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Pandarex's Legend [S17] MechaFreezeMage

  • Last updated Aug 24, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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  • 22 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 3320
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/20/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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    Pandarex #1953

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Hey all, this is the deck i used to get to Legend for the first time as of August 20th! It uses 0 cards from the Naxxramas or Blackrock Mountain expansions!

I've been playing HS for 4-5 months f2p and I thought dragons were cooler so I don't have any Naxx cards yet like Loatheb but I'm quite sure they would improve the deck! The main difference between this deck and other Mech mages are the Water Elementals and Ice Lances which add more burst damage and makes life horrible for hunters, aggro paladins and patron warriors and rogues (if you see them..)

Warning: This deck is absolutely terrible vs handlock, but thankfully I didn't see too many of them on the climb.. though I have seen quite a few post legend, I guess I got lucky there..

Some general tips:

1. Know your deck! Frostbolt and 2 Ice Lances do 11 dmg for 4 mana, topdeck fireball and ping gives you 7 dmg for a finisher! Blastmage is great vs zoo, hunters and pallys, but 4 dmg to face is pretty good v control!

2. Know your enemy (and what removals they're likely to have).. If that control warrior has 5 mana next turn and a lot of cards in his hand, you can expect a nasty Brawl! If a hunter doesn't play a minion on turn 1, he's more likely to be running Freezing Traps or Snake Trap!

3. Owl is really, really useful! It's great vs control and aggro! But don't keep it in your hand unless you're going up against priests or you have the coin, you can even use them on your own reavers if you can't find a good target!

4. If you have coin, there's generally no need to keep your 2-mana removals, you should get board control with your minions! (can be tough vs zoo..) If you don't have coin, keep 'em.

5. Flamecannon is great vs Imp Gang Boss, Armorsmith and Shade of Naxxramas!


Q: Where are my 3 drops?!

A:Put in a Harvest Golem or a Tinkertown Technician for a Clockwork Gnome!

Q: Clockwork Gnome>Cogmaster?

A: I find a 2/1 body is better for early game trading (there aren't many 1/3 minions as compared to say, Shielded Minibots or Knife Jugglers, besides spare parts are fun! If you need to do 3 dmg to a minion on T2, you have your Frostbolt :D

Q: I don't like Fel Reavers! What do you think of Archmage Antonidas! What about Unstable Portal*Freakout* ?!

A: My imaginary ideal replacements would be Loatheb and Piloted Sky Golems, but it's not easy to really suggest things when you haven't tried them because I don't have the cards and I'm not that experienced at HS, also having 3 BGH targets is nice and 8 dmg is pretty heavy! As for the portals, I got 4 Timber Wolfs in a row and cut them out

Q: Should I craft Fel Reaver?

A: Seeing as TGT is round the corner and the meta looks to shift in a slower direction, I'd say nope... I personally really want those Tuskarr Jousters!

Q: I'm running into quite a bit of zoolocks and tempo mages and and I think some extra removal against other aggro types would be nice! Should I add a Flamestrike?

A: Nope. Try Blizzard instead! Against other aggro-ish decks you're often fighting for board in the first few turns and racing later on, a frozen half-dead Doomguard or Savannah Highmane is preferable to one which isn't frozen!

Q: I keep getting bad match-ups after another!

A: Uh, I got lucky with my match-ups kinda? Keep at it though! If you can get to rank 5, all you need is a lot of persistence and a bit of luck and some topdeck Fireball to get to Legend. Take a break, go listen to music (Recently listening to an odd combination of the bae T-Swift, and Bedrich Smetana Piano Trio in G Minor OP. 15, 3rd Movement) or eat a cookie, play with your pets and relax!

Q: Trade or Face?

A: If in doubt, go face.

Cards: I'd like to try

Blingtron 3000 : If the enemy's always frozen, his weapon is useless!

The Black Knight: Less Taunts -> :) 

Question for you! How do I add an image for legend proof? (Using Mac / Ipad) My highest was was low 300s legend but I was happier with my rank of 1337 yesterday :P If you really need proof you can add me!