Honestly, it depends on the meta. Both are great when combined with a pair of Auchenai Soulpriest.
I vastly prefer Light of the Naaru because it spawns a Lightwarden that the opponent HAS to remove because it will spiral out of control otherwise. Great decoy, great value. For a long time I wouldn't even touch Flash Heal, but right now I feel I need it to stay alive in Freeze Mage and Reno Lock matchups. If you want to burst down Lord Jaraxxus, you need to keep these in your hand.
I think people are forgetting that you can also do a simple combo such as Prophet Velen + Flash Heal for 10 heal gain. 8 mana 7/7 battlecry restore 10 health? Pretty good if you ask me. I believe the most important part of this card is it's versatility. Could be broken; however, if any card revives priest, it's Flash Heal.
Sorry fam, you have been replaced.
Binding Heal
I can't wait until this card and the rest of TGT go away.
What its better, this? or Light of the Naaru?
I'd think the Light of the Naaru - both give 5 health* but the Lightwarden is a bonus minion.
Honestly, it depends on the meta. Both are great when combined with a pair of Auchenai Soulpriest.
I vastly prefer Light of the Naaru because it spawns a Lightwarden that the opponent HAS to remove because it will spiral out of control otherwise. Great decoy, great value. For a long time I wouldn't even touch Flash Heal, but right now I feel I need it to stay alive in Freeze Mage and Reno Lock matchups. If you want to burst down Lord Jaraxxus, you need to keep these in your hand.
Golden version is so mesmerising
I think people are forgetting that you can also do a simple combo such as Prophet Velen + Flash Heal for 10 heal gain. 8 mana 7/7 battlecry restore 10 health? Pretty good if you ask me. I believe the most important part of this card is it's versatility. Could be broken; however, if any card revives priest, it's Flash Heal.
what does blizzard thinks " hey, let's give prists a card to survive the lategame"
what does prist players think " OMG 5 damage , let's make an OTK deck"
Dat 5 for 1 value doh
As always , the card art is on -144p
YESYESYES a card that fits into aggro priest! Auchenai combo's gogogo! :D
Excellent card is excellent.
It's fine; I love priest, and he was an underdog like the shaman
Seems pretty good, 1 Mana cost means you don't lose much playing but lets you live an another turn against aggro.
Looks like this could make a strong maly/shadow priest type deck? Too OP ;)
OH man!!!,i can see an OTK Priest coming( Baron Rivendare,Auchenai Soulpriest,Zombie Chow x 2,Flash Heal x 2 ,Emperor Thaurissan,Circle of Healing ,Light of the Naaru,x 2) Someone mind adding some damage :D,i think its should be more than that
Holy Smite
Class legendary prophet velen
well yeah we could add "them" with Prophet Velen as well for alternate burst