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Teebs' Legend Midrange Hunter

  • Last updated Oct 18, 2014 (Naxx Launch)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 840
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 7/29/2014 (Naxx Launch)
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Hey Guys, Welcome to another one of my decks! This season I have refreshed my hunter list, and hit legend once again.  This deck draws inspiration from season 2/3 Lumiya's face hunter as well as Savjz' hunter deck from pro corner in season 4, and the legend aggro list I created with my teammate tirth in august. There is so much snowball potential it's insane.

Great matchup against handlock druid and freeze mage. zoo rogue and shaman are pretty good, priest and warrior can be hard to win if you don't curve very well.

Mulligan for undertaker. don't get rid of one drops for them though. save flare against mage, it's an auto win if you get one (and even keep one flare against hunter if the rest of your hand is reasonable). keep hunter's mark against priest.

You are basically looking to start the game with an undertaker and some small deathrattle minnions, and convert to the mid game with animal companion, houndmaster, sludge, and higmane to pump out a bigger threat each turn. if you curve out well your opponent will have no chance to keep up with the pressure you apply, and games will often end around turn 6-7 in these situations.

major threats to watch out for:


fiery warr axe will two for one your early units, and if they follow up with a creature they can regain the board and shut you down. not much can be done to play around this. Brawl can be problematic if you do not play around it well, but often times you will have enough of a board between the unit that lives and deathrattle tokens/traps to keep going. if you fear a brawl you can save some small units in hand to repopulate next turn, but this can slow you down and cause a loss without the brawl ever being played. sometimes you have to just push the warrior down and hope for the best.


try to anticipate lightning storms, and preemptively kill totems to reduce the chance of spellpower if the bonus would be particularly damaging against your units. clearing out an early set of spirit wolves with a bow and a small unit can often push you ahead in tempo as they will have very little mana the next turn. try to use overload to your advantage on key turns such as turn 3 (wolves/storm) 5 (totem or thalnos + storm) or 6(Fire elemental).


getting ahead on board and hitting the face for 8+ damage will often decide the game. try to play sticky units like undertaker, haunted creeper, and mad scientist early so that you can play as the aggressor in the match. often getting a board of small minnions and playing a sludge belcher on turn 5 will win the game. flare can be your best friend here to prevent explosive or freezing trap from stopping your push.


don't be too afraid of a priest drawing a card from northshire cleric early on, so long as it does not kill your unit (leper or webspinner are bad here). ideally you kill the northsire on turn 3 after it draws once, and you are quite far ahead on board by this time; if the priest plays their mana to gain cards you can often overwhelm them, but make sure the northshire doesn't survive too long or it will start to complete trades on board. watch out for aoe such as auchenai circle combo as early as turn 3/4 with coin, and nova on 4/5. try your best to keep the sticky minnions down first and play the less resilient animal companion/houndmaster plays after this point if you have other strong plays early.

similar to the warrior matchup, you can get punished for overextending, but often the key to victory is playing a strong curve and relying on the priest not having great board clears in response.

Vods from August:

Here is a link to the final game for legend:

I was running an older list at legend~200 in the July Season and the deck was doing well. I am now running a bow and some traps, but the general midgame board control style was the same.

Here is a game showing the original build Pre Undertaker/scientist:  http://www.twitch.tv/number1teebs/c/4784487

I will try to get some new vods of the october deck up soon, but I haven't been streaming for a couple days, as I have been watching the seatstory cup and hosting it on my channel while I have been playing. I'll continue to run this list early next week in legend and get some footage up here soon!
