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Time to be a Shellfish Priest !

  • Last updated Apr 21, 2022 (Sunken City)
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  • 10 Minions
  • 19 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Deathrattle Priest
  • Crafting Cost: 12840
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/15/2022 (Sunken City)
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  • Olwen
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Hello everyone, 

I'm Olwen, a priest only player, and here is what I believe to be the "best" priest archetype in this new meta.  ( Miracle priest seems strong aswell ) 



I'm D3 at the moment, and so far, I'd say this shellfish priest archetype has a solid 24 or 25 core set of cards, and I'm trying to think of the best 5 remaining cards to get the most optimized list. I'm trying different options, some value, tech, tempo or control cards, but I haven't found yet the perfect 30 cards combination. 

However, if I had a tip, it would be to look for low mana cards, trying to add 6 mana cards and more didn't feel right, the same goes for trying to add other deathrattle cards, while not being completely useless, this option feels unstable, not constant enough. 

Good luck everyone ! :) 


If this list gets more upvotes, I'll try to write a detailed guide, but to put it simply, this list is flexible, the "main" combo is to summon Selfish Shellfish  silence it and summon other copies etc... which will eventually allow you to OTK your opponent by playing Xyrella ( the hero card )

But the list can win games without achieving this combo, in fact against many aggro lists you'll never do it, but the Shellfish remains useful here because of his big body, along with your control/removal tools, you'll manage to contest the board. 

I'd say that this priest archetype is really strong against Druid, aswell as every other slow lists ( I've met one big mage though and it's a really hard MU for you because of the new Sheep AOE spell ) but when facing quest warrior or quest hunter, even mech mage, it becomes more a 50/50, you can beat them with good draws, a nice Xyrella turne etc... but if you draw poorly or in a bad order, they'll beat you really fast. 


Latest changes : 

 - 1 * Call of the Grave // + 1 * Sir Finley, Sea Guide 

This legendary isn't mandatory to play the list, but its effect seems useful and fits quite well the list's needs. Beware though, you really need to think about when you'll play him, like are you sure there's nothing else you'll need in your current hand ? Do you need to find a specific card at the bottom of your deck to stay alive in the next turns ? etc... ( A good idea is to try to use every drawing card mechanic in your hand before playing him, if possible. ) 

- 1 * Condemn // + 1 * Lightbomb

It's just to try it out, lightbomb is a powerful AOE, while condemn doesn't even seem needed in the list. The thing is, in this current meta, playing a 2 dmg aoe on turn 5 is not enough against the aggro lists ( you'll rely heavily on Xyrella to destroy those boards ) that's why I made this change. 


Some cards that I'm unsure about/aren't mandatory : 


- Shadow Hunter Vol'jin I've included him in order to have a play to disrupt quest lists, many players don't play around it and will end their quest as fast as possible, without considering that it's usually not needed against priest. :') But it's up to you, the card feels odd and won't be that useful in many matchups. 

- Call of the Grave It's the latest substitute I made, and overall I'm quite happy with it, there's a synergy with the Handmaiden since it's a low mana spell, and I feel like this card can bring you the small value boost you sometimes need, but I'll see on the long run if she's that useful. You can put like a second Desperate Prayer & Shard of the Naaru if you don't want to craft this, those two other spells are pretty good in the list. 


I've tried other versions, I used to play the elemental + lyra toolbox but meh, those combos can be good in miracle lists, but they weren't that effective in this "silence archetype" imo. 


Started from low ranks up to diamond 8 in a single winstreak, some games were pretty straigthforward, but others were quite "complex". The list feels good to play, it seems like a good answer against paladins who play their hero card aswell ! 
