Card Text
Draw 2 minions.
Swap their Health.
Flavor Text
Would you rather fight one Whale-sized Goldfish, or 100 Goldfish-sized Whales?
Draw 2 minions.
Swap their Health.
Would you rather fight one Whale-sized Goldfish, or 100 Goldfish-sized Whales?
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Mistermath's Card Ratings for Voyage to the Sunken City:
Ah, Switcheroo. With the nerf to change it from swapping both attack and health to just swapping health, the more combo-y applications of this card now require Inner Fire or Bless to work. Unfortunately, this nerf does also hit the more value-half of this card, which is swapping a card like Handmaiden with Selfish Shellfish before silencing the shellfish to return its stats (since handmaiden would now be a 3/7 instead of a 7/7). Still, the fundamentals of the card are there; draw two minions, one will be amazing, one will be terrible. Was 7/10 pre-nerf, now 6/10 post.
busted af in many different ways needs an entire rework
needs a big nerf FAST
Turn 3: Switcheroo ; draw Stonetusk Boar and Mosh'Ogg Enforcer .
Turn 4: The Coin + Stonetusk Boar + 2x Divine Spirit + Topsy Turvy = 56 damage.
Apart from jankie shenanigams that this cam pull not comstantly.. Lile having only a wisp and a 12/12 in the deck..
This card is 3 mana draw 2 minion..and ss a priest means you can tutor those few minions you have in deck for creatimg those 'spell' shenanigams.
Is this a Duel Links reference that Bandit Keith's skill?
It's card draw. That makes this good.
I wonder if a priest decks with 2 tinyfins and 2 high stats minions like deathwing as the only minions in your deck could be good.
Would make some somewhat consistent turn 3 12/12
Turn 3 12/12's get removed instantly these days.
But they can still high roll some games, like tempo rogue used to in MDMF
Turn 9 play this (3 mana), draw a 10/10 dragon + 1/1 charge boar
Play charge boar (1 mana) + faceless manipulator (5 mana)
Total : 20 dmg face
20 face dmg in a single turn is nothing nowadays.
There's gotta be some shenanigans you can pull.
It's targeted card draw for priest (something which has been lacking for while), so it's good from that point of view I suppose. Swapping the stats is an interesting take, but depending on which minions are in the deck it could be bad or good. Either way, outsied of some fringe meme decks, I don't think anyone is going to play the card for the stat swap given the inability to control the outcome.
It doesn’t matter what the stats are, you’re playing the minions for their deathrattle anyway. Best case is that one of the minions is Undying Disciple, the other minion can be whatever else is in big priest.