[S21] [LOE] Savjz' legend Ysera control Warlock
- Last updated Dec 16, 2015 (Explorers)
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- 19 Minions
- 11 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 5220
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/8/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
- user-19095640
- Registered User
- 7
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Hi, this is my control ysera warlock deck, but the idea of putting ysera in a warlock deck is from Savjz
legend proof: http://prntscr.com/829sxw, my own current rank is 2
I'll write a guide when this gets 12+
This deck is not really hard to play and works like every control deck, you try to keep board control and survive until you win by playing a strong minion (ysera, deathwing, malygos, ...),
vs hunter:
with : mortal coil, mistress of pain, imp gang boss, darkbomb, jeweled scarab
without : mortal coil, mistress of pain, darkbomb, imp gang boss,jeweled scarab
vs mage:
with : darkbomb, imp gang boss, mistress, owl, demonfire (if you have misstress or imp boss), jeweled scarab
without : darkbomb, imp gang boss, mistress, owl, jeweled scarab
vs druid:
with : darkbomb, imp gang boss, mistress, piloted shredder, demonfire (if you have misstress or imp boss), jeweled scarab
without : darkbomb, imp gang boss, mistress, piloted shredder (if you have darkbomb or imp boss), demonfire (if you have mistress or imp boss), jeweled scarab
vs priest:
with : darkbomb, imp gang boss, mistress, piloted shredder, demonfire (if you have misstress or imp boss), jeweled scarab
without : darkbomb, imp gang boss, mistress, piloted shredder (if you have darkbomb or imp boss), demonfire (if you have mistress or imp boss), jeweled scarab
vs warlock (zoo):
with : mortal coil, mistress of pain, imp gang boss, darkbomb, jeweled scarab
without : mortal coil, mistress of pain, imp gang boss, darkbomb, jeweled scarab
vs warlock (control):
with : darkbomb, imp boss, piloted shredder, mistress, demonfire, owl, bgh, jeweled scarab
without : darkbomb, imp boss, piloted shredder, mistress, bgh, owl, jeweled scarab
vs Shaman:
with : mistress of pain, imp gang boss, darkbomb, demonfire, piloted shredder, jeweled scarab
without : mistress of pain, imp gang boss, darkbomb, jeweled scarab
vs Rogue:
with : mistress of pain, imp gang boss, darkbomb, demonfire, piloted shredder, jeweled scarab
without : mistress of pain, imp gang boss, darkbomb, demonfire, mortal coil, jeweled scarab
vs warrior:
with : hellfire, owl, mistress of pain, imp gang boss, darkbomb, demonfire, mortal coil, piloted shredder, jeweled scarab
without : hellfire, owl, mistress of pain, imp gang boss, darkbomb, mortal coil,jeweled scarab
vs paladin:
with :mistress of pain, imp gang boss, darkbomb, demonfire, mortal coil, piloted shredder, jeweled scarab
without : mistress of pain, imp gang boss, darkbomb, demonfire, mortal coil, jeweled scarab
Demonic heart ---> Demonfire
Big Game Hunter ---> Shadowflame, doomsayer
If you don't have naxx:
Sludge belcher ---> Sen'jin
Loatheb ---> sylvanas, faceless manipulator
Some notes (coming more up when I played it more)
-Its fine to demonwrath an enemy imp gang boss(also when he won't die) and then killing the 1/1 imp with mortal coil when you have emperor in hand.
-Add a doomsayer instead of BGH if you face lots of aggro decks
This deck is pretty stong against every class, but struggles a lot against face hunter and priest. Here are my winrates tracked with hearthstonetracker:
vs warrior: 100% (4 games)
vs hunter: around 50% (25% against face hunter and 75% against mid-range)
vs priest: 0% (1 game)
vs warlock: 100% (4 vs handlock and 2 vs zoo)
vs mage: 60% (mech and tempo, no freeze)
vs paladin: 80% (most mid-range)
vs rogue: 50% (4 games)
vs shaman (all mech) : 100%
vs druid : 100% (only 1 game)
I will try to update this guide as much as I can until it's perfect, you can also leave suggestions in the comments. This deck helped me a lot, and I hope it works for you too :D
PS: I'm a beginning photograph, and just visiting my site will help me a lot. All photo's are free to use. http://www.apertureonline.wix.com/photography
Here's some gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJ9fcLN5xx0
Here's some more gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4VdeJDQ320
Dr boom?
pls halp. how can i replace Bane of Doom?????
So, I really enjoy the deck, but am unable to get a lot of mileage out of Bane of Doom. In this aggro meta, 5 mana for 2 damage seems iffy, not to mention you won't always get a good demon. I replaced it with Shadowflame, thoughts?
Thank you for your reply!
Amazing concept, i replaced wilfred with malganis and bolf with sylvanas since i didn't have them.
However, i was wondering won't dr. Boom fit nicely here? I just wanted your opinion and suggestion if he does.
Thanks again.
Have any sub for Wilfred Fizzlebang ?
would you agree on replacing 1x mistress of pain or Mortal Coil with Fencing Coach. It combos well with Wilfred Fizzlebang if you want to play it on turn 6.
Don't have Bolf. Is Sylvanas good replacement?
What card is more important jaraxxus of justicar.
first i thought this deck is very bad i played it and i won 9 games in a row ( face pala, mechmage, druid etc.) iam happy :*
Favorite Deck of the season and actually of all time. Glad to see something like this become viable in the meta
Against aggro mistress of pain can be replaced with voidwalker. Buffed voidwalkers do wonders :)
Felt really slow to me.
Yeah, at first I though it was very good, but is too slow to win at rank 11 or less. :S
Very good.
Bane of Doom , Demonheart replacement ideas ? Id like to give this a shot for shits and giggles but I have no intentions of crafting those 2 cards.
I would try to play malganis in this deck becuase when i get it off of bane of doom it just straight up wins the game. Having that every time seems worth it. I know this is like a whole different story when it comes off bane of doom but i would at least consider it
except bane doesnt take a demon from your deck, it selects a random one out of all demons in the game...
Im saying at least run malganis, i know bane of doom is random thats what makes it weird. Why not just run the card that wins the game. Jarraxus has been pretty bad in this deck after testing more. i would think of replacing it. I dont have malganis but it seems much stronger than jarraxus