Look, I'm not an expert on druid, nor have I actually built or played this deck. But I can guarantee that this is a fresh, new idea certain to rattle your socks, just a bit.
Maybe not blow them right off, but they will certainly move.
Honestly, I’ll try anything right now *copies deck code*, I’m that desperate. thanks for the input.
Happy to help. :)
I'm a big fan of spell heavy decks and actually built/played a Yogg/C'thun deck for druid which was kinda working out as well. It looks something like this:
Perhaps not new or exciting, but I find it fun. I actually don't own Ysera, Unleashed, so my win-con with this one is just C'thun, and it can fall short when the opponent has armor or minions to soak up damage. Having Ysera would be ideal for another win condition.
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Has anyone got any fun/ different concepts for Druid at the moment? DMF didn’t seem to add many VIABLE new decks, given the current meta.
would like to see any fresh ideas/ concepts.
Look, I'm not an expert on druid, nor have I actually built or played this deck. But I can guarantee that this is a fresh, new idea certain to rattle your socks, just a bit.
Maybe not blow them right off, but they will certainly move.
Oh, sorry, you said VIABLE decks.
I'll see myself out.
Honestly, I’ll try anything right now *copies deck code*, I’m that desperate.
thanks for the input.
Happy to help. :)
I'm a big fan of spell heavy decks and actually built/played a Yogg/C'thun deck for druid which was kinda working out as well. It looks something like this:
Perhaps not new or exciting, but I find it fun. I actually don't own Ysera, Unleashed, so my win-con with this one is just C'thun, and it can fall short when the opponent has armor or minions to soak up damage. Having Ysera would be ideal for another win condition.