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LEGEND unusual dragon warrior midrange-aggro

  • Last updated Dec 10, 2015 (Explorers)
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  • 24 Minions
  • 2 Spells
  • 4 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 5160
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 11/8/2015 (Warsong Nerf)
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Thank you for all the possitive comments,  it really feels good to see so many people enjoy playing my deck :)

General Guide:

The idea came to me because of how powerfull Alex Champion is compared to other charge minions. A normal 3 mana charge has 3/1 stats while this card is 3/3 for 2 mana which is ridiculous.

The most important thing to remember: every turn starting at about turn 4, you should consider how close you are to lethal and how close is your opponent. If you are closer, usually go face. before trading you must consider "on his turn, will he do the trade?" if you have enough pressure the answer should be "yes" and thats when you go face.

Because sometimes you will be able to have early pressure and sometimes you wont, your playstyle should be different every game even when facing the same decks. Play really aggressive or really defensive depends on your draws and matchups, I won games vs both face hunter and secret paladin going almost only face, and I had games (vs those same classes) where I just outvalued them to the point they were out of cards, so really think each turn which direction the game is going.

Update (13/11/2015): Replaced 2x Acolyte of Pain for 2x Frothing Berserker. I dont have much time to play and test it right now but from the few games I played after the change they were better than Acolytes most of the time.

Update (04/12/2015): Replaced 2x Frothing Berserkers with Brann Bronzebeard and Sir Finley Mrrgglton, they both fit really well in this deck. there are lots of battlecry for brann and the warrior hero power doesnt fit with the aggressive style of this deck, the fact that you can choose your hero power depends on the matchup is super usefull.

paladin hero power vs control warrior, or anything that helps you control the board vs midrange decks is a huge improvment.

Card Replacements:

If you dont have Grommash, Ragnaros can do his job with good results but it will be less consistant.

Instead of Nefarian you can use Ragnaros (at the cost of dragon synergy) or ysera which is a pretty good replacement but I feel like the 8 attack is really important in this deck.

Another cards that fit this deck are: Acolytes - you can try them instead of Frothings if you feel like you are running low on cards too often.

Arcanite Reaper - the earlier versions of this deck had 1 copy of it but it got replaced by BGH because almost all decks right now have at least 1 BGH target (boom) and the damage wasnt really needed.

cards that I dont like in this deck: Brawl - I tried adding 1 Brawl but after testing I found that when you are behind on board, and than you brawl, because you used 5 mana, usually you are not developing your own board this turn and your opponent still has 1 minion. than he has a full turn to develop while your board is still empty.

Chillmaw - Doesnt fit this deck at all because you want to control the board with minions not with removals, so usually it will kill your own stuff.


General Mulligan: You want to have a good curve If you have it, keep it. With this deck it should happen most of your games. Always keep Alex Champion and Win Axe. If you already have Alex champion, Technician and any dragon, keep all of them.

Dont be too greedy - having Alex Champion, Technician and Death's Bite in your opening hand might look nice but without activators its not really good, in this case depending on the matchup I will usually mulligan both the Technician and Death's Bite.

Specific matchups:

Hunter - Also mulligan for Cruel Taskmaster and Armorsmith. If you dont have a 2 drop, always mulligan everything

Priest, Rogue - Keep Death's Bite.

Warrior - You can be Greedy here and keep Shredder and Guardian even without a 2 drop. Both those minions are hard for control warriors to deal with and missing a 2 drop here is not as bad as in other matchups.

Other calsses - Use the General Mulligan and your brain.



good matchups: face hunter, tempo mage, freeze mage, combo druid, dragon priest, midrange paladin, any mech deck, control priest, oil rogue

medium matchups: control warrior, secret paladin, midrange hunter, aggro druid

bad matchups: zoo, handlock variations

if you liked it please upvote and feel free to ask anything :)