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HDQ - Budget Tempo Rogue Deck - Elemental Package

  • Last updated Nov 12, 2017 (Marin's Treasure)
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  • 24 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Tempo Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 3640
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 11/1/2017 (Triggered)
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If this post gets 5 upvotes I'll add more to the write up, at 10 I will do a video guide for the deck.  Thanks for your support!

You can see a video with 7* games of this deck in action here: 

OK, so I wanted to try out some Keleseth tempo Rogue, so I started from this list on MetaBomb http://www.metabomb.net/hearthstone/deck-guides/tempo-prince-rogue-deck-list-guide-hearthstone-74

Metabomb deck list: AAECAaIHBrICrwSRvALJvwKU0AKc4gIMtAGMAu0CqAXUBd0IkrYCub8CgcIC68ICyssCps4CAA==

I had all the cards except Leeroy Jenkins, which I'm not going to spend dust on. However, it got me thinking: What would a budget version of this deck look like? Obviously, the Prince Keleseth is a must-have, and Vilespine Slayer is 100% important to the deck, so those have to stay. But what would the deck look like without any other Epics or Legendaries?

There really are no replacements for Leeroy Jenkins. He is a low-mana, high attack charge minion meant to burst your opponent down with Shadowstep at the end of the game. Same with Edwin VanCleef, he is a 3 mana 8/8 or better most of the time. There is no card that replaces him. Shaku, the Collector is also irreplaceable but honestly not that vital to the deck. He's almost a 'win more' card, gaining you lots of value when you are ahead on the board. Southsea Captain into Patches the Pirate is huge, and the captain makes your other pirates better. There is no replacement.

So, understanding that these cards can't be 1:1 replaced or replicated, and we can't add Epics, Legendaries, or 2 mana cards what do we end up filling our 6 open slots with? I decided to go with a heavier Elemental package, including Glacial Shard, Tar Creeper and Tol'vir Stoneshaper. Given the amount of aggro decks on ladder right now, all three of these cards give you a leg up in the battles for board control.

Is this deck as good as the non-budget version? No. If you have Southsea Captain and Patches the Pirate, run them. Same with Edwin and Leeroy. If you have them, run them. But, is this deck still strong? I think so, yes, at least to ladder with from say, rank 10-25. Maybe even up to rank 5.

So, if you're a bit light on dust, try this version out. It's still relatively strong and I had a lot of fun playing it.

*Maybe more like 6... you'll see ;)