Lifecoach's Magelock
- Last updated Dec 29, 2014 (GvG Launch)
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- 20 Minions
- 10 Spells
- Deck Type: None
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 6280
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/29/2014 (GvG Launch)
- AbsoluteZero111
- Registered User
- 8
- 20
- 35
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This deck has a lot of burst, hence the name.
Updating to next post-undertaker season;
What could I sub instead of thalnos? Also, would Mal'Ganis be a good card to play in this deck?
I made a deck tech featuring this deck :D
hope you like it.
ancient mage can lead to hilarious things in this deck, like 4-5 dmg mortal coil
Is there another 4 drop card other than Kezan Mystic y'all feel would fit in well here? I just don't seem to be getting much value out of it. I did consider Harrison or an Owl like mentioned above but I'm undecided. I'm just wondering if anyone has had success running something else in Kezan's place?
Harvest Golem!
Didn't have Dr. Boom, replaced him with Malygos. Works pretty well, 9-damage Soulfire is a decent finisher. And if he stays alive, the next turn is great fireworks.
I find myself enjoying the decks LIfecoach makes over and over again.
what would be ideal to mulligan for on this deck? played 4 times around rank 18 2 wins, 2 looses.
I did a budget version of this deck for some of you who don't have the naxx cards and the legendaries. I took this for a spin in the beginning of the ladder this season and still climbing quite strong. There is also some gameplay video and deck tech in the link if you need it!
you actually need more spell damage (Drakes are not enough). I suggest you to replace Loot Hoarder with Kobold Geomancer if you dont have bloodmage. Also doomguard and arcane golems are more aggro/rush cards, while this deck is more control/spell power based imho.
I definitely I agree with the kobold because it is a great substitution. Although doomguards and arcane golems are both commonly used in aggro decks, I don't really see the problem. Its similar to putting leeroy in handlock as a finisher. Without the legendaries that give a strong presence, I went for more burst damage and these charge creatures worked perfectly.
Why run Fel Cannon? Harrison sounds like a good replacement if you're seeing a lot of weapons. People have also brought up Owl/Spellbreaker as decent replacements for Kezan. It really all depends on which match-ups are causing you the most trouble on the ladder.
is this legendary viable ?
Favourite deck this season BTW it needs Harvest Golems
LOL! I just defeated a Druid by attacking his Dr. Boom with my Sylvanis. I threw my Dr. Boom before attacking. I took his Dr. Boom in the process. He attacked my bombs which, in turn, destroyed his bombs leaving me with a 7/7 and 7/3 minons. I threw dire wolf in between on the next round and finished with a soul fire for the win. Cheers!!
Not always true, Thanlos can be used for card cycle. Kobold is probably better in aggro-oriented decks though.
Most unique warlock deck out there. This is how I want to play Gul'dan!!!
I wonder if kezan mystic should be an owl (or spellbreaker) to get past taunts. Deck seems to have many minions susceptible to death by 1, 2, and 3 attack taunts.
Finally a deck that takes advantage of Dr. Boom at the late game answer to drawing Undertaker's late. Turn 8 Undertaker + Dr. Boom is such sudden board pressure it's scary.