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[S21] [LOE] Savjz' legend Ysera control Warlock

  • Last updated Dec 16, 2015 (Explorers)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 5220
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/8/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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Hi, this is my control ysera warlock deck, but the idea of putting ysera in a warlock deck is from Savjz 

legend proof: http://prntscr.com/829sxw, my own current rank is 2


I'll write a guide when this gets 12+ 

This deck is not really hard to play and works like every control deck, you try to keep board control and survive until you win by playing a strong minion (ysera, deathwing, malygos, ...), 


vs hunter

with Afbeeldingsresultaat voor hearthstone coin: mortal coil, mistress of pain, imp gang boss, darkbomb, jeweled scarab

without Afbeeldingsresultaat voor hearthstone coin: mortal coil, mistress of pain, darkbomb, imp gang boss,jeweled scarab

vs mage:

with Afbeeldingsresultaat voor hearthstone coin: darkbomb, imp gang boss, mistress, owl, demonfire (if you have misstress or imp boss), jeweled scarab

without Afbeeldingsresultaat voor hearthstone coin: darkbomb, imp gang boss, mistress, owl, jeweled scarab

 vs druid:

with Afbeeldingsresultaat voor hearthstone coin:  darkbomb, imp gang boss, mistress, piloted shredder, demonfire (if you have misstress or imp boss), jeweled scarab

without Afbeeldingsresultaat voor hearthstone coin: darkbomb, imp gang boss, mistress, piloted shredder (if you have darkbomb or imp boss), demonfire (if you have mistress or imp boss), jeweled scarab

 vs priest: 

with Afbeeldingsresultaat voor hearthstone coin: darkbomb, imp gang boss, mistress, piloted shredder, demonfire (if you have misstress or imp boss), jeweled scarab

without Afbeeldingsresultaat voor hearthstone coin:  darkbomb, imp gang boss, mistress, piloted shredder (if you have darkbomb or imp boss), demonfire (if you have mistress or imp boss), jeweled scarab

 vs warlock (zoo):

with Afbeeldingsresultaat voor hearthstone coin:  mortal coil, mistress of pain, imp gang boss, darkbomb, jeweled scarab

without Afbeeldingsresultaat voor hearthstone coin:  mortal coil, mistress of pain, imp gang boss, darkbomb, jeweled scarab

 vs warlock (control):

with Afbeeldingsresultaat voor hearthstone coin: darkbomb, imp boss, piloted shredder, mistress, demonfire, owl, bgh, jeweled scarab

without Afbeeldingsresultaat voor hearthstone coin: darkbomb, imp boss, piloted shredder, mistress, bgh, owl, jeweled scarab

vs Shaman:

with Afbeeldingsresultaat voor hearthstone coin:  mistress of pain, imp gang boss, darkbomb, demonfire, piloted shredder, jeweled scarab

without Afbeeldingsresultaat voor hearthstone coin:  mistress of pain, imp gang boss, darkbomb, jeweled scarab

 vs Rogue:

with Afbeeldingsresultaat voor hearthstone coin: mistress of pain, imp gang boss, darkbomb, demonfire, piloted shredder, jeweled scarab

without Afbeeldingsresultaat voor hearthstone coin: mistress of pain, imp gang boss, darkbomb, demonfire, mortal coil, jeweled scarab

 vs warrior:

with Afbeeldingsresultaat voor hearthstone coin: hellfire, owl, mistress of pain, imp gang boss, darkbomb, demonfire, mortal coil, piloted shredder, jeweled scarab

without Afbeeldingsresultaat voor hearthstone coin: hellfire, owl, mistress of pain, imp gang boss, darkbomb, mortal coil,jeweled scarab

vs paladin: 

with Afbeeldingsresultaat voor hearthstone coin:mistress of pain, imp gang boss, darkbomb, demonfire, mortal coil, piloted shredder, jeweled scarab

without Afbeeldingsresultaat voor hearthstone coin: mistress of pain, imp gang boss, darkbomb, demonfire, mortal coil, jeweled scarab



Demonic heart ---> Demonfire

Big Game Hunter ---> Shadowflame, doomsayer

If you don't have naxx:

Sludge belcher ---> Sen'jin

Loatheb ---> sylvanas, faceless manipulator

Some notes (coming more up when I played it more)

-Its fine to demonwrath an enemy imp gang boss(also when he won't die) and then killing the 1/1 imp with mortal coil when you have emperor in hand.

-Add a doomsayer instead of BGH if you face lots of aggro decks





This deck is pretty stong against every class, but struggles a lot against face hunter and priest. Here are my winrates tracked with hearthstonetracker: 


vs warrior: 100% (4 games)

vs hunter: around 50% (25% against face hunter and 75% against mid-range)

vs priest: 0% (1 game)

vs warlock: 100% (4 vs handlock and 2 vs zoo)

vs mage: 60% (mech and tempo, no freeze)

vs paladin: 80% (most mid-range)

vs rogue: 50% (4 games)

vs shaman (all mech) : 100%

vs druid : 100% (only 1 game)



I will try to update this guide as much as I can until it's perfect,  you can also leave suggestions in the comments. This deck helped me a lot, and I hope it works for you too :D

PS: I'm a beginning photograph, and just visiting my site will help me a lot. All photo's are free to use. http://www.apertureonline.wix.com/photography

Here's some gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJ9fcLN5xx0  

Here's some more gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4VdeJDQ320