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Dragon Paladin

  • Last updated Aug 6, 2016 (Old Gods)
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  • 25 Minions
  • 5 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: N'Zoth Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 10060
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/6/2016 (Old Gods)
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Does Dragon Paladin become a thing? Why does Karazahan help?

 Problem 1- Missing the dragon for early dragon synergy. 

Solution- Netherspite Historian guarantees a dragon going into your BW technician turn.

Problem 2- Individual Minions makes it harder to win back the board.

Solution- Nightbane Templar (Dr 3) brings sidekicks that can be buffed with Keeper of Uldaman, or can give you the one point of damage needed to make a clean kill with BW Corrupter.

Problem 3- Control decks just sit on board clears for N'Zoth.

Solution- Dragons and their friends are nice midrange cards that sit above low damage aoe, but rarely justify hard removal. This will allow you to bait out the board clear before N'zoth. Furthermore, the new Deathwing doesn't kill your hand, but does provide a nice follow-up if he gets executed as all your other dragons fly to the rescue.


Vs Aggro- Follow your curve. The Aoe isn't really a thing until turn 4 at the earliest, so there's no point in trying to hope you'll survive forever. The healing of a traditional Control Paladin is missing, as is the tempo of truesilver, so put enough threats down that they consider trading.

vs Midrange- You have a lot of options for trading up. If you can keep pace your end game with dragons and N'zoth is much better.

vs Control- A medium board of midrange minions is very tricky for control decks. Play greedy with your synergies and use the hero power liberally to keep up challenging the board.