same state.
return: casted on exiled minions (the only thing that can be casted on exiled minions), return the minion from exile immidietly. (may be a tad broken giant + return, but doesnt matter for the moment)
this is almost a cardset! ;) (exile has TON of potential)
When you Invoke a card, you gain a 0-cost spell in your hand that is a copy of it's Battlecry and/or Deathrattle effects if the Invoked card was a minion or weapon, and just a 0-cost copy of the card itself if the Invoked card was a spell. So, if you InvokeCairne Bloodhoof, Wrath, and Coghammer, you would get the following cards:
The name of the card you get is Spirit/Echo/Fragment of <Card Name>. The first part just depends on whether the Invoked card was a minion, spell, or weapon. You can never get cards with Invoke effects from Invoke, so that you can't create infinite loops. Here are some example cards that use Invoke:
So, Invoke can have a number of different targets depending on the card.
Loot is a similar effect to drawing a card, but obviously there has to be a distinction between the two or else there would be no point in making it a new keyword. Any minion or spell/weapon that is played in Hearthstone is added unto an (un-viewable) graveyard. Loot means that you get to draw a card from this graveyard, but some loot cards can have specific parameters to be met similar to the Discover mechanic or the new WoG cards (Ancient Harbinger).
Buyback allows you to destroy the minion with the keyword to refill however many mana crystals indicated on the card. It doesn't create new mana crystals, only refill empty ones.
Only minions with a minion type can have Ally. If a minion has Ally: X, X is active as long as you control another minion with the same minion type. So, if you had a Murloc with Ally: +2 Attack, it would have +2 attack while another friendly Murloc is in play. If all other friendly Murlocs leave play, then it loses the +2 attack (but can gain it back later). Here are some examples:
Dream: X means if the minion did not attack this turn, gain X or do X. It loses the buff or ends the effect when it attacks. It is a neutral keyword used mainly by druid, like Stealth for Rogues or Enrage for Warrior.
Duel: When this minion is attacked or gets attacked and a minion dies due to this, trigger an effect. (Aka. If the minion attacks (or is attacked) and a minion dies because of the attack, trigger an effect)
Pure Chaos....
Not all hyenas are evil, but this one is
There's a starman waiting in the sky, wait no thats a Noble sacrifice
Hello, I make those cards in the universe of One Piece (Manga) maybe I will make an adventure for this universe.
The keyword Trade (or trading) don't work if your opponent play a spell tah cost (0) mana cristal. This keyword refers at once to the Arc Dressrosa of One Piece but is also compatible with the World of Warcraft universe.
Obey. When a minion or spell with Obey is summoned/played, activate the text of another targeted minion(s). So any text that is not currently active will activate, including other keywords.
Next keyword: Humiliate
Humiliate: Set a minion's attack to 0.
Humiliation (Spell)
Humiliate target enemy minion.
Hum1l1at0r (Minion)
Battlecry: Humiliate target enemy minion until the beginning of your next turn.
Next: Exile
exile(X): minion specific like windfury is minion specific. this minion (or target minion) is exiled for X turns. looks like the card was craved into the ground. not effected by anything, including AOE. the exiled amount of turns cant be changed when it starts,(important for the giants) and it's removed at the start of your turns. the minion returns at the exact same state.
return: casted on exiled minions (the only thing that can be casted on exiled minions), return the minion from exile immidietly. (may be a tad broken giant + return, but doesnt matter for the moment)
this is almost a cardset! ;) (exile has TON of potential)
next keyword: level
Level: When you play a card, do X. Questing Adventurer would have "Level: Gain +1/+1"
Next: Drain.
Drain is a minion only keyword and it can target any minion to take a specefic thing from it:
Next keyword: Individualism
Individualism: If there is only one copy of this in the game, do X. Usually comes in a Battlecry but can activate due to Deathrattle.
Next: Invoke.
Come Play Make the Keyword!!!
Check out my Worgen Class in the Class Competition
Loot is a similar effect to drawing a card, but obviously there has to be a distinction between the two or else there would be no point in making it a new keyword. Any minion or spell/weapon that is played in Hearthstone is added unto an (un-viewable) graveyard. Loot means that you get to draw a card from this graveyard, but some loot cards can have specific parameters to be met similar to the Discover mechanic or the new WoG cards (Ancient Harbinger).
Next: Buyback
Buyback allows you to destroy the minion with the keyword to refill however many mana crystals indicated on the card. It doesn't create new mana crystals, only refill empty ones.
Next: Ally
Come Play Make the Keyword!!!
Check out my Worgen Class in the Class Competition
Dream: X means if the minion did not attack this turn, gain X or do X. It loses the buff or ends the effect when it attacks. It is a neutral keyword used mainly by druid, like Stealth for Rogues or Enrage for Warrior.
Next: Duel.
Duel: When this minion is attacked or gets attacked and a minion dies due to this, trigger an effect. (Aka. If the minion attacks (or is attacked) and a minion dies because of the attack, trigger an effect)
Pure Chaos....
Not all hyenas are evil, but this one is
There's a starman waiting in the sky, wait no thats a Noble sacrifice
Next keyword: Eggplant
Come Play Make the Keyword!!!
Check out my Worgen Class in the Class Competition
Hello, I make those cards in the universe of One Piece (Manga) maybe I will make an adventure for this universe.
The keyword Trade (or trading) don't work if your opponent play a spell tah cost (0) mana cristal. This keyword refers at once to the Arc Dressrosa of One Piece but is also compatible with the World of Warcraft universe.
So many legendaries...
Heated: When it becomes the target of a spell you control, do X.
Next: Plot/Conspire
Conspire: when two or more friendly minons have this, do activate an effect.
Next key word: Escape
Come Play Make the Keyword!!!
Check out my Worgen Class in the Class Competition
Im gonna help out MagicalCrocodile (also I'm assuming this is a end of turn effect.)
OH the synergys [/-__']/
Someone else do escape
Escape: If a minion with escape is attacked by a minion, put the minion back into your hand. The attacker can't attack again this turn.
Not quite an Ironbark.
Next: Science