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[LEGEND] Pure Hammerdin

  • Last updated Nov 20, 2020 (Darkmoon Faire)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: No Neutral Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 10800
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 11/20/2020 (Darkmoon Faire)
View in Deck Builder
  • Marczn
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Well met!

First of all, let me provide you with some proof to get this out of the way: Legend proof

I always loved Pure Paladin (although I still like to call it "Paladin Paladin") from the start. It's great to see an archetype finally receiving some love for additional expansions instead of just one.

Card Discussion:

With Darkmoon Faire we received many strong additions to this already very strong archetype:

Hammer of the Naaru is bonkers. I replaced Libram of Justice with it and aimed for a more aggressive gameplan. Turns out having a 6/6 taunt on board to protect your face while hitting your enemies for 9 damage or clear a few minions is just insane value for 6 mana. Therefore, I named this deck after it.

High Exarch Yrel is basically Zilliax on steroids with a higher mana cost and while Zilliax was probably one of the best cards ever printed (some would argue it was THE best card) this should be enough to know that she is a complete game changer on her own. She can completely turn a game into your favour and is just an incredible addition to the deck.

Carousel Gryphon was a card I wasn't too sure about at first. But once I tried him out I immediately saw the potential. I wasn't sure if you could actually corrupt him consistently because as Paladin you like to play on curve, but it turned out that it's actually pretty easy to do. Especially in combination with Hammer of the Naaru and Argent Braggart it really shines.

This is the ideal scenario:
Turn 6: Hammer of Naaru -> Gryphon gets corrupted -> Turn 7: Gryphon + Braggart for 16/16 worth of stats.

Lastly, I would like to talk about Lightforged Crusader. She got out of favour for Scholomance and  usually only a single copy was included, if any. By the time she came out Paladin had many pretty bad cards, but after the last expansions the card pool got tremendously better. Because this deck doesn't try to outlast any opponents but instead block their way with taunts while you hit them in the face, I wanted to make sure to draw her consistently by turn 7 as a reload-tool after I played all my stuff. Turns out, she won me the game every single time I played her. She always provided me with a nice mixture of good minions, straight up heal, or disruptive goodies like the new Oh My Yogg! secret. Therefore I'd suggest: Give it a go and let her do her magic.

General game plan:

As already discussed in the cards section above, this deck doesn't aim to outlast your opponent. Its main purpose is to put a huge thread on the board and hit your opponent in the face while he tries to deal with your minions.

Of course, this doesn't mean that you can't outlast your opponent. You certainly have the tools to do so, especially when taking Lady Liadrin into consideration.


For Mulligan I'd suggest to keep the following cards:

First Day of School, Aldor Attendant, Hand of A'dal, Murgur Murgurgle, Shotbot.

If you dont draw any of the above cards, mulligan everything. You need to have a one- or two-drop in order to get the game going. 

If you already have one or more of the above cards in hand, you can keep Libram of Wisdom and Goody Two-Shields.


Anyway, I hope you liked my little guide. Stay safe and good luck on ladder!