TidesofTime's Shaman - Americas Spring Prelims ...
- Last updated May 19, 2016 (Old Gods)
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- 14 Minions
- 16 Spells
- Deck Type: Tournament
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 14600
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 5/19/2016 (Old Gods)

- TidesofTime
- Pro Player
Tournament Decks:
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I run a very similar deck to this but with a more minions,
-1 Lighting bolt -1 Rockbiter Weapon -2 Stormcrack -2 Mana Tide Totem -1 Bloodmage Thalnos -1 Elise Starseeker +1 Earth Shock +2 Feral Spirits +2 Azure Drakes +1 Alexstraza +1 Rag +1Deathwing Dragonlord.
Works pretty well currently rank 6 atm
Very good deck and fun to play. Only changes i made were i replaced thalnos and rockbitter weapon for 2 jeweled scarabs because u can get another hex for the control matchups or another lightting storm or feral spirit against aggro. U already have enlugh card draw with manatide totems and ancestral knowledge.
What about - 2 Mana Tide Totem +2 Azure Drake? Azure Drakes have sinergy with Chillmaw and all spells.
This is a tournament deck, not a ladder deck. Of course it gets destroyed by aggro.
I would say it is dealing with aggro paladins and shamans quite efficiently. Pretty same goes to tempo and patron warriors.
The real deal i have faced were zoo warlocks. The issue with zoo is like the way they can maintain quite a decent level of threat when your heals and removals are limited (2 ligtning storms, 2 elemental destructions are solid, but Chillmaw is really conditional due to only 1 other dragon in deck and golden monkey... well you have to find it 1st. Yogg also MIGHT work, but not nessesarily)
Other bad matchup is control priest. To be precise it is not really bad, but you have to play around entomp which is pain. The good stuff i've noticed, not many opponents are trying to entomb chillmaw which at least makes N'zoth play possible for a decent value
Just played with my Zoo deck against this combo .. it was quite unexpected at rank 8 EU so I searched it here.
-> I had the board for 5 turns while my opponent was putting 1 taunt at a time or playing 1 storm at a time, hallazeal really helped him maintain board and chillmaw kicked all my minion's ass (all of this while he had 1 health)
-> I won by coining a soulfire from a peddler + power overwhelming chillmaw
Maybe I'm missing something, but why is Chillmaw not just straight up trash considering you only run Ysera? I want to cut it so I have less to craft but I'm still confused as to why it's even in the deck. Mind games?
It's there because it's a large Taunt minion that you can summon back with N'Zoth, the Corruptor. A replacement for Tirion Fordring, if you will.
I have all these cards! Time to party.
What in the world do you mulligan for? AoE and TfB?
It depends on the match. This is a straight control deck, your game plan is make the match the long as posible, use your removal efficiently and finish the game with big threats or their surrender.
I tried this deck today and went 8-1 in my first run, seems very consistent. The only change I made was switching Yogg for Rag, because of my bad RNG.
I ended up having some luck in ranked with this deck got a few win streaks and then I lost 4 in a row. Its a super fun deck but it is a meta call.
I had great luck against most zoo, heavy warrior, priest, N'Zoth Pally and most C'Thun Decks. I had a hard time with totem shaman which is everywhere right now.
If you have the cards I really think everyone should play this deck - it is the first time I felt excited about crushing my opponents and they had idea what was happening. When you outplay a control warrior in a Golden Monkey battle its just sweet sweet victory.
That's one orangy list.
Only missing one elemental destruction and hallazeal is this deck worth ?
not worth i think, but if you play correctly with this deck it will goog. 2 days ago savjs play deck like this and go to legend rank 158
I love playing this deck because it's so different from every other shaman deck out there on ladder, but man laddering with this requires a fulltime commitment. Games take forever to play out (obviously since this is a control deck). I swear I played this deck like two hours today and only managed to get like 5 games in.
As a f2p I am trying to cut costs here. I replaced;
Cairne Bloodhoof with Fire Elemental,
N'Zoth, the Corruptor with Ragnaros the Firelord
Yogg-Saron, Hope's End with Acidic Swamp Ooze
Any better suggestions?
Er, don't play the deck? N'Zoth and Yogg are pretty key tbh....