[TOP 100 LEGEND] EU Midrange Hunter
- Last updated Aug 22, 2016 (Karazhan)
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- 17 Minions
- 11 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Midrange Hunter
- Crafting Cost: 1940
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 7/19/2016 (Old Gods)
- user-20982072
- Registered User
- 6
- 7
- 24
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Total Deck Rating
Hello fellow hearthstoners!
Thanks for all the support guys it really means alot, unfortunately I wont be able to play more hs this season due to travelling etc. So I can not upload my winrate but I could do a mulligan guide against all classes if you are interrested.
First of all I dont take any cred for making the deck I just want to share it with you all. So I went from legend 946 to 97 with this creation of midrange hunter.
I think this version of midrange hunter is really strong so I suggest you try it out for yourself.
Proof: http://imgur.com/Ulbbkel
General mulligan guide:
With coin: Keep 1-2 and 3 drops. Always keep Fiery Bat, Kings Elekk, and Huge Toad if you have a good starting hand already you can keep Animal Companion or Carrion Grub.
Without Coin: You need to be a little bit more aggressive with your mulligan you really want Fiery Bat into Huge Toad or Kings Elekk.
I usually keep Quick Shot if I know that my opponent plays an aggressive deck and keeps alot of cards in his starting hand to prevent him from taking over the board.
VS Control: -1x Unleash the Hounds +1x Deadly Shot
Here is a video made by Acandianbacon showcasing the deck.
Note: Recently changed my name here on Hearthpwn from Ganja_Farfar to BroderTuck.
Feel free to add me on battle.net for questions or further proof -BroderTuck #2693
Just because I'm interested in commenting and interacting doesn't mean I'm angry. Dafuq.
are you saying that [card]Savannah Highmane[/card] isnt usable. And I also want to know what card you removed to put the [card]N'Zoth, the Corruptor[/card] . I removed the [card]Stranglethorn Tiger[/card] and it works really good for me.
when you have tempo, you dont need tunt exept when you already loosing by far. Kodo is better for the tempo this is why I removed the tiger. For the game against deck with board clear like warrior, you can get a way better board after the brawl with N'Zoth.
Still I believe Tiger gets more pressure than N'Zoth. Against warrior, you either already lost or won at t10. Just my experience.
If you cant play well with N'Zoth then its better for you to not play with. Like I said, Im doind good with it so ill just keep it in the deck. In hearthstone, ypo just play with cards that fit your way to play.
Sure! :)
I don't believe you can do it properly, because 1.it's a beast and 2. a small removal (or smorcface) that REALLY REALLY helps most of the time, but I'd try Bloodfen Raptor (ekk!) or any 2 drop that seems good, like Faerie Dragon or Acidic Swamp Ooze. Althrough, in the last 2 cases, I'd cut also 1 Houndmaster.
I replaced it with 1 Ooze and 1 Raptor.
I'm also running the two traps instead of Flame Juggler.
Freezing Trap gives extra tempo against other midrange and control decks, Explosive gives us a better chance against aggro specially Zoo.
Overall my different approach to this standard Hunter Mid list is:
- 2 Flame Juggler
- 1 Carrion Grub
- 1 Quickshot
- 1 Houndmaster
+ 1 Explosive Trap
+ 1 Freezing Trap
+ 1 Acidic Swamp Ooze
+ 1 Cult Master
+ 1 Tracking
Since the list has some 1 of's (Kodo for critical earlier minions, Ooze for weapons, spot removal and cheap aoe for control and aggro respectively), I think Tracking is great for digging the right answers in the right matches.
Other than Tracking, Cult Master can be a powerful draw engine in attrition matches, combos well with Unleash even in matches were it isn't necessarily broken.
However, since I cut 1x Houndmaster for the add of Cult Master I felt the lack of taunt at times could be problematic specially against weapon classes. So there's Ooze as cheap answer which can be found by Tracking or Cult Master shenanigans, while still being a decent 2 drop on curve against non-weapon classes.
What you guys think?
I'm trying one Freezing Trap and it felt nice especially because of mirrors. But two seems to take away too much tempo.
Also I found space for 2 Knife Juggler and of course it always comes in hand when I'm against zoo or tempo mage (it's a hard matchup, at least for me). The Knife Juggler+Unleash the Hounds combo is usually an autowin in these boards, and I removed some turn 3 cards that were always in my hand.
I do not recommend to take off a Houndmaster - tried it, lost a lot, put it back. It mays seems dumb but he really helps against rogues and warriors. The ooze is a great tech, I might try it off.
With those changes my win ratio jumped from 63% to 68%.
I don't think dusting Krush for a cotw is a good move. Krush won't fall out of standard, and he's a highly underrated finisher.
Good deck currently for laddering with 30+% of the ladder going for Warrior decks (same goes for RenoLocks btw. if you are not into Hunter decks). Here are two quick games: Gameplay Video
Thanks for sharing, Fur0! Your videos are awesome and I agree with the laddering part. Climbed from 20 to 5 in ONE day with this deck.
Ok, so. First of all: I'm an awful player, and even worse Hunter player. It was by far the class I played the less so I wasn't expecting much. Take that in mind. I find this deck a little weird because Elekk doesn't really seem to fit, and the biggest benefit it gave me is the fact that he's a beast. I drew very few cards from it; but it was a very safe 2-drop, which was helpful both at beggining and the end of the game.
I'm playing this exact list to run deckoptimizer and see which changes are good and which are bad. For now, I can tell that this list is very strong and not so hard to play (not brainless though, you have to make calls, which did not happen in face hunter). It's good to climb because matches last for 6-8 min and either you won or your hopes are focused in drawing Call of the Wild.
Stampeding Kodo absolutely destroyed shamans, face pallies and zoos, plus the fact that his strong body and being a beast really helped out. I'd say that it's a good tech but not imprescindible. And by my results, I strongly believe that Stranglethorn Tiger is somewhat better than Savannah Highmane, because of his stealth and 1 less mana cost (if you can roll him turn 5, sometimes you may be lucky and drop 2 Kill Command, making a 15 dmg combo turn 6 that is even more cancer than old druids).
I've been climbing with this deck for like 25 matches now (which isn't very much, I know). Keep in mind that I never played hunter competitively. Here are my last results:
Final opinion? Yes, give this list a try.
Just saying, now I reached the 50 games milestone and I'm happy to say that the win ratio has been kept. Rank 7 right now, with 66% win rate. Tempo Mage is a tough match - whoever draws better wins -, alongside zoo and rogue as well. Other decks aren't as much of a problem. In-depth in the image below:
Elekk doesn't need to be something special. It's a 3/2 beast which is already enough to be a 2-drop filler for Hunter(Back in vanilla we were using Bloodfen Raptor in that slot). Battlecry is just a little bonus, gives you huge advantage when it actually goes off, but doesn't fucks you up completely if you lose joust.
What deck optimizer program are you using?