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Rend under control with Warlock.

  • Last updated Apr 17, 2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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  • 23 Minions
  • 7 Spells
  • Deck Type: PvE Adventure
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Boss: Rend Blackhand
  • Crafting Cost: 4540
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/17/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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Hello and welcome again t blackrock!

I'm MvonTzeskagrad (also known as Lithy in the moment), and this is the deck I used to defeat Rend Blackhand heroic. And let's goand see what it does...


Zombie Chow: This dude can help you in the early game against the first waves of whelps and old horde warriors. Also, AI tends to attack the chow even if it is at full health, so you can try to take this in your advantage.

Darkbomb: Useful against many of the early game threats, and also in order to dispatch damaged nasty minions like Gyth or Draconid Crusher.

Ancient Watcher: Old Hanlocks know how good a control warlock card is this. Can help you survive the first waves, serve as lategame taunt, explode with Shadowflame or even trade with that pesky Dragonkin or Blackwing Corruptor.

Ironbeak Owl: The obvious combo with watcher is obvious, can also counter cards like Twilight DrakeDrakonid Crusher or Rampage.

Recombobulator: This is an odd choice, I made it in order to heal molten giants or to get more taunts and better minions from battlecry minions.

Sunfury Protector: If you want to survive this bugger, you'll need the taunt. No further explanaitons needed.

Big Game Hunter: This guy has too many beasts in his sight. With GythOnyxiaDraconid CrusherRampage, and who knows what else (did'nt see), you will surely see value there.

Deathlord: I first tried a normal Handlock with Jaraxxus as the only legendary, and I noticed that you have few tools to overcome Rend's aggresive start and lategame. Putting these two tanks was quite handy to overcome tough turns, and even after their deaths they can help you bringing some battlecry minions to the field, easing further turns (at least if the drop is not too scary).

Mind Control Tech: Rend plays so many minions at once that techs can give you pretty good cards, helping you to survive against strong boards.

Hellfire: Seriously, this is pure value against Rend and his army of 2/2 minions. Many times you'll want to use it at turn 4, so it's an obvious card.

Shadowflame: Also obvious control card, If you try to use this, you'll want to keep something on the board (the best is a turn 2-3 Ancient Watcher, because he'll ignore it and go for your face until you blow it up).

Defender of Argus: Sunfury with steroids. As simple as that.

Antique Healbot: I found myself under 10 health by turn 4, so as long as you can keep on the board something scary, healbos will be more than welcomed.

Sludge Belcher: Obvious tank is obvious.

Siphon Soul: Your other BGHs, also a small emergency heal.

Lord Jaraxxus: Hold on,here comes the reinforcements! If you played your moltens and have board control (or something that can afford to lose one turn of play), or you are in a life or death situation, it's time to play the Eredar Lord of the Burning Legion.

Molten Gant: Mountain Giants were too slow, but you can play both of these rocky dudes on turn 4 and even taunt them then (though you'll usually want to board clear then). These walls should keep you safe some turns in order of you to take the board over.


Mulligans: Always search for:

One Hellfire and/or Shadowflame,  if you have Shadowflame, one Ancient Watcher. Also one or even two Molten Giants, specially if you can taunt them.

Your second choices are:

Zombie ChowIronbeak OwlMind Control TechDeathlordDarkbombBig Game Hunter.


Strategy: You want to board clear his first turns, trying to stand at 10 health in turn 4 (his only face-damaging spells are Mortal Strike, Blackwing Corruptor's battlecry, and Rampage, so as long as you taunt or keep killing minions, you can take some risks).  Play taunts and taunt up moltens to get the board control while you try to deal with him and keep a big hand. Jaraxxus will come and snowball the game in your favor once for all.


Good luck, and may the Dark Powers guide you to vctory.