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LOKShadow Knife Juggler OTK

  • Last updated Oct 13, 2017 (Evergreen Nerfs)
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  • 24 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 6620
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/22/2017 (Evergreen Nerfs)
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Hi everyone~

I made this deck a while back but never got around to sharing it on Hearthpwn. I've been seeing some subpar lists floating around still with some really outdated and inefficient card choices probably carried over from the very first theorycraft lists. Some of them aren't even true 30+ damage OTK decks. I figured I would try to contribute my own take on what I think is close to the most efficient list. You should be able to draw almost your entire deck by turn 10. The maximum damage is 140 with 2x Defile, but usually you'll be doing 56-70 damage since you use 1x for board clear often (Defile triggers a maximum of 14 times). 

This is a 7* card combo in which 4 of the pieces need to be discounted:

Combo Cards: Summoning Portal, Knife Juggler, Necrotic Geist, Deathspeaker x 2, Tuskarr Fisherman, Defile

*You need an additional 1-2 health minion on the board to trigger the first Defile which can be either yours or your opponent's. If you feel it is not likely for your opponent to have a minion on board, you should discount the additional minion. If you are playing against Mage with Ice Block then you will need 6 cards discounted to provide enough mana to also play Curse of Rafaam which kills them on their turn after the combo (remember to play this card AFTER executing the combo such that your opponent sits through the entire duration of the combo thinking they are alive still only to be greeted by Curse of Rafaam).

The full combo takes a few minutes to execute but it does end eventually! If you do not want to wait for the animations you can quit the game after executing the combo and still get the win.


If you have your own 1-2 health minion to trigger the Defile, then the order can be executed as above for maximum damage. If you are relying on your opponent's minion to trigger the Defile, then you will want to play the Knife Juggler as the 2nd to last card so you only juggle once. Also make sure your board is not too full before your combo turn!


Draw, draw, draw! The deck is optimized for cycling and most often you will have the combo ready to go by turn 10. Against control I even consider keeping Emperor Thaurissan because really the only way you lose is if it is your last card and they are able to pressure you down. Try to play Coldlight Oracle when they are close to a full hand so that you are the primary one benefiting from the card draw. Plan out your card draw minions with your life-taps accordingly to avoid overdraw situations. For example, you may want to dump more minions in preparation for Coldlight Oracle instead of life-tapping. The Runic Egg can be triggered on Defile and Doomsayer clears (just remember that this minion draws you a card since it's easy to forget sometimes). Against aggro you'll want to have some early removal like Doomsayer which couples nicely with Runic Egg and Voidwalker. Try to save that Defile for maximum effect since you can only use 1x. If you couple it properly with Grim Patron, it's an ultimate board clear for 15 damage AoE while giving you a board too! Keep the Blastcrystal Potion for big threats and cards that can stop your combo like Sylvanas Windrunner and Obsidian Statue (which kills through immune!).

Most of the lethal and board clear combinations are illustrated below. Enjoy! =)


*EDIT* Updated the list with Possessed Villager which is a great trigger for Defile and can start off that ultimate Grim Patron clear. Added Reno Jackson which is activated most of the time by turn 7-9 because of the fast card cycle. You should almost always lethal on turn 10, so this deck basically beats all control decks!

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