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Medivhlock - 70+% winrate

  • Last updated Dec 9, 2016 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 23 Minions
  • 7 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Renolock
  • Crafting Cost: 12500
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/7/2016 (Gadgetzan)
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Hello my good friends of hearthpwn. Today I will let you in on a secret deck that will melt your opponents away. But before I do, let me introduce myself. I am the one and only Turtleboats. Who is Turtleboats you may ask? A lover of pizza, sexy ladies, and stomping noobs in hearthstone. You see, you and I have much in common I bet. If what I just listed isn't one of your interests, just hit the backspace button already. I truly wont miss you, friend.

Real talk though, I hit Legend every month like a pimple faced nerd (no offense to people with zits, I once had them in my youth, but now I am a bitter old man taking out my daily stresses in this game.) Hearthstone ROOLES, and so does this deck!

I believe this is one of the strongest reno lock decks out at the moment, if not the strongest due to sheer number of taunts, high priority targets, and last but not least the tech choices and the value medivh provides throughout the course of your game. This deck is heavily favored versus the standard reno lock in mirror matches and puts any aggro/control deck to shame!

Why this deck is different than other renolocks:

- No Power Overwhelming, Leeroy, Faceless.

Why you may ask? Those are DEAD cards for a majority of the game unless you are some hearthstone drawing god and even then those will not help you when pirate warrior is slaming his big fat pen...I mean big weapons on your face over and over.

This deck instead replaces them with powerhouse cards for the early, mid, and late game.


Why Argus? More taunts against aggro, means less face is the place for them, also good against mirror reno matchups where they want to combo you down but just can't because taunt is in the way!

Why Corrupted healbot? (If facing a control heavy meta) He is a 6-6 for 5 mana. Huge body, pairs well with the taunt givers in this deck (sunfury, argus, faceless summoner) and most importantly provides tempo that renolock is desperately missing. Much of the renolock list is reactive cards, instead of proactive cards - this also beats out DR 5 - AKA Dragon Commander (the 5 mana 5-6 powercreep priest dragon.) Playing a lot of the old standard combolock list, the 5-6 commanders were a pain to deal with, you only have a finite number of resources to burn and corrupted healbot not only provides you a minion that gives you board, but also survives after trading with dr 5. The goal of this deck is not to rush your opponent down with a combo that you may never even draw - but to maintain a board presence and outvaluing your opponent. Which brings me to...


+Mistress of mixtures (If facing dirty shaman and pirate warrior aggro meta) instead of corrupted healbot - Where I was playing many dragon priests in my early ladder climb in my final ranks to legend atm facing many aggro shaman pirate warriors. She has proven not only to stall the games allowing me to find answers to the board state but also fights for early board control and cannot be ignored - also the heal helps in a pinch! She is a beaut!

TURTLE TIP #1: READ THE META - These decks on hearthpwn or what you see on pro streamers should always be just a nice guide to follow when you are deckbuilding, always adjust and tweak your deck as to what you see fit that is beneficial in your personal climb; what works for them may not always work for you.

Why Medivh the "I always win" Guardian? - I am thoroughly surprised not even any of the pro players are using Medivh in conjunction with Kazakus potion spells. Lets forget you don't even use his potions to activate Medivh's weapon - you have ton's of board clearing spells in renolock - and what better way to gain tempo than getting a free minion of that cost? It only makes sense - With the average spell cost being 4+ mana in this deck (this is not including the Kazakus potions or dark peddler) you will get a meaty sized minion everytime you cast a spell. Of course it is ideal to combo this with the 5 or 10 cost potions, syphon soul, or twisting nether for some monsterous minions! 


At 10 upvotes: Mulligan Guide

At 20 Upvotes: Video of how to play the deck, strats, things to focus on each matchup and funny moments of my ladder climb this season!

At 30 Upvotes: Free pizza for me.

At 100: Video on how to reach legend - how tos, tips, common mistakes, and just overall gameplay enhancements that not many people take in to consideration! Also shoutouts in video to whoever comments on the deck!

These milestones aren't that hard to achieve and I want to help you if you help me get motivated!  Believe and achieve my friends! #Kanye2020

twitch.tv/turtleboats for legend screenshots if you want proof

deck winrate from rank 11-5: