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Barnes Miracle Rogue

  • Last updated Dec 18, 2016 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 6 Minions
  • 24 Spells
  • Deck Type: None
  • Deck Archetype: Miracle Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 6500
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/20/2016 (Karazhan)
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Edit: Counterfeit Coin is just too good not to put in this deck, have cut out Deadly Poison but also Sinister Strike could be cut, or maybe one copy of Shadow Strike.

I thought I'd upload this since I've been playing around with it and it's pretty fun. If it gets noticed I'll write some more comments. It follows many of the strategies of Miracle Rogue, and so it helps to have a deck tracker. If you don't have one, writing down the minions in the deck and keeping track of which ones you've gone through is useful. Also, I'm not a pro player. There could be improvements to this deck and I'm not sure how it would perform at high ranks. In fact, so far, I've only played it for fun in casual. But it's been a lot of fun, and so I hope you enjoy it too!

Why Barnes? He's great! It's not hard to find value for this card, and I expect (as many pro players and some decks have already illustrated) that he'll be of great use in deathrattle decks. I've never really been a fan of Questing Adventurer and Mana Addict in miracle rogue, but I think they could have a place in this deck. So far I've had some decent questing adventurer value, and in the games I've played have had a lot of minions with more than 10 attack.

How this deck came about. I started by taking a pretty standard miracle rogue deck and finding space for Barnes. After playing the deck, both times that I played Barnes I got Tomb Pillager. So I thought, why not try to guarantee value from Barnes?

Cards that seemed clear. Most of the standard miracle rogue cards should be in this kind of deck in my opinion. Since the number of minions within the deck is so low, this means that the actual choice on extra cheap spells isn't actually that great. But vital cards are  Gadgetzan AuctioneerBarnes, Preparation,  Backstab,  Conceal,  Eviscerate,  Sap and  Fan of KnivesShiv also seems necessary since, despite the increased chance of getting the auctioneers (from Barnes), card draw is really important in this deck (and you can't use minions for draw). 

Less obvious cards. Leeroy Jenkins is great in miracle rogue, but initially I didn't include him since he doesn't really get Barnes value. Except he does. First of all, this is a use for Shadowstep (which is actually one of the most valuable cards in this deck in my opinion, see below). And so Barnes has just drawn you some burst. Second of all, if drawn he gives you some burst and another body. The main reason for his inclusion was to kill the currently popular Doomsayer with Leeroy+dagger. Especially when your board of questing adventurer/Edwin is frozen (I'm looking at you, freeze mage). I also initially included Leeroy so that if he was summoned by Barnes against freeze mage, then he could trigger vaporise. But in reality he's much added burst and fuel in the tank. A particularly good combo after playing Leeroy is Preparation + Fan of Knives

A bit more about shadowstep. This really is an outstanding card in this deck. It allows for Barnes to trigger his effect again. If he draws Edwin VanCleef, it allows Edwin to be shadowstepped and then played again (I'd always play Barnes either on Turn 4 if you've kept the coin: then Barnes, shadowstep, coin, Edwin can be played; or on turn 5 if you don't have a coin. I've also been cautious about playing Barnes without shadowstep because of the number of outcomes where shadowstep is needed). Shadowstep can also be used on Edwin in order to top up his health or to produce a bigger Edwin. It's great for increasing the number of cards you are playing with Questing Adventurer. It's also a spell for Auctioneer (and if Barnes draws the Auctioneer then shadowstepping it back to have a 4 mana 4/4 auctioneer is also good). In short, Barnes gives you another way to draw the important minions in this deck, which provide the important draw and damage. Shadowstep ensures all of these minions are useful (for example Leeroy and Edwin) and also allows you to get two goes with Barnes. Note that Barnes produces a copy of minions from your deck and so you don't 'lose' those minions if they are killed on the field: they'll still be in your deck to draw (or find again with Barnes)!

Possible inclusions. I originally ran Malygos in this deck, hence the double sinister strike, but found that if it was drawn then it was a really annoying dead card. I don't own Anub'arak, but similarly if in the hand it's a bit slow and you'll find you have no shortage of high attack minions with Edwin, the questing adventurer, and two copies of Cold Blood. I also ran two questing adventurers to start with but found the second wasn't that important. I'm sure there are quite a few other cards that could be good (Sylvanas Windrunner and Ragnaros the Firelord are great though feel a bit slow). Two cards that I've tested to give the deck more ability to 'slog it out' are Journey Below and Gang Up. But just being able to do more damage seems better (and more fun). But most importantly, I hope you enjoy the deck as much as I do, and enjoy experimenting (Kodorider anyone?)!