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[Legend #10] - Miracle Rogue Guide - S33

  • Last updated Dec 8, 2016 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 14 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Miracle Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 8460
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/8/2016 (Gadgetzan)
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[Legend #10] - Miracle Rogue Guide
"The pleasure is mine!"


My name is Zananananan (https://www.twitch.tv/zanananan), a competitive player for SFD-Gaming (http://www.sfd-gaming.com/). I just wanted to share my Miracle Rogue with you, I hit Legend #10 with it. Patches the Pirate, probably the strongest card from the Gadgetzan set, also found his way into a Rogue.

I offer coachings for 20,00 €/hour. If you are interested, please leave me a message on Hearthpwn.





The combo deck using Gadgetzan Auctioneer to draw through the whole of your deck to your win condition. The burst damage this deck offers is deadly, with a mixture of spells including Cold Blood and Eviscerate giving you the damage you need to kill your opponent.



Always keep Small-Time Buccaneer and Swashburglar, summoning Patches on turn 1 is just insane. Keep Edwin VanCleef if you have The Coin and/or Preparation. You can consider keeping Eviscerate or Sap in tempo based matchups if you have Preparation.











favoerd - Just play your minions on curve, don't overextend into Mind Control Tech or AoE. I like keeping Sap if you have a minion in hand, it's good against Twilight Drake and Mountain Giant. It should be an easy win if you find your Gadgetzan Auctioneer. Keep Hellfire, Shadowflame Twisting Nether in mind.


 This Guide will be continued in the future. I would appreciate an upvote.





First of all don't replace Bloodmage Thalnos with Kobold Geomancer or Loot Hoarder, they are just to weak in this deck. If you don't have a card just replace it with good cards like SwashburglarShadow StrikeDark Iron Skulker and Violet Teacher.

You can't replace Tomb Pillager, The Coin is way to important. Play a different deck then. 

How does the Coaching work?

First of all I'll ask you some Questions. e.g. What was your highest rank so far? Then we'll just start playing some games. I'll talk about the specific matchup and the gameplan. You'll suggest a play and then we'll talk about the reasoning behind it. We'll also talk about reading the opponent's hand and when you have to take risks.