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Dragon's Prophecy (Embrace the Shadow OTK)

  • Last updated Aug 28, 2016 (Karazhan)
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  • 13 Minions
  • 17 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Control Priest
  • Crafting Cost: 7920
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/13/2015 (GvG Launch)
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Hi you guys!

Dragon's Prophecy is a control priest deck that stays away from the classic control priest. This deck is about dealing insane amounts of damage in one turn. Due to the many combos, you can have many many possible finishers.


MalygosMalygod can guarrantee an OTK. One turn under Thaurissan and combined with 2 Mind Blasts and 1 Holy Smite it's 27 damage.
Prophet VelenThis is one of the most underrated legendaries in the game. For 7 mana 7/7 +effect is quite strong and should be in priest decks. I know that now Dr. Boom is the number 1 7-drop but although it rules the meta it has no actual synergy with this deck. Come to think of it I wonder why nobody used the prophet before. This deck runs Velen because it synergizes well with the hero power(shadowform or not) and spells like Mind Blast.
Emperor Thaurissan: Now this is a great addition to the deck. A good 6-drop and a great effect for this deck. Try to play him if you have one mindblast at least on your hand, or Prophet Velen, or Malygos.
Justicar Trueheart: Great addition in Priest decks.

Bloodmage Thalnos
: Supporting card draw and also the damage of some of your spells and board clears. It's not bad to have a little extra help.
Acolyte of Pain (x2): Since you have many "dead" cards in this deck, strenghtening your card draw isn't bad. I found out that Acolyte works pretty fine here.
Loot Hoarder (x2): More Card Draw.
Auchenai Soulpriest (x2): Does that really need explanation?

Wild Pyromancer
This shouldn't be used as a turn 2 drop but in combination with low mana cost spells to clear the board. It can create good combos with Shadow Madness, Acolyte of Pain and Holy Smite.
Doomsayer: I keep this in just in case you find a lot of aggro decks. However, if your opponent can't kill it in late game it guarantees you a free "legendary" turn.

Shadow Word: Pain
: Removal.
Shadow Word: Death: Removal.
Holy Smite (x2): This is a really good card. It removes low cost threats that can get out of hand easily, and it can be used in combo with the Pyromancer.
Excavated Evil (x2): I always thought Holy Nova was lame for Control Priest. And spending 4 slots on this deck for Auchenai Circle would ruin the concept completely. This precious little gem though fits just right in. 3-damage for 5 mana is good. And you don't care about your minions since this deck does not grind for board control to push for lethal. Also giving this to your opponent will stall him for 1 turn and that's pretty much what you wnat with this deck. Great addition. 
Holy NovaHoly Nova will help you maintain some board control while healing at the same time.
Holy Fire: Heal and Kill.

Embrace the Shadow
: Enter the Shadows. With your 3rd Auchenai. It gives you oppurtunities will intesifying the OTK aspect of this deck.
Power Word: Shield (x2): 1 copy of this card is enough. It can trigger the Pyromancer and make a low cost cycle. I wouldn't add a second copy because this deck has already too many spells. In addition unike most Priest decks Buffing is not a priority at this deck.

Mind Blast (x2): 
This spell is the primary Burst damage spell you'll use to win. You can call this deck an OTK priest if you wish. Mind Blast with Malygos or Velen (or both.... my god....) can be extremely powerful as you can deal 20 damage with ease. It's almost an instant win. You should draw for these spells but use them only when you have Velen or Malygos on the board.
Flash Heal (x2): Another OTK option, or a savior against burst decks. This is how we deal with face decks guys. Heal. A lot of it.



At turn 1-5 you will play mostly minions and not that many spells. Minions from Cleric to Acolytes will find their place here. Here you establish a good board. Doomsayer can will games, or a good board clear.

Turns 6-10. At this phase you may require to use some removals and massive board clear spells. But it is also a good place to start deploying heavy minions like Emperor, or Justicar. Remember that you need the rest.

Turns 10+ There you've got plenty of cards and possibly 2 available combos. Choose one and kill your opponent.

Generally, you should increase the pace of drawing cards on mid game when many threats are removed. Keep drawing until you gather the winning condition combos and then deploy them. Don't worry and don't be hasty. Priests can survive easily. Even with a moderate card draw you can pull off good win conditions.



Thanks for reading guys. I hope you like this build of the OTK Priest. You can rate this deck and make it popular it's up to you. The more interested people are the more effort I'll pull on this deck to make complete guides and perhaps gameplay video in the future.
See ya next time!