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[Legend EU] Malyogg Miracle Rogue

  • Last updated Apr 29, 2016 (Old Gods)
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  • 13 Minions
  • 17 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Malygos Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 7960
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/29/2016 (Old Gods)
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Legend Proof

Legend Proof

This is my first time legend. I climbed using this deck only from rank 7 to legend in about 6 hours. Only lost three times until rank 1. Feel free to make changes and good luck climbing. :)


Deck Statistics

Card Choices: 

Journey Below: Useful throughout the game, counts as a spell for Gadgetzan and Yogg-saron, enables combos. The versatility is what makes the card powerful. Might add a second one, but can't find anything to remove. Tomb PillagerUndercity HucksterXaril, Poisoned Mind are some of the great class cards you can get, and they all synergize with the deck!

Sinister Strike: Most miracle decks don't run this card, but I think it's absolutely necessary, especially with Malygos. Also useful for enabling combos, drawing with Gadgetzan and most important of all; burst damage, even without Malygos. 

Edwin Van Cleef: After the nerfs to Ironbeak Owl and Big Game Hunter, this card has been unstoppable against most classes when played on turn 3/4/5 as a 8/8 or 10/10. However, don't waste cards to make him even bigger if you think that your opponent has an answer.

Shadow Strike: It has been working for me, usually used to remove big threats combined with Eviscerate.  Prepping into this can make a huge tempo swing, especially if combined with Edwin or Gadgetzan. I think 1 is enough.

Emperor Thaurissan: Helps enabling Malygos combos or an earlier Yogg-Saron. Since you will have 7-8 cards in hand most of the time, Thaurissan is nice to have.

Malygos: This card is a must have in a miracle deck, giving the deck half of its name. I've seen some versions not running it but the burst damage is nothing to look down on. The burst damage with Sinister Strike and Eviscerate helps catching the opponent out of guard and closing out many control matchups. Also useful to clear the board followed by Preperation and Fan of Knives or Backstab. Don't be afraid to play it without any burst face damage if you need to get the board control.

Yogg-Saron, Hope's End: Finally, the second MVP of the deck. First of all, this card is not here for troll or only fun. It is actually pretty viable when used properly. The important thing is: DON'T PLAY IT WHEN YOU ARE GOING TO WIN! Only play it when your opponent has the board and you don't have any other answer. Usually at this stage of the game, around 12 spells are played and it is enough to cause AOE damage and draw, while playing some secrets. It is true that it can cast Astral Communion, or cast Pyroblast in your face; but even if it does, the overall effect will most probably positive. Almost always, you draw around 3 cards at least, so be careful not to overdraw. I don't recommend playing it to finish an opponent of since it can backfire, but if that is your only chance, go for it! Here is a video of a Yogg-Saron used at a right time, turning the tides of an otherwise unwinnable game. (Sorry for the anxious click sounds :P)

Possible additions: 

Xaril, Poisoned Mind: I didn't try it since I don't have, but I got it from Journey Below a lot and it seems to synergize well with the deck. Earthen Ring Farseer or Shiv can be removed for it.

Cutpurse: I used it before WOG, but can't seem to find any room now. It is not that difficult to get a coin or two out of it and it synregizes with the deck well. Feel free to try, could be replace with a Shiv.

Conceal: There aren't many targets and it is a dead draw most of the time.

Shadowstep: Same as conceal.

Undercity Huckster: Might be useful but I don't know what to remove. You can get it from Journey Below quite a lot, too.

Shadowcaster: Haven't tried it, but it seems inconsistent and a dead draw most of the time. However, feel free to try it and report back to me. :)